
  • 172 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • In terms of data, put TailsOS on a USB drive, configure persistent storage, download VeraCrypt over TOR, install that, encrypt everything tutorial

    What you do with the drive (or drives if you make copies) really depends. If the climate is very wet and warm where you live then storing them outside is going to need very good protection to keep them relatively cool and dry. You’d also have to find somewhere that you can absolutely guarantee isn’t going to get redeveloped or otherwise built on, or conversely, knocked down/demolished for as long as you’re away.

    A long term self-storage company might be an idea, or a bank vault, where you’ve paid for (for example) 10 years in advance. Of course that means you have to be absolutely sure the company won’t go bankrupt or be seized by the corrupt regime you’re hiding the data from. You’d also have to have someone else set these up in their name or it could be seized along with you. You then have to hope they don’t get seized, or get dementia or die.

    If you have comrades abroad in a safer country, maybe physically mail them the drives before the corrupt regime starts noticing you? Then of course you also have to hope they can return them and haven;t forgotten, died etc.

  • The MMR vaccine never contained thimerosal. There were two separate claims by antivaxxers. The first was Wakefield’s money making scheme to invent an alternative MMR vaccine by claiming the existing MMR vaccine caused autism.

    The second, entirely separate, claim was that thimerosal in other vaccines was also causing autism.

    The two claims then got conflated into a general ‘vaccines == bad’ by idiots like Kennedy, Jim Carrey, Jenny McCarthy and a whole quack industry of autism ‘cures’ such as chelation, HBOT etc.

  • I’m more and more convinced the Trump administration is not negotiating in good faith. I don’t believe the minerals thing was anything other than something Trump thought Zelenskyy would never be able to say ‘yes’ to. Trump doesn’t want to support Ukraine, but he also needs to find enough of an excuse to save some semblance of face. So when Zelenskyy indicated the minerals deal could be done, with modifications, Trump/Vance cooked up that cowardly shitshow to try and paint Zelenskyy as unreasonable in order to give them enough of an excuse to walk away.

    I understand why Zelenskyy is desperate for US support but I’m pretty much certain at this point it won;t be forthcoming. Even if Starmer/Macron et al persuade the two of them to re-meet it’ll just be something else next time.

    The US, as a political force supporting stability and peace is no more. Its time the rest of the world accepted that and moved on because its not outside the realm of possibility that a US/Russian political/military alliance might exist relatively soon and we might need to be ready for that.

  • Matrix/Element (or whatever app you like), whilst not a direct alternative to Discord is very close to it. And the fact its E2EE and decentralised makes the minor differences much more palatable. Revolt have been promising E2EE for years and yes I can see its on their roadmap but at this point I doubt it’ll be here in the next year or two, if ever.

  • It’s been a few steps in a concerning direction by them recently. As of right now, it’s still OK to use IMO but I’m sincerely hoping this is the extent of it, or even that they row back some of the recent changes.

    However, I still want it to exist because its the only viable alternative at the moment to Google’s dominance. Yes there are plenty of forks (two of which I use) but they still rely on Firefox as the core product. I don’t think any are hard forks (or am I wrong?). I’m very uncomfortable at the thought of using a browser thats based on Chromium and/or unable to run the full version of UBO or have Containerised tabs.

  • I’m not convinced Trump ever really wanted those minerals. He floated the idea knowing Zelensky would never say ‘yes’ to the deal as originally presented. But then, when Zelensky seemed prepared to make compromises, Trump had to find another excuse to get the US out of being involved and went with the pathetic, shameful, cowardly performance we just witnessed.