My mother saw 15 seconds of an episode of Digimon episode and decided it was satanic. Pokemon too. She banned that entire channel on Saturday mornings.
In digimon season …6? Gabumon was crucified. There’s also a whole category of demon lords.
This incident happened during season 1 if that gives any more context.
hi every1 im new!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!! <— me bein random again ^_^ hehe…toodles!!!
love and waffles,
*~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*
This copypasta ruined sporks for me. Now I ruin them for you.
Oh no I thought I was about to make a new friend. This bait and switch stings.
Missed opportunity to use the term “gender tines”
In german forks are feminine and spoons are masculine. I hope speaking German isn’t satanic for having trans-utensils.
In romanian, both are feminine and knives are the secret third gender
secret third gender
Sounds awesome. At what level of the game is it unlocked?
In French they’re both feminine and knives are masculine.
Hell yeah, I want my language to be satanic!
German is probably a fair choice then.
It sounds Satanic but when you actually hear Satanic chants/rites/etc. they’re usually in Latin. If someone were to make a language that mixed Germanic and Romance sources, then, it would truly be the language of evil.
If such an abomination exists, then I have some very good news for you and other Anglophones.
Which gender do sporks land in?
In German it’s called “Der Göffel” a mix of “Der Löffel” (spoon) and “Die Gabel” (fork). So it’s masculine from the Löffel part.
It’s funny how the word mix is backwards in German/English. English has fork at the end of the word and German spoon.
Forks are bi as hell, they penetrate and have their gaps filled in turn.
The humble knifoon remains forgotten :(
These plastic things have been coming in the package when you buy kiwifruit (at least here in NZ) for yonks:
Some debate though as to whether that’s a knifoon or a
though :)
I already regularly use forks to cut things, knork makes perfect sense to me.
When you fork with a knook
Holy hell
Spifes have made it to the UK too.
Where are they getting the L, A, Y, and D from? Stoopid!
Wikipedia suggests “spknork” as an alternative, which is too many consonants in a row
From the very beginning, God has held us back and punished us for trying to reach our full potential. Satan, on the other hand, has only tried to give us truth and knowledge.
Hmm. Come to think of it, that explains a lot of Christian Conservatism.
Hail Satan.
for many years [the fork] was viewed as an unmanly Italian affectation. Some writers of the Roman Catholic Church expressly disapproved of its use; St. Peter Damian seeing it as “excessive delicacy”.
I eat with my hooves, and I never wash, due to all this manliness I’m serving
Satanic spork
How about we don’t give utensils genders?
Who are you, the British Empire, coming to colonize and suppress noun gender??
I’ll have you know that you will never* remove gender from waterborne vessels on Wikipedia. None of them is referred to as “it”; all are referred to as “she”.
Or he (il/le bateau) in French.
Just to fuck with the bri’ish I bet.
Is it toxic that I kind of agree with her? The main difference being that “satanic” is a compliment in my world.
A symbol with almost as much backstory as the Union Jack
I just bought a set of four from Ikea the others day.
Hmm, I don’t think I’ve ever noticed outie sporks. Mine is an innie, like this one.
A curious choice by Ikea designers, but that’s what they get paid for.
Although these were in the sales bin, going out.
They look insufficiently sharp to do the fork part of their job
Yeah they are. Except for like stews and whatnot I think.
I haven’t used them really, just bought them as a joke for like 20 cents. I mean wouldn’t be bad if I went hiking but for that I think I’d get a plastic/silicon spork with a knife.
Most spells I cast recommend I first scissor my sporks, too
First, this is not a “spork” but a Fpoon.
Then as others have pointes it out, other languages give them different gender. In French, a spoon and a fork are feminine nouns. So this is also a lesbian icon.
Everyone knows that the devil’s actual utensil is that unholy threek.
I identify as spork now
Live long and prosper