I am not a number.

  • 13 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2025


  • Zero22xxtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.world"wE saVEd dEmOcRAcY!"
    2 days ago

    These are the same people that think ‘freedom’ is dictating to others how they’re allowed to live their lives, ‘free speech’ is deporting anyone that says something you don’t like and that the preacher who gets a little too friendly with the youth group ‘cares about the kids’. So assume that everything they say and claim to stand for is doublespeak.

  • maybe they always have been and I’ve just not noticed it before

    As someone that was a ‘nerd’ back in the day before Big Bang Theory made ‘nerds’ cool, I’m gonna say that they always have been and you just haven’t noticed before.

    The nerd / tech crowd have always been a bunch of miserable little sexists and dorks with a superiority complex. And half the time that little Timmy got stuffed into a locker or dunked into a toilet, he fucking deserved it. And to me, it’s really no surprise that they’re homophobic and transphobic too.

    If Big Bang Theory was actually accurate, Howard and Raj would be prolific posters on incel forums that whine and gatekeep every time the girls come over and then later whine about being lonely, and Sheldon would be borderline nazi. Not sure about Leonard because even without changing anything about the show, he’s still the only half decent one of the lot.

  • I was not expecting this episode to be so heavy with the feels. Nothing went the way I expected with this season and at one point I was almost feeling a little disappointed but that was a great way to end it.

    This episode kinda had series finale vibes to it. And I hope that this wasn’t the last ever episode but if it was, couldn’t have asked for a better ending to it all.

  • Yeah, as much as I support there being women only spaces here, especially around here where it seems like the only way that women are going to be able to have any spaces here is by brute force, I am unfortunately not a woman. And I don’t want to invade or force my way in. So just to repeat, I absolutely support and respect there being communities where women can mingle with each other without asshole men popping up every five minutes to shit on them.

    What I’m hoping for is that once communities like !WomensStuff@lazysoci.al are able to get a foothold and thrive and more women are actually comfortable around here, we’ll start seeing more communities that deal with things like skin and haircare and jewelry and thrifting and cool styles and shit. Because clearly most men aren’t interested or else those sorts of communities would be popping up already. So this place needs more of a woman’s touch first lol.

    Not complaining or being sour or anything. I have faith that it’ll get to the point where these communities don’t need to be gendered anymore but I’ve seen the way people around here can be so I also think it’s necessary for now.

  • Zero22xxtoMemes@lemmy.mlHow screwed are you?
    5 days ago

    Probably DC Comics. And it depends what my role in this universe would be. But knowing my luck I’d just be a random civilian that gets wiped out during the latest rampage by Atomic Skull or something. But at least everything gets reset every few years, so that I could live again to be super villain fodder another day.

  • I definitely understand the aversion to algorithms because just look at what platforms like Facebook, Twitter or even Reddit these days do with them. In the wrong hands, it’s deceptive and dodgy as fuck.

    But I wouldn’t be opposed to an algorithm that you can tailor yourself. And I don’t mean Bluesky style ‘tailoring’, I mean give us a list of interests and categories to toggle that then have more weight in the feed. So for example, if you like metal, you would then see more metal related stuff in your feed and not have it downed out by Taylor Swift and Kanye West because upvotes.

    And something I picked up from Facebook (even though it doesn’t work for shit on Facebook because their algorithm is mentally handicapped) is being able to ‘favourite’ something. And by doing that, not just pinning it to the top of the list of communities but actually making it appear in your feed more whether the upvotes are a high amount or not.

  • More stuff that isn’t memes, news and politics. Like, apparently there’s two people on this whole platform watching Harley Quinn (or at least leaving a comment about it in the discussion thread). Pretty much everything that isn’t memes, news or politics is still dead around here. Except for pro wrestling somehow.

    What I’m still missing from Reddit is actual discussion of the forms of entertainment that I enjoy. I even tried that thread about “what music are you listening to” that pops up in casual conversation once or twice but no one gives a fuck, not even the OP of those threads bothers going through and giving an up arrow to people that have replied. And no one interacts with any replies either, so might as well be on Facebook for that kind of ‘discussion’.

    I’m also missing the haircare and skincare type subreddits. There were a lot of valuable resources and it was nice having a place for the occasional stupid questions. Also fashion / style type subreddits. I still think those would do great around here with LemmyNSFW mostly kept separate from everything else, so it would help keep the one handed browsers away. Although I still maintain that a big barrier for certain people in this regard is no posting to your own profile.

    But yeah, there is lots and lots of stuff that this platform still needs. Memes, news and politics are the first things you’ll get on every platform. Now I just wish there was more than that.

  • It was a repeat of #MenAreTrash and a little bit of #MeToo using different words this time. And just like any other time there is an awareness campaign that highlights the general statistics and truth of things, instead of inspiring men to take a stand and push for any change or correcting of shitty, toxic behaviour; the so called loud minority rushes in to say “not all men” and defend the status quo while the so called silent majority lets them.

  • Zero22xxtomemes@lemmy.worldMommy noticed me!
    7 days ago

    I’ve got four different variants. Two of her in the grey top / hoodie but from different angles, one with her wearing the red top that almost looks like a Spider-Man hoodie at first glance, and now this latest variant with her wearing black.

  • It’s probably about how all of the right wing people and their alt right movements over the last decade have been a complete load of bullshit spread by liars and hypocrites. Because they’ve been crying and crying about ‘freedom’ all this time and now that people’s freedom is actually actively being violated, suddenly they don’t have the same kind of energy. They’ve been preaching ‘free speech’ but they’re silent when a protester gets arrested and threatened with deportation for speaking. Even the fucking conspiracy theory crowd took one look at Project 2025 and went “doesn’t look like anything to me.”

    So it’s probably just an observation that all of this madness over the last decade has been instigated by liars and supported and spread by liars. And that it’s always actually just been about hate all along. A lot of us knew that already but now it’s at the point where anyone denying it just looks willingly fucking stupid.

  • Just fyi, you accidentally included that last bracket in the url, so it doesn’t load properly at first. Haven’t checked out misskey yet (I think I’ve seen it mentioned but barely) but it definitely looks interesting and worth a closer look.

    As for groups, there’s just no way of properly browsing them. It seems like your only option is to scroll through a chronological feed of random posts by groups until something catches your eye. Or to know the name of what you’re looking for so that you can specifically search it. But there’s no obvious list of groups to browse through.

  • Yeah, I thought I would try the biggest or most obvious server first. Not really a big deal yet though, I’m still just checking the place out. And IMO it’s not really in a state where you can start recommending people to switch over from Facebook yet. It needs something better for groups or pages. And the photo uploading and album management is pretty archaic and bare bones still. So I’m just keeping an eye on it for now until certain things look more attractive for non tech enthusiast users.

    Not shitting on it though. It’s a complicated type of platform to put together and it’s clearly still WiP. But not ready for mass adoption yet. Especially if new users are going to be trying it only for their posts to go nowhere after a week.

  • That women’s stuff community that you helped promote already has some jackass commenting about it being “pointlessly gendered”. Meanwhile ‘Dull Gentleman’s Club’ doesn’t get the same treatment for some strange reason, I wonder why. Honestly this is one case where I hope the moderators do a little power tripping so that these kinds of communities can actually take off without the usual suspects dropping by to shit on them.