We have a deluge of data - we have very little information.
We have a deluge of data - we have very little information.
Ah, got it - you’re trolling. Well done, you got me.
Well done. You managed to fixate on one and only one thing and somehow find that that totally exonerates Musk from being a nazi despite everything else. That’s quite a feat of cognitive dissonance.
Are you genuinely suggesting you have to be a member of a club to be a nazi?
He’s posted in support of far-right extremists in Germany and the UK multiple times, he’s ‘liked’ antisemitic posts on his shitshow of a site, he’s used avatars that are used by the alt and far right. And now he’s done this. A nazi salute. He’s a nazi. Nobody needs to ‘go out of their way’ to call him a nazi when everything he says and does shouts the fact from the fucking rooftops.
I don’t agree its as bad or worse than Reddit which is packaged fury everywhere. However, the last few months tempers have certainly risen and bad-faith takes and antagonism are more visible in some communities. There seems to be a lot more right-wing people, or centerist apologists at least, than there were before the US election results and I think those results might play a part - emboldening some to speak up and causing so much stress in others that they lash out where they wouldn’t have before.
Just make liberal use of the blocking options and take your time to find your people.
The great thing about a lot of very good Linux distros is that you can run them from whats called a ‘live USB’ meaning you download the ISO of the distro you like the look of, put it on a USB drive, then reboot your PC and boot to the USB you just created (you might need to alter your BIOS boot order). There’s a full guide here. The point here is to give the distro a try without putting anything on your harddrive so Windows is safe. If you like it, most distros will let you dual boot so you can have Windows and your linux distro on one machine.
In terms of the right distro a lot depends on what you’ll be using the PC for. For a really good, stable general purpose distro I think Mint is perfect.
Its a good point but my own take on it is that you can’t be the resistance in an environment they totally control. There are plenty of places to organise away from the billionaires control.
I walked away from all Meta platforms under my own name recently as I choose not to have my participation used as tacit endorsement, data collection or ad-money generators for them. That doesn’t mean I’ve stopped participating in organising resistance, just that I choose not to do that in a place they have absolute power in.
No idea but I’d guess armour piercing rounds being commonplace these days?
That’s why I replied directly to you. Are you new to how public, threaded conversations work?
Also means people can safely quote from it on those platforms.
Do be an adult. Lemmy isn’t that big that you don’t recognise usernames.
Are you trying to be wrong on every thread about this you post in? To follow up on @EldritchFeminity point about the LGBT community, one of the other groups first targeted by the Nazi’s were the disabled. Trump is on record as stating (as per his nephew) that disabled people should ‘just die’ and has openly mocked disabled people. His views are so close to 1930s/40s era Nazism as to make no real difference.
So the shrink did the (billable, assuming US) test knowing the person was already diagnosed?
Can verify that photogimp is brilliant. As well as the interface it also creates photoshop like keyboard shortcuts too. There are one or two things not quite right but on the whole its a life saver.
I’ve always been vaguely bewildered by people getting upset at the deaths of people they’d never met and didn’t know. Now I know better. I’m just glad our time on this planet coincided and I got to experience the work of a unique mind.
More accurately, they fear not being able to feed or clothe their children.
I once worked for a national grocery company and the unspoken rule was: if you saw someone taking food, no you didn’t.