i’ll refrain from overposting but i’m a bit scared. kayla (20f) is my gf and (idk if she still is) but was a huge trump supporter. she was quite cruel to me because i first dated her as a trans man and she accused me of sexual harassment after we broke up.

we got back together and have been dating for quite some time (about 11 months) but we barely talk. she only plays video games and talks to her friends, so i barely chat with her, she rarely responds, and i don’t use Discord a lot where i chat with her.

i asked if this would work out and if she would prefer it if we were just friends, but im scared that she’ll accuse me of things again and make harassment/slander of me because i said that

  • drbollocksOP
    5 days ago

    i detransitioned 😞 mainly bc I felt more like a woman but also due to harassment from my ex

    thank you so much tho!! :DD

    • dangling_cat
      5 days ago

      Hey! It’s ok. It’s your journey and I wish you can explore your sexuality in the fullest without judgements.