Oh how cute! The fascist North and South America bros are having a genocide contest!
Is this guy just a little ass fly hanging around Trump’s crappy nappy or something?
A point some people seem to miss is that this administration is attacking from the bottom. They make it seem like little kids are getting surgeries as soon as they declare they’re the opposite gender so no one “reasonable” could be against this ban.
Once this passes and no one objects, and nothing really changes because kids weren’t getting surgeries in the first place, they wait a while. Then they’ll find some other “issue” and move on to adult trans people.
Not an expert, but isn’t the argentinian president an ultra-liberal? (liberal as the world-definition, not the US-definition)
Could this just be to appease Trump?
He ran a campaign claiming to be ancap libertarian and liberal (as you say, the world definition). However, if one listened closely to what he said and paid attention to what he did, as well as look at the local people he rubbed elbows with, one would understand immediately that he’s just a right-wing authoritarian populist.
He has met up with the same people behind Trump from the start, and as soon as he took over last year he pulled the same crap Trump is pulling in the US. He only became bolder now that Trump’s term began. That’s not appeasement, it’s knowing he has Trump backing him in case people here become too fed up with him. Though I have to wonder if Trump would even care.
Edit: Some people here are trying to paint trumpism = peronism as to distance Milei from Trump, but it’s bullcrap.
Edit 2: Aaaaand now they’re coming for adult trans people. Told ya!
That seems extremely un libertarian of him. Wonder how his supporters will spin it as a positive for libertarians
No it isn’t. Children are not considered mature enough to make legal decisions on their own, so the whole libertarian issue doesn’t apply to them.
So he’s also going to raise the age of consent from 14 to 18?
I dunno dude, I am just explaining while this move isn’t a contradiction with libertarian ideas.
I’m just pointing out the fact they don’t consider that when it’s related to consent.
Right, so it falls to the parents’ discretion, not the government’s, in such a worldview.
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Except that’s not what’s happening. They pause puberty with pills so the kid can grow up and make an informed decision after years of therapy. Meanwhile they don’t have to worry about their body going the wrong way and contributing to serious mental health problems.
These laws are forcing kids to deal with serious mental illness, not saving them.
In addition to what other commenters have said, the extent of gender affirming care should solely be based on:
- the decision of a medical ethics body and
- peer-reviewed and repeated studies
By the way, surgeries removing enlarged breast tissue for men with Gynecomastia is gender affirming care. In the article, it says that in the US 25% of patients were 19 or younger at the time of surgery. Should this too be banned for minors? If not, how exactly is it different from a trans teen desiring surgery?
Why do the most clueless dickheads (this means you) always feel the need to stick their uninformed opinions into discussions that don’t pertain to them anyway???
I wasn’t aware you were the leading expert on the subject. Because your opinion is so much more informed than mine.
I see, your reading comprehension is just generally shit. I did not claim to be “the leading expert on the subject.” I was simply pointing out how blatantly obvious it is that you have no fucking idea what you’re talking about and wondering why then you felt the need to contribute your opinion which carries negative value.
How about you try to enlighten him then, instead of throwing verbal abuse at him. He stated his opinion and you are free to debate him on that.
The fact that he gets attacked like this for his opinion is why I don’t engage in these discussions. Your kind of reaction will lose all support for your cause.
How about you try to enlighten him then,
Why should I? Other people in this thread have already explained why these misconceptions are just that. There’s no shortage of resources available from feminists, trans advocates and medical professionals online that argue the point that restricting bodily autonomy is bad far better than I ever could.
The fact that he gets attacked like this for his opinion is why I don’t engage in these discussions.
Good. My intent is to provide a disincentive for people to go online and confidently spread their harmful ignorance in ways that fly in the face of common human decency. Thanks for letting me know that I’m effective.
There’s no shortage of resources available from feminists, trans advocates and medical professionals online
If they’re so abundant and easy to find, then why not simply share them? You can also link the other posts that explain your position.
confidently spread their harmful ignorance
If he has such an uninformed position, it should be very easy to defend against it instead of wasting everyone’s time by making ad hominem attacks? Maybe we can make the internet a better place by not spewing toxic abuse even if one feels attacked by an opinion, no matter how uninformed it is?
You are defending your ideology in the worst way possible, and believe me when I say this, but you will never convince anyone beyond your closed bubble of why we need to move forward as a society this way.
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“cut their dick off” yeah that’s exactly what gender affirming care is. This isn’t about surgery, it’s about HRT and puberty blockers, and the regret rates for all of those things are super low. Besides, there is already an epidemic of trans suicides. Do I need to repeat that? People are killing themselves because of transphobia, and yes, detransitioners exist, but most people don’t regret getting gender reaffirming care, and again, this is about HRT and puberty blockers, not just surgery.
gender reassignment surgery is not done on minors with the exception of intersex babies(which itself is questionable ethics). Minors can and often do get a tattoos with parental approval.
They can also get psychological counciling and be referred to as a preferred name. These count as gender affirming care.
How is this affecting you? Why do you care what someone else does to their body?
Nobody is doing that. “Gender-affirming care” also includes giving hormone blockers to a kid who started puberty way too early.
“As someone with no horse in this race, this seems fair to me”
I’m sure this is an important step to get the inflation under control, it will really improve the people’s life !
Great use of their time and power.
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Gender affirming care for minors doesn’t mean surgery. I’m not sure if you’re under the impression that’s what this is banning but if it is, it’s wrong.
What this is banning, and what every similar ban is banning is things like puberty blockers which are reversible and are only effective before puberty (obviously). Preventing or delaying puberty is REALLY important because it makes fully transitioning infinitely easier later on as adults.
All bans like this are doing is making the lives of trans people much harder under the guise of “preventing unreversible operations” when that’s not even what they’re banning.
Sorry, Greg, you’re gonna just have to have breasts until you offically turn 18, because people think the goverment need to control children thet hate with no understanding of any detail.
But seriously, I had a cousin who had breast removal surgery when he was like 10-12, because he was a boy and didn’t want to grow breasts, and he had the surgery so early in the process he was never in a position to be made fun of or bullied over it.
1 anecdotal story does not mean we should allow something carte Blanche. For every story of someone that needs it there’s another where they regret it.
Yes some people need it but it can always be done later. We need to prevent the abuse of these types of surgeries first and foremost.
Actually for every 99 stories of someone that needs it there is only one who regrets it. I don’t know about you but I think a 99% chance (the actual stat for regretting gender affirming care) is good enough for me to potentially save hundreds to thousands of kids from potentially suicidally bad depression and dysphoria.
So 1% suicide rate in children is acceptable you you I guess. I don’t care what the stats are and the problem with liberal extremists is they don’t care about people. They want to virtue signal that they are progressive and everyone else is a maga whack job that needs to kill themself. I don’t want ANYONE to resort to suicide and people should be able to access the care that is medically necessary for them.
Do not confuse me with someone that doesn’t want to give options to families. “Gender affirming care” is an EXTREMELY broad term. I am all for leaving medical decisions to medical professionals and we need to be clear about what exactly is “gender affirming care”. My comment is geared specifically toward irreversible surgeries.
The remaining 1% doesn’t commit suicide. Suicide rates are significantly lower in groups that did do the surgery than in the groups that didn’t. And even for the very, very few that do, the stated reason is almost always the transphobia they still encounter from society.
Blanket banning will increase the suicide risk.
You’re insufferable. How about DOCTORS take care of medicine and RELIGIONS pumped up on moral panic can NOT do whatever they personally choose not to do, and leave everyone else alone.
I think you completely misunderstand what is being said to you. Good job, I guess.
Yeah that’s why eliminating all ‘‘gender affirming’’ care for children is INSANE. That’s the exact thing I’m communicating.
I really hope this is just to appease Trump and get on his good side and he doesn’t actually go and attack trans rights