Bold of you to assume Northern paid a voice actor and didn’t just sit a random driver down in front of a microphone. /joke
38 she/her or they/them or any pronoun. Cis woman… I think. I pretend to be an elf on the Internet. I’m mostly attracted to femininity.
I use tone indicators.
“Stay woke. Keep your eyes open.”
Bold of you to assume Northern paid a voice actor and didn’t just sit a random driver down in front of a microphone. /joke
How did you think it was pronounced?
Not judging you for not magically knowing how random place names are pronounced or anything, genuinely curious.
Got it in one! Or, two. You got it in two.
But I would’ve let it lie, Vic!
Now you’re just putting words in my mouth. You clearly aren’t engaging in good faith so this conversation ends here. Have a nice day. :)
Ah, my good old friend the slippery slope fallacy. I haven’t seen you for checks watch a couple of days.
I would’ve let it lie!
Free speech, sure.
Freedom from consequences, absolutely fucking not.
I’ve been rewatching Vic Reeves Big Night Out on All4. Presumably because I hate my sanity and want to confuse myself? /joke
Cloanto, the company that owns the rights to the Commodore Amiga line, have a legal emulator that they sell called Amiga Forever. It’s about half the price of one modern AAA game, and when you download it, it comes with about fifty games of varying notability, and there’s many times more you can just install and play. And it’s all legal.
I would love this to be the industry norm, imagine being able to download a NES! It’s annoying that if we want future generations to be able to experience games of the past (whether to learn from them, or just for pleasure) we need to teach our children about piracy.
Surely the answer is “Depends which bit of it you’re quoting.” For example, if you quote something that calls for genocide then, obviously, yes. But if you were to quote something relatively innocuous, then yes because you’re quoting from a book that, among other things, calls for genocide.
Funny thing, when I was growing up there, depending on which side of the town you lived on you pronounced it one of two different ways.
Neither of which was slay-th’wait.
You absolutely should not feel bad about doing this. Ever.
If anything, you should talk about it and share your experience, because your experience could help some of those who work manual intensive jobs and are still struggling to get raises of their own.
Remember: If the company isn’t able to fairly compensate its workers, it doesn’t get to have workers. That’s how supply and demand works.
I have no idea what you’re on about. Literally every phone I have ever owned turns off mobile data when I’m connected to Wi-Fi, and turns it back on again when my Wi-Fi disconnects.
My phone is my wallet. It goes in my inside pocket where people aren’t going to be able to pick it. I’ve played Skyrim. I know how pickpocketing works. /joke
There is a small, but growing, number of retailers that have decided to apply this worldwide. Perhaps GOG is the most noteworthy. Look at anything that’s discounted there and you’ll see their “usual” price, as well as the lowest price they sold it for in the last 30 days before the current discount started. It’s a good rule, makes me more inclined to feel I’m actually getting a good deal, wish more places would do it
TIL only men are allowed to think Link is cute.
I support this decision.
Thanks for looking out for us, Ada. <3