what a weird hill to die on
did you read that? Because to me it really reads like it talks about davincis comissions. Which are not a publishing/patreoning deal. It even talks about his focus on his personal work outside those comissions. just because the word patreon is used in the article makes it support your point…
But for you i did another quick read of his wikipedia article (do you need a link to that or can you find that on your own?) and read that in the last 7years of his life he had the vatican as a patreon for his art. Before he had two other patreon for shorter times mostly for his engeneering, cartographing and organizing talent.
and to finish this petty argument of: even when all you claim is true. artist are still able to produce art without a publisher. which was my first point. heck even you can shoot him a donation so they are not as dependent on a publisher deal, if you feel that person deserves more funds. My original point was that a publisher breaking a deal, does not prevent the art from beeing made in principle. and this point stands imo, as i didnt see any conter argument against it yet.
some did. davinci didnt. and since this is the example you came up with, i feel my point stands.
“War er vor oder nach der Verbeamtung auf der Demo?”
Weißt du wer höcke ist? Und ja das ist eine kritik am beamten system und dem bildungssystem.
“Jemand, der auf einer Pro-Nazi-Demo war, würde man auch nicht Lehrer werden lassen.”
Du meinst wie björn höcke? Der verbeamteter Lehrer ist.
also in addition too the other comments: Davinci had no publisher like dark horse. The artist is free to continue creating art (no idea about the copyright situation about this series but in general).
i might be mistaken. but this sounds kinda impossible for someone useing godot for the first time to acomplish within reasonable time?
ok. release date will be 204x xD
perfect challenge
Ill see to add that to my first or second project. this is one of the videogame fundamentals, that i as a player rarely think about
this sounds like a good entry for 3d i feel like. at least it sparked an idea on what i could do
sounds reasonable enough :D
id love too. But i assumed i need some base skills before i attempt this. I am actually looking forward to a game jam in summer thats why i wanna learn godot.
honestly reading that, id assume that must be somewhat hard to make ^^" But ill trust your word of it not beeing so. Perhabs after i am familiarised with godots script ill give it the go.
hmm, trying to make it a small doable task for me. I think recreating super mario bris 1-1 is a classic game dev beginner thing, isnt it? collect coins, go to the under ground, have to jump and stuff.
maybe not my fist project but it is on the list ^^
i think in the sense of these small learning challenges i will approach to make a game you win by clicking ten times. i dont wanna start doing a full game. But gain a skillset to create a game in summer for a jam.
if you dont mean to defend/apologise for musk. why did you even take the time to write this? As a german who studied the ns-regieme a lot in their life let me (and pretty much every expert on that issue who commented on that) tell you that this is a clear nazi solute. not greatly executed, the führer would have been dissapointed, but it features all the elements to that salute. as i suspect elon has a pr team, and ‘educated’ himself on the holocaust in Oświęcim, id say it is impossible he didnt know and accidentally mimiced it in that detail.
well the understanding of the world was, that everything has a soul like attribute. and they are in a hirachy from close to god to far from god. so gold was inherantly a very close to god metal and therefore inherantly more worth than lead which was somewhat far from good.
So based on that world view of fixed values based on the christian god, they had no reason to belive the economy might suffer.
ja hallo polizei? bitte kommen sie schnell, hier im park sind ein paar linksradikale am karten spielen! sie sind in 2 minuten da? super danke!