Statistically, 58% of trans women that are placed in male units will be raped.
Here’s the call to action as to not violate rule 3:
“If you have anybody on the inside, make sure they and their attorneys have copies of all their legal paperwork. You can also spread news of this (but make sure to focus on facts and fighting rumors. I will always do my best to post updates that come directly from the inside either from Kara herself or from counsel.)”
The title and call to action are from the video description, there is more information about this there.
There is no possible argument against classifying this as an egregious violation of human rights.
A small number of us voted against this, the rest are all for it. Democracy and ignorance make for a lot of suffering.
The rest of the people aren’t for this. A tiny minority are. Assuming we’ve already lost the majority is just defeatest and unhelpful. Most people are against this, or are ignorant of it. We need to make sure more people are aware.
And even if we’d lost that majority we’d need to fight to get it back. Giving up only helps the bigots
Are you trans? Or do you just accept your government abusing trans people because ‘people voted for it’. Stop acting like voting is all you can do to protect minority groups.
Your inferences are not my claims, don’t lay them at my feet and claim superiority.
Jfc. My heart breaks reading this. I cannot even begin to imagine the absolute terror these people are feeling right now.
We better get imagining unfortunately. They’re just the softest easiest targets ATM. If we don’t defend them. We’ll deserve it when the fascists turn on everyone else. We all know the script. No excuses, no compromising with, no toleration of fascists.
It’s time to abolish prisons.
Think that ship sailed, at least for a good long while, last november :(
Lol as if prison abolition could have been won at the ballot box in 2024
Seriously… Getting really sick of this latest form of gaslighting “you’d have been fine under Kamala!!!11”, “if only you people voted to stop fascism!!1”. Yeah, no.
It’s the height of fucking privilege and wilful ignorance to think fascism can be voted away, and combination “I don’t care about or have paid any attention to your continued oppression” and “you’re to blame for me being slightly uncomfortable right now, not the people openly trying to kill you”. (E: the angry downvotes are a great demonstration of that last point especially, thanks!)
Fuck that.
Blahaj zone doesn’t have downvotes, so if you’re seeing replies to this community downvoted, it means they’ve most likely come from someone on your own instance who saw the post in “all” rather than being an angry downvotes from within this community.
Oh, sorry if I wasn’t clear - the downvotes are clearly coming from (almost certainly) cis people who are more uncomfortable being confronted with the fact that they can’t vote fascism away (and are happy to scapegoat those oppressed by it most), than they are with the ongoing oppression of trans people (which definitely didn’t start with trump, and definitely wouldn’t have stopped if Kamala had been elected).
Definitely wasn’t thinking it was folks from within the community.
Hey, I see I’ll preface this with: I saw this scrolling through All, I’m not from America so have no skin in the game, and for all intents and purposes you’d look at me and see a cis dude.
I see a lot of posts with opinions like this and really don’t understand the point of view because I come from a totally different world. Before reading this (and like 100 other posts of the same nature) I would have said “y’all were stupid for not voting dems in. It was clear what republicans were going to do, and are doing. Voting against them was the only option.”
I’m just trying to learn, not wanting to start shit, but what was the alternative here? From where I sit, again in another country altogether, y’all had two options and chose to either vote the shittiest, vote 3rd party (never going to win) or not at all. What’s the purpose? I saw someone mention George Carlin talking about why he doesn’t vote (says there’s no point so he jerks off at home rather than jerk off by going to the polls and pretending he made a difference). I’ve seen a lot of “you can’t expect me to vote for genocide” comments which I agree with. Idk, I guess I saw someone talking passionately and just wanted to understand what the plan was?
I’d really like to hear from someone with the point of view im asking about, as I said, I’ve already got an opinion based on where I’m from, I don’t need someone telling me what others think and why they’re wrong.
I’m not from America so have no skin in the game, and for all intents and purposes you’d look at me and see a cis dude.
as I said, I’ve already got an opinion based on where I’m from
And yet here you are, demanding emotional labour from people who very much do have skin in the game and are hurting and have better things to do than to spoon feed you information you’ve already admitted to not being open to hear.
Take this as a learning opportunity - open a search engine of your choice, and start doing your own work. The people you want to hear from have and continue to speak up (E: hell, you could even scroll maybe a page or two through my profile, as a person whose opinions you seem interested in, but not interested enough to lift a finger, and find plenty of places to get you started). You not wanting to make any effort to listen is a you problem, not a lack of available information problem.
It’s just possible that the downvotes aren’t just from “cis people concerned you can’t vote fascism away”, but that there’s one or two from other trans people who are concerned with the vitriolic hatred you seem to hold. With complete sincerity, it’s going to be incredibly difficult for the trans community to survive this if you keep alienating us from the scant few allies we already have.
I mean, yeah. It has been war for a long time now. The fact that the war is one sided, and the group being targeted are our fellow citizens doesn’t change the ugly fact that nobody in real power has done a damned thing to stop it, beyond giving lip service when it’s convenient.
All trans folk want to do is live life with equal protection under the law like everyone is supposed to have. What the enemy wants is eradication. It’s that simple. People can call it whatever they want, but that’s a fucking war. It’s just not something that is explosive and inconvenient to the majority.
It should be. That which is done to the “least” of us is done to all of us. The crime committed against our neighbors and before citizens is a crime against everyone.
But I’ll repeat the mantra again. Get armed. Get trained. Be ready.
The election that handed the country over to fascists was the Democratic primary in 2020. Democrats had a chance to change and doubled down on third-way neoliberal bullshit. Neoliberalism has never been an effective counter to a rising fascist movement.
Democrats made the mistake of thinking that Trump was the root of the problem and that defeating him in 2020 would somehow turn back the clock to the late 90s / early 2000s. All they did is put us right back into the cycle that spawned this fascist movement in the first place. In the process they lost the youth which is going to haunt this country and the world for many decades.
lol former prosecutor Kamala was very pro-prison
Yes, but given that trump is actively seizing totalitarian control of our government, it could perhaps be argued that any attempt at prison abolition will be a teeny bit more difficult to get traction on than if, say, the country wasn’t actively being destroyed around us.
Yep, violently and with extreme force because the legal processes certainly won’t. They have proven that time and time again, so we must make them disappear.
I’d post a sci-hub link for the article mentioned, but I don’t know if that is allowed. Regardless, you can find the article there.
This is horrifying but sadly not surprising, and only the beginning. So while it’s good that their legal teams are trying their best to help, it feels like there isn’t going to be much they can do (in terms of lawyering) to stop this.
I hope at least some local groups are organising direct action, and would be glad to send them some funds if anyone knows of any.
How could it be surprising…this is what they said they would do. P2025 has been public for a long time.
Which is precisely why I said it isn’t surprising.
I’m sorry if this is a really stupid question (I am not American/don’t live in the USA), but… aside from the fact that some people might not “pass” particularly well, what evidence does the state have that a prisoner is or is not trans? Is the system so well-coordinated that they can and do easily search every prisoner for past name/gender changes? (Assuming the person in question had already updated their documents.)
All trans prisoners at the federal (not state) level were already kept in a single prison where the medical staff had specialized training in the medical needs of trans people. Unfortunately, that single prison is in Texas, a state that is eager to tow the Republican party line.
They have access to birth records and if you’re pre-op there’s obvious physiological signs. In most states name changes are documented as well.
Between this and the age limit for gender affirming care ending at 19 and not 18, it’s not secret, Trump is coming for us.
It was never secret. But the protest voters and “centrists” refused to see it as an issue.
You’re being fairly generous here, they’ll sit in adseg for the duration of this national fuckup or their sentence/ life because I imagine they’ll do something like write a hit on them everyday until they stop being something they can’t change.