And I’ve never wanted to hug the mods on more for saving us from the horror that is that site

  • @nan
    7 months ago

    deleted by creator

      201 year ago

      Rage engagement. Pit Threads into fediverse, cause mayhem by having toxic Threads users in the feeds, know decent people cannot let go and respond, watch discussions and engagement explode, inject ads, profit

        1 year ago

        I know I’m going to make a real effort to not respond to these people. It’s so tempting thou.

        What I find especially difficult is when they say something idiotic, get downvoted, and then have a whinge about being downvoted.

        You are only down voting me because the your evil liberals and you are all sheep.

        Yeah right.

      111 months ago

      My response to those sorts of ridiculous claims is, •Huh. I guess you haven’t heard of “intersex”. What do you call a human baby who was biologically born with bits of both??

      That usually stumps them for a bit. Data-does-not-compute. Oe they ignore it and go back to their original point. … at which pt i have to hold empathy-space & validation (≠ does not equate with agreement/condoning, see footnote [1])… … and then — if and only if they seem open — ask them about if they’re aware that some human babies — to be clear, not trans folx in most case (well except by way of uninformed/nonconsent at birth, ugh) — but some human babies are born intersex.

      usually tho i just leave it and no pt in doing so online usually

      [1] hold empathy-space & validation does not equal & does not equate with agreement/condoning btw, as any good de-escalation specialist (like an fbi hostage negotiator or a therapist or life-coach) can tell explain better than i can rn.

  • Cevilia (she/they/…)
    211 year ago

    I tried to sign up for Instagram to check it out. Here’s my experience of attempting to sign up:

    • I gave my email address and date of birth.
    • I chose a password.
    • I chose a usernam–
    • Upon typing the first character of my chosen username, I saw an error message: “An error has occurred. Please refresh the page.”
    • I refreshed the page.
    • “Your account has been suspended as you have breached our Community Guidelines. Please complete the information below to have the matter reviewed.”
    • I gave my email address (again).
    • I checked my email and click the link they sent me.
    • I gave my phone number.
    • I checked my SMS and provide the code they sent me.
    • I was asked to take a “Verification Selfie”. You have to write your name, your username, and a six-digit number they give you “on a clean piece of paper” and hold it up. Your hand and face must be visible in the photo. It’s not entirely clear what they want to verify this picture against. Or what username you’re supposed to use, because, again, this whole thing started when I’d typed an “a”.

    And at that point I realised I wasn’t welcome on Instagram.

    • miles
      101 year ago

      i still associate the idea of “verification selfies” with weird 4chan culture, so it’s funny to me that they’re becoming a thing on more platforms

    • katy ✨OP
      271 year ago

      Transphobia, a mess of an algorithm, and my own personal hell