All the Republican bravado and they are all whiny insecure cowards
OTOH I’d want to know which dema sat it out as a virtue signalling exercise, and now act all indignant blended into the crowd now the rest are up in arms (figuratively, of course). It’s like oh yeah, back then it wasn’t such a big deal to take control of your govt, blame the system blah blah blah.
Avoiding constituents is peak cowardice—if you can’t face voters, you shouldn’t hold office.
I guess I’m an ignorant fuck because I thought that these town halls were required by law in some way. It’s insane they can just be like “nah, not gonna show up”. It should be an instant impeachment by law.
yeah the law should just automatically depose cowards who don’t face their constituents.
unfortunately we sort of have a “who watches the watchers” situation here. expecting lawmakers to make laws to police themselves is ridiculous. idk what can be done for that honestly. the French had some ideas back in the day though.
This is good to highlight how the cons are hiding out from their constituents.
My Democratic rep has had two town halls, huge feisty crowds for both.
This is the opportunity for democrats running in the mid-terms to start their own town halls.
Elected dems do hold town halls like this article talks about. If you are referring to dems not in office, they’re starting to do stuff like that. For instance:
Rep. Tom Kean Jr. (R) refuses to hold a town hall in NJ-07. So next Thursday March 13 in Summit, NJ former Rep. Tom Malinowski will hold a town hall meeting to discuss the current moment and what citizens can do to protect democracy. RSVP link here (or use the QR code):
Bold of you to assume we’ll be allowed to have mid-terms
Edit: that’s just me being snarky. Keep fighting the good fight. Vote in every fucking election that you can, at every level you can - federal, state, and local (and, if you’re an investor, shareholder - that, I think, is an under emphasized vector here). Be an activist in every way you can, through every path available to you.
Elections are run at the state level including for federal offices. There have already been >48 state and local elections this year since January alone. Elections are way more than just the midterms and they are still happening. See
Normalizing the idea that elections wouldn’t happen is just playing directly into Trump and Musk’s hands
They want us to be so cynical we stop fighting back. They want us not to vote. They want us to not protest. They want us to not boycott. They want us too tired to fight
Don’t give in, we can still win these fights
Oh, I’m not giving in. I was just being snarky. All I’m trying to do with comments like that is to get more people to take the situation more seriously. I know we’re not cooked yet, but the hot plate is getting pretty fucking toasty.
Comments like that unfortunately do the opposite - they make people defeatest which makes people stop paying attention to the situation at all
Fair point.
I admit I’ve been feeling pretty fucking bleak about things lately. I also admit I sometimes use this space as a pressure-release valve for myself. It’s fair and correct to point out that the vibe I’m introducing is counterproductive. I shall try to do better. Cheers, friend.
Wait, wait you can have productive discussions like this on the internet? (Thank you for being receptive - we need more people like you)
Same comment to both of you guys so you both see it. I can’t say it made me happy, but this thread did make me feel a little bit better. Thanks for being a decent human, even if just for these few comments.
Honestly, I’ve had a lot more interactions like this on lemmy since I joined a couple years ago than I ever had on Reddit. It’s one of the reasons I actually kinda like this place.
Good. Yell at them, too
Yeah, but Gaza! I think I’ll sit it out again to show them!
/s cuz apparently even dems online don’t understand sarcasm
We need people telling at them, and we need people politely approaching them with the same policies.
A game of good constituent/bad constituent, if you will.
People probably won’t need to yell at them if the Democrats actually are listening to and engaging with the voters.
If democrats think that auction paddles are gonna solve this, they still need to be yelled at.
Democrats do not listen to or engage with voters. The last time we told them to listen. their response was ‘I’m speaking.’
If they engaged with their voters, we wouldn’t have any democratic representatives over age of 65. Anything past that is just posturing and self enrichment
What’s with the ageism? I want Democratic representatives of any age, as long as they have the right policies and they are of sound mind. People over the age of 65 will be just fine with me, thanks.
Great. Now the Democrats can have everything lined up to take over during the midterms and…change nothing.
We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.
Implying we’ll have a midterm
I worry about this too
We will. It will not matter. Congress will likely be powerless by that point. Or a large portion of the Democratic party will align with the fascist policies by then as their donors place more pressure on them. We know how much democrats love to “reach across the isle”.
Keeping up the illusion of democracy is the one of the most important things for the bourgeoisie to maintain. They will go through the charades for sure.
It’s more important that people see through the charades of our system. I’m hoping that starts happening more.
I feel like everyone is waiting for a “moment” to get them off their couch. By the time that moment happens it’s already too late.
This is the equivalent of Elon Musk listening to his workers.
Nothing will change.
I bet the Democrats are using the momentum to send a stern message. And the press will proudly feature articles of how the Democrats SLAMMED the white house!! And the White house will barely notice, and go on doing what they are doing.
@Sunshine Hopefully they will turn out as much at the voting booth
Hopefully they’ll have something worth turning out for. Let’s see if you become hostile to the suggestion that democrats need to become better in order to appeal to voters.