What resources have been the most useful to you? My top two are Gender Dysphoria Bible and southernequality .org.

I want to add more resouces to the sidebar, especially ones outside the US. These can be legal, social, medical, news, etc. resouces.

When I was a baby trans (before all the reddit API shit went down), the sidebar resources in trans subreddits were invaluable to me. I would not be where I am today without it, and I want to pay it forward by making the best, most comprehensive resource list on here.

  • oNeviaM
    65 months ago

    Second the Gender Dysphoria Bible! Was what ended up cracking my egg for me.

    I also really like the stainedglasswoman blog ❤️

    • radix
      35 months ago

      Could you drop a link for the stainedglasswoman blog? I can’t seem to find it from a quick mobile search.

      • oNeviaM
        45 months ago

        Good idea. Here is the main blog with amazing articles :)

        Main blog

  • Lumelore (She/her)
    55 months ago

    I think it would be good to make our own versions of those wikis. Some of those wikis contain links to posts that no longer exist or are age restricted making the information difficult to access for all people. Having similar wikis hosted on lemmy would help solve those problems. I’m considering trying to make some type of resource like that myself.

    • cowboycrustation [he/him]OPM
      55 months ago

      Absolutely. I’ve run into that problem too, not to mention that a lot of valuable resources are disconnected from each other and it takes a lot of effort to find anything useful. A simple Google search only gets you articles hosted by big corporations and written by people who aren’t trans and aren’t helpful. All the good info I’ve gotten directly from trans people.

      I wish there could also be a detailed section on trans history, but I’m woefully uneducated on that matter.

      I could see a lemmy hosted wiki helping many trans people. If you need help with anything, hit me up and if I can’t do it I’ll find someone who will. Also feel free to make posts about it on here.

      • Lumelore (She/her)
        55 months ago

        I’m planning on making a GitHub site that has the resources in it. Idk if there is a better solution that is free. If I wasn’t a broke college student I would have bought a domain for it, but maybe one day in the future I will. When I’m done with it I’ll make a post in this community.

        • cowboycrustation [he/him]OPM
          5 months ago

          Seems like a good option for now. I can draw pretty well if you need graphics or anything along those lines ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

          cries in fellow broke college student

  • Miss Brainfarts
    5 months ago

    For people in Germany: transdb.de

    It’s a site that let’s you search for various doctors and specialists of all sorts, also consultation offices, cosmetic studios, basically anything that’s relevant for trans people.

    Good place to start when you don’t know where to look

    Also, Bundesverband Trans for a few tips on how to handle insurance and so on:


    Though I’m not sure if all the info is still up to date

    • Tywele
      5 months ago

      I would add dgti.org to that for German trans people. They helped me greatly in my first steps.

        • Tywele
          35 months ago

          It’s the website for the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität” (German Society for Trans Identity and Intersexuality). They have contact information for their advice centers and some general information for trans and intersex people. They also do activism.

  • @Catoblepas
    25 months ago


    This is a great resource to give to your doctor if they’re not totally up to speed on trans care. It’s a guide for doctors written by a doctor that’s been working with trans patients for decades. It also has plenty of citations.

    • cowboycrustation [he/him]OPM
      35 months ago

      Is this specific to any country or a general resource? This is for labeling purposes

      • @Catoblepas
        35 months ago

        I think it should function as a general resource? It’s an American doctor and university putting it out and it’s in English, but the medical info in it should be generally applicable.