The title! What have you been up to this weekend?

Anything exciting or affirming?

Maybe something just generically okay?

Any just FUCK MONDAY?!

  • AdaMA
    811 months ago

    It’s not often I say this, but I’m glad the weekend is over! I don’t want a repeat of the last few days :P

    But, on the plus side, I spent most of it with, and we had yummy market food and did lots of walking!

    • @Blahaj_BlastOP
      111 months ago

      Well that last part still sounds fun at least ☺️

  • @mia
    611 months ago

    Spent some time with my best friend of a long time. This was the first time we’d seen each other in months and the last time we hung out I was only a month out of starting hormones. I felt this weird anxious tension in the air the entire time, though that was probably just me. It was nice, they’ve been having a rough couple of months now so it felt pretty good to vent to one another over a few hours.

    Other than that it was mostly the same as usual, a lot of hanging out in discord. I’m moving in about a month and I haven’t really started packing properly yet and it’s kind of freaking me out a little.

    Oh, and I was wondering if any of our european friends could help me with where I should shop for sports bras and such? Shopping online is always a miss for me with sizing and I’d love to get to know some brands that tend to fit larger ribcages without being uncomfortable.

    Peace and love to everyone, you’re all valid. ❤️❤️

    • @Blahaj_BlastOP
      11 months ago

      Venting to a friend can be super cathartic. I’m glad it went well!

      Edit: I have been told there are lgbt+ discords, as someone not too familiar with discord, how would one go about finding them?

      • @mia
        311 months ago

        I mostly hang in private discords, sorry. I haven’t stumbled across many public LGBTQ+ discord servers, if I knew any I’d shout them out. 😕

      • Franzia
        311 months ago

        There is a discord called The Orchard and that’s a good starting place for trans peeps needing to vent or make a friend. My favorite LGBTQ+ discord is actually a leftist youtubers discord. So many people there are queer.

        • @Blahaj_BlastOP
          211 months ago

          If discord will ever let me log in again I will definitely check it out.

          It’s all “we sent you an email verification” and the link I get is all “nope a secure connection can’t be made there’s nothing you can do” so 🤷‍♀️

  • Lumelore (She/her)
    511 months ago

    I went to a wedding wearing a dress for the first time and all my cousins told me that I was very pretty and I even used the women’s bathroom a few times and I did not have any issues. So it was a pretty great weekend.

  • Sarah Asakura
    411 months ago

    My weekend was pretty great! Today’s the end of a juat-over-a-week long vacation for me

    Last weekend, I visited a friend and got to meet some new people. They’re the first group who only know me by my chosen name, that I’ve only been using with close friends for a few months. It’s been nice knowing that

    Last night, a friend (one of the close ones who’s in on my chosen name) and I went to Philly to see a pro wrestling show. The crowd was great, and there was a lot of love and acceptance and support

    I’m looking forward to getting back to work and back into my normal routines, with thankfully a shorter work week ahead

    • @Blahaj_BlastOP
      311 months ago

      That’s awesome! I think I’d have been uncomfortable at a wrestling show before, and terrified now, super happy it went great!

      I’ve got to get out an meet people somehow or another. I went to a trans support group a couple weeks back and it was a bizarre experience but neat to be around people at varying levels of similar experiences. I’d love to find some queer friends who are not at the beginning of their journey as well, but being socially awkward and isolated, I don’t know how to go about that. Plus kids makes it more difficult.

      • Sarah Asakura
        311 months ago

        I’ve got a 20 month old at home, but thankfully my wife let me visit a friend. They were going to come with, but ended up staying home and seeing my Mom

        I feel you on the anxiety, I’m very much an introvert and awkward around new people. I got lucky with my friend being extroverted. Spent a lot of the night sitting quietly and listening, but eventually they got me to open up

  • Franzia
    311 months ago

    My kitchen got renovated and finished a month ago, this weekend I worked so hard trying to clean all my stuff and put it away. Still not done. And I’m so tired today. To add a splash of excitement, the kitchen does get more enjoyable to use and is becoming a fun place to be again.

    • @Blahaj_BlastOP
      211 months ago

      That sounds awesome! I’ve been rearranging and purging some of my spaces.

      • Franzia
        211 months ago

        Good! I wish you luck.

        • @Blahaj_BlastOP
          211 months ago

          Thanks! I love your name BTW. I’m a huge fan!

    • @Blahaj_BlastOP
      110 months ago

      Well that sounds like it fucking sucked! Sorry you had to deal with that.