cross-posted from:

Unfortunately and predictably /u/CedarWolf and I could not see eye to eye.

He is laser focused on protecting users. I do not see how this was possible on reddit if we lacked the normal 3rd Party Apps we’ve always used to manage the subreddit.

The subreddit has always been run through a massive set of YAML rules via the AutoModerator. Through these rules I was able to manage the entire subreddit. Alone.

Never did the other two mods really ever engage in any actions or even open dialogue. I had to open the dialogue about the community myself to get a response; and it was typical of your average reddit power moderator. He wanted to bend the knee to reddit. I refused.

Let me be perfectly clear. I accept responsibility for my actions.

However; I did not anticipate the complete lack of support from this top mod for the protest. Going forward I urge users to exercise their best judgement. The /r/genderqueer subreddit that will exist from now on is no longer the same community it was.

I am not going to badmouth CedarWolf. I am only going to present facts. We no longer operate the same community.


formerly /u/Zazie_Lavender (Account on reddit is deleted)

  • Artemisia
    211 year ago

    Thank you for the immense amount of work you have done over the years. It is not diminished by this episode in any way. I hope you can find a new community to enjoy in whatever capacity suits you, here or elsewhere.

  • Lockely
    211 year ago

    Meanwhile, Cedar is badmouthing you in a stickied post on the subreddit. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.

    • Melody FwygonOP
      1 year ago

      That’s not surprising.

      It’s irrelevant. I ran that subreddit for 11 years. He did nothing of note beyond requesting the sub and appointing mods. I have no cares about what a scab thinks.

      • Lockely
        171 year ago

        Oh they’re the same one who got the top mod removed from r/adviceanimals. Literally the type of mod that has the userbase riled up against the mods by their actions. Shame they run so many LGBTQIA+ communities, I wouldn’t trust them to maintain a safe space.

        • Gormadt
          21 year ago

          At least they’re not over here

          This place is already proving to be a nice place to be

  • Veraticus
    141 year ago

    I’m really sorry to hear this; thank you for the amazing work you did in such an important community.

    I think many of us have been blindsided by Reddit and the fallout from this. Personally, my resolution was to create and foster communities I could more directly control and participate in – hence, my movement to Lemmy.

    I hope you can recreate the community you had over there and that you continue to bring value, joy, and gender (and agender and everything in-between) to all the people that need it.

    91 year ago

    Ugh, I’m sorry to hear that. Luckily my second in command was on the same page with me when spez decided to fuck us both over. We closed the sub as neither of us will be able to moderate effectively anymore. Our community had a uniform response too: close the sub.