I wish it was but it isn’t.
I wish it was but it isn’t.
I have over 2,000 hours in terraria and way more in minecraft. Really anything with good building or creative features is going to hook me for quite a while.
I suppose, although it’s not hard to have it aggregate from EU sources only. I know qwant uses Microsoft services so…
Why do I never see SearXNG listed? It’s FOSS and there’s a bunch of different instances hosted in a variety of countries. You can even control what search engines it uses to aggregate its search results.
I worked as a cashier for about two years, so I do have some social skills, but too much noise and activity tires me out quickly. I chose online college partly because I can do it in an environment that’s comfortable to me since I can’t do that with work, it helps me get somewhat of a break. I have a friend I made at work who’s also autistic and doing an online CS degree. I find them easy to talk to and they are more outgoing than me, and they have helped me figure out how to better socialize. I have been experiencing autistic burnout the past few months though, so lately I have been regressing on some things. I don’t know if I’m going to make it, but atm I feel like I will eventually.
I like online learning because I’m autistic and in person learning makes me uncomfortable. I can tolerate it but it gets really tiring eventually. I’m currently a senior and am almost done with my computer science bachelor’s which I’ve done entirely online.
Online discussions suck, but so do in person discussions. Talking to neurotypicals is stressful just anticipating having to do it and trying to pretend to be “normal” really wipes me out.
I agree that some majors and classes are way better in person and I get that some people need to go in person to motivate themselves, but also going in person ends up being worse for some other people. I don’t think people should be forced to learn online, but I think the option should be there if it is reasonable to do that class online.
I was thinking a freshwater beach. I don’t live anywhere near an ocean, but I do live near a bunch of lakes. Yes, the house could be built in a bad location where it ends up flooding, but if it’s on a hill near the lake, then it is fine.
A beach house since it’s less maintenance than pool house. I wouldn’t do mountain house though since I don’t live in a place that has them, and when I’ve visited places that do, I’ve always gotten dizzy and sick from the high altitude.
When I was in high school a kid brought a gun with the intent to shoot up the school, but he got caught with it and ran before he was able to use it. We were in lockdown for over an hour while they searched for this kid, so while it thankfully wasn’t a mass shooting it was still scary and it affected the whole school. Some kids were so rattled they didn’t show up the next day or two. If the shooting did happen that would add 2,000 people to the number who have experienced a mass shooting.
I made a similar mod that doesn’t require create and it also has testosterone and nonbinary juice for the people who want them. I’ve just been too busy with life to update it to the latest version, but hopefully soon I’ll have time.
(The create estrogen mod is awesome too btw)
Wow, they have a pretty comprehensive database! Only problem is that results are non-deterministic. Sometimes the same query gives me different things. I had to re-query multiple times before it showed me progynova. (image)
I thought Minnesota was part of Canada. Why is it saying here that it’s a US state?
(Yes, this is a joke, although I wish it wasn’t)
Wait 'til you see what’s underneath!
Wow! Nice jenis!
Use this website to check if your fingerprint resisting is actually effective. Even when using librewolf, I still had a unique fingerprint. So I installed NoScript to fix that issue, and then I disabled resist fingerprinting since it wasn’t really benefitting me.
I grew up in rural Minnesota and can testify that all of what you said is accurate.
It’s actually really good although the stuff in the picture looks like it wasn’t made very well.
I’m in a similar situation to you and have been unemployed for over a year now. The job market is super ass. I’ve applied to min wage jobs out of desperation too and they’ve rejected me each time. I’ve gone to a professional to get my resume checked over, and I made a portfolio website, and I’ve created multiple projects to demonstrate my skills. I did get one company to bite recently and they gave me two interviews but ultimately didn’t hire me. Honestly the whole world just sucks omega ass right now.
I want to make a video game. Nothing big or ambitious, just something that makes me happy. I have programming experience, I just can’t stop procrastinating…
Fear is common, change is scary, and you are not alone. In my experience, the first few weeks after realizing that you’re trans feel the most scary. I had the same fears about ‘what is my family going to think?’ I’m a young’un so, I don’t have a spouse and children like you do, but I know that coming out to family is scary, and that it might be hard at first, but if they love you they will likely come around eventually, some people just need time to process. Although I have no experience with coming out to a partner, I do wish you the best of luck and I hope it works out well for you!