I was banned from lemmy.world for “personal attacks” for 3 days because of calling someone a “piece of shit” after they called me a “cunt”. The comment calling me a cunt wasn’t removed and the user hasn’t been punished at all by the lemmy.world admins.

The comments in question:

Lemmy.world modlog:

In the interest of full disclosure, this is my other comment that was removed:

And here’s the comment of that user I was referencing, in the Blahaj modlog after it was removed:

This feels like an overreach, especially when the admin clearly didn’t feel it was important to punish their own user for “personal attacks” in the same thread.

  • @li10@lemmy.ml
    416 months ago

    If you get into those sort of toxic arguments then you should all be banned.

    That’s just a toxic thread that you should step away from, but you’ve gone so far as to complain elsewhere and keep it going… Maybe they should be banned as well, but you deserve your ban.

  • @willya@lemmyf.uk
    176 months ago

    I’d definitely put you at the top for what I see here. So I don’t know if you’re arguing for everyone to be banned or who rates higher on that list that should be. Definitely not an overreach either. Especially at 3 days.

  • Leraje
    156 months ago

    Leaving aside the issue of whether you and/or the other user should’ve been banned or not, I’m curious as to what you expect members of an entirely different community on an entirely different instance to do about it? Or even feel about it?

    • Norah - She/TheyOP
      6 months ago

      Oh, I guess I forgot the context. This was a post on 196 here on blahaj. I think more than anything it’s a PSA that lemmy.world admins will ban you for minor infractions but let their users do the same thing in the same post. The post had been locked, and then a few hours later I got a couple of automoderator messages from lemmy.world about being banned. I’m a Blahaj user so, ya know, it felt relevant.

      Edit: Also buried the lede on the post in question, it’s an anti-HP one, so it also makes the decision seem…well, political. I probably was being a cunt, but banning me and not the lemmy.world user sends a message. Here’s the post: https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/post/7445766

      • Leraje
        66 months ago

        Thanks for the explanation.

  • @Mixairian@lemm.ee
    126 months ago


    I suspect the comment where you were banned was the proverbial “straw that broke the camels back.” I took a look at the rest of the thread where there could be the impression of you attacking people. It’s not as extreme as the specific comment they chose but it’s there. Perhaps the mods banned you for 3 days for a combination of your posts in that thread. That would make sense instead of commenting on each individually (which would be time consuming).

    Have you tried to message the mods directly for clarity before posting here?

  • @vzq
    86 months ago

    Complaining about bans is pretty gauche.

    Take your lumps and move on.

  • Gormadt
    45 months ago

    One thing I try to stress a lot is to stop engaging, report, then block the user

    It’s the best thing to do online for one’s mental health

    Basically when insults start flying: stop engaging

    If someone is engaging in shitty behavior: stop engaging

    Don’t try to get in the last word, just report then block

    This is a great strategy for anywhere online, and something I still struggle with at times. But practice it and it will get easier to pump the breaks