Wow it’s almost like he wants to destabilize the western world! How peculiar. 🤔
He managed to buy the American presidency so why not aim for more?
There was a time when King Charles tried to overturn parliament way back in the 1600s. I forget what happened next, but I’m pretty sure it was all very civil.
Somehow I don’t the UK will Be Heading down that same route again.
Ahh yes but the second Charles was successful. Largely because Parliament was going after Catholics and people didn’t like living under an Inquisition. Then James fucked it all up and everyone decided just electing better leaders was the compromise.
Yeah and he is pushing the neo nazi party before the German election.
There’s still time for SpaceX to do the right thing and load him in the next starship launch next week
Just like the end of Gravity’s Rainbow.
Or the beginning of Planet Hulk.
I say strap him to the outside before they launch instead of putting him inside, preferably against the heat shield.
It’s important to get empirical evidence of what happens if you strap a man to a rocket. Theoreticals are nice, but hard data is what makes science progress.
Indeed, launch Leon’s ass to Mars. He can take Putin’s Sock Puppet with him and sell Tesla’s.
Oh please try Chuck. Please do. The one incontrovertible way to end the monarchy immediately would be if one of the inbred stands up and tries to exercise any real power.
It would be really cool seeing a monarch get guillotined in the 21st century
I’ll settle for a few billionaires, I guess…
The billionaires are japanese. And the yen billion isn’t much more than a slightly well off commoner.
I’d much rather this happen to billionaires. They have actual power.
Why not both?
The queen dissolved parliament a few years ago, and while she is dead now I don’t think her death was related
Parliament asked her to do it though. That’s a bit different. If a monarch tried to force the issue it would go very badly. It’s one of those technical power versus real power things.
There’s actually a very good stage play about this exact subject.
musk getting guillotined is something i would like to watch in the near future :)
Thats one way to attract the attention of Mi6. He certainly fits the bond villain profile…
Except that Bond Villains are usually clever and invent something themselves. This dipshit is like the Bond Villain we have at home, from a rejected script that someone keeps failing to salvage.
You think Bond villains weren’t taking credit for their underlings inventions? What a high opinion you have of evil people.
This guy evils.
MI6, if you can read this, please do it.
He also fits into 5 black bin bags.
the finding out phase can’t come soon enough.
It’s already come multiple times. But people don’t seem to learn. We had Trump 1.0.-Covid-Brexit. Now we have Trump 2.0-BirdFlu-Elon Boogaloo.
We could well be heading towards something interesting in the not very distant future.
I’m not sure if Musk sincerely believes his wealth makes him untouchable or if he’s too self-absorbed to even consider the matter, but it works out to the same thing either way - he’s likely wrong.
He can get away with a fair bit manipulating an emotionally stunted egomaniac like Trump, but when he starts trying to butt into European politics, he’s going to find himself running up against families that have been pulling political strings for centuries now, and who don’t fancy crude upstarts with nothing more than money going for them, and if he proves to be too much of a problem for them, they’re going to squash him like a bug.
There likely needs to be a very public message sent out to these billionaires along the lines of “stay in your lane… or else.” The kind of incontrovertible message that everyone will understand when they see it. But it’s probable that they’ve already got a similar (albeit conflicting) message from some other… billionaires that specialize in that art whose name ends in “estration.”
.world simping for the aristocracy now?
I can’t say I’m surprised.
There’s a difference between acknowledging the existence and motivations of a group and cheering for them.
There sure is, too bad they’re on the wrong side of it.
The one time the conservative vote got split and let the liberals into power without a majority of the vote (instead of the reverse) and he thinks it is an emergency and an injustice worthy of bringing back monarchy powers…
Just tough it out for 5 years like the rest of the world is going to do with Trump.
If you think the US will have fair elections again after 4 years then I have some very bad news for you concerning the integrity of Russia’s elections.
Kinda bad but really funny headline. He’s calling for Parliament to be dissolved and new general elections to be held, which the monarch can do since 2022 as was the case before 2011. But the headline does have merit, as in constitutional monarchies, everything the monarch does should (pronounced “must”) first be advised by democratic functions—in this case, the prime minister. And He probably will get another English Civil War if He dissolves parliament without the PM’s advice.
It probably wouldn’t be much of a “civil war”, pretty much everyone would just say “that’s nice Charles” and then go pass a law explicitly removing that ability.
And He probably will get another English Civil War if He dissolves parliament without the PM’s advice.
Rest of the UK just going to sit and watch?
Watch some English people going at each other? Probably. Buy popcorn shares.
My guess is, Scotland would leave that sinking ship, become a sovereign nation, and join the EU.
We tried that. There’s no apatite for udi
We gotta maintain the canonical continuity. With respecting historical precedent by the virtue of the common law system, Ireland shall free herself from the retcon and reestablish against discontinuity. Charles? Check. Fighting for democracy? Check. Scotland and Ireland as they should be, independent and without the EU’s EWsgusting meddling? Check. ¡Viva la revolución
When I was younger, my sister teased and provoked me (I mean she still does but much less). Every time this happened, my parents told me to just ignore her. I think media should do the same when it comes to Elon Musk, since damn, everyone who doesn’t willingly choose ignorance already sees who he is. By this you are just giving him more exposure.
That’s not how it works—actually, that’s not how anything works. It’s not about doing the right thing; it’s all about what drives the most attention, clicks, or money.
There’s a reason every media outlet reports on every little thing the fat guy or this bozo does or says. There’s a reason you didn’t ignore this news and felt compelled to comment on it.
It’s the same reason 99% of these commenters have no idea who someone like Demis Hassabis is, was or will be: it doesn’t drive attention.
It’s hard to say what the responsible and ethical approach is for journalists given it is newsworthy that the richest man in the world (who is also extremely influential to the highest office of the most influential country of the world) is encouraging such an extreme and unexpected regime change, but also Musk, like Trump, puts out so much noise it’s hard to predict what will actually be policy they persue vs what is just noise
He’s not he-who-shall-not-be-named. Talking about him won’t make him more powerful.
But it does. His whole power is his ability to stir the conversation.
Elon should’ve been in that Cybertruck.
Or that other cybertruck. Or the other one. Or that other one…
My sanity isn’t ready for an reality where Elon fucking Musk is fucking shit up globally. Trump was bad enough, but this shit? This is what will eventually cause a global conflict against fucking fascists of all things.
We already did this shit once, are we really going to do it again?
sounds like the old man didn’t learn his lesson the first time.
He most certainly did not.
Trump is dying. Putin is dying. Hopeful megalomaniacs are looking to fill the vacuum when the boomers pass on. Someone had to step up. Elon decides it’s his time
I agree, I just was naïve enough to think that maybe we had grown a little bit wiser. I was obviously wrong. So woefully wrong.
The Tesla boss endorsed a social media post criticizing the government’s handling of criminal gang investigations in Manchester. “In the UK, serious crimes such as rape require the Crown Prosecution Service’s approval for the police to charge suspects. Who was the head of the CPS when rape gangs were allowed to exploit young girls without facing justice? Keir Starmer, 2008 -2013,” Musk posted on X (formerly Twitter) on New Year’s Day.
That’s……oddly specific.