What resources have been the most useful to you? My top two are Gender Dysphoria Bible and southernequality .org.

I want to add more resouces to the sidebar, especially ones outside the US. These can be legal, social, medical, news, etc. resouces.

When I was a baby trans (before all the reddit API shit went down), the sidebar resources in trans subreddits were invaluable to me. I would not be where I am today without it, and I want to pay it forward by making the best, most comprehensive resource list on here.

  • @Catoblepas
    25 months ago


    This is a great resource to give to your doctor if they’re not totally up to speed on trans care. It’s a guide for doctors written by a doctor that’s been working with trans patients for decades. It also has plenty of citations.

    • cowboycrustation [he/him]OPM
      35 months ago

      Is this specific to any country or a general resource? This is for labeling purposes

      • @Catoblepas
        35 months ago

        I think it should function as a general resource? It’s an American doctor and university putting it out and it’s in English, but the medical info in it should be generally applicable.