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Admiral Snaccbar @Chris Mench Serving shrimp with the tail still on when it’s already mixed into something (pasta, rice, etc) is insane.
Is there a reason not to eat the tail? I normally eat it.
Yes officer, this comment right here.
It’s like eating fingernails. 🤮
I like a crisp fried tail it’s baller, but in like pasta it’s just hard to eat for no real flavor or textural payoff
You can. There’s nothing wrong with it. I eat em too.
Depends on the shrimp and dish tbh
It’s more that why would you want to eat it?
Do you also eat the bones when you get other meats?
Do you eat the skin of bananas or oranges?
Vegetarian here so can’t answer for the meat and bones, but absolutely on the fruit and veggie front. Peels have a ton of nutrients, texture, and flavour
Bro you eat banana skins? Just biting into that shit like it’s an apple?
I do haha. I know it sounds gross to a lot of people, but once you get over the mental block of “only the fruit inside is food” that most of us are raised with, they’re actually quite tasty. You can dry them out and make a tasty snack too if you don’t want to raw dog them
No one is arguing whether peels have nutrients. Do you eat banana peels and citrus rinds? That seems highly unlikely as they’re not palatable.
yes on the citrus rinds. Also whole kiwis and apple cores
Yes, I do. That’s what I was saying I’m my comment above. And just because you perceive them as highly unpalatable, does not mean thst everyone else does too.