im proud of who i am 🏳️🌈
monolingual loser, hope to learn more languages 💔
she/they - lesbian
nice try. no profile picture nor bio, account just made today, spamming stuff minutes ago. bot.
i mean, i have to strain to remember the name of the guy who harassed me, so i probably won’t remember his name either after a decade :)
thanks so much
ah, he said “let’s be friends” but he wanted to get back together in the future and i was willing to do that, but obviously not now.
thank you ❤️
thanks ❤️ ig cuz it’s so recent and i still harbor some old feelings, i feel like he can change
i also notice that although he’s bi, he’d only talk about hot men (especially fictional), wouldn’t mention me to other people, and would talk to me about his crushes as if we were just good friends. he would also try to make moves with some of them, presumably not telling them about me
the reason was that she wanted to stay friends after losing interest in me and she liked another girl, so idk
it was bc my current gf hated that i was a trans man
im obv in pain and he yells at me for it
mine was a good ex, we were quite assholes in middle school but we’re on good terms and she’s nice now.
but considering shes straight, i probably don’t have a chance anyway
yes. i used to be a typical straight girl, but at an early age, i realized i didn’t care what the gender was. i heavily preferred men but wouldn’t mind dating a girl (bi-curious).
my first girlfriend was in middle school (6th grade) and after that, i liked a lot more girls than guys.
i still had male crushes though and was quite open to dating men. (bi)
when i transitioned to a man, i was still bi, but later began to prefer men again. (especially because i had bad breakups with women where they would cheat/ignore me/treat me badly)
i identified as gay until i got back with my gf and realized i still held feelings for women. subsequently, i detransitioned (due to some trauma/transphobia) and questioned being a lesbian.
after i officially broke up with my bf of a few years who didn’t treat me right, i realized i didn’t actually have feelings for men at all and it was comphet.
thank you so much! i have another too!
我、(wa) - me
人女 (sal’on)、- her
人男 (sal’tok)、- him
君 (gun)、- you
人多 (sal’da)
人 (sal)、- person
女 (on)、- woman
男 (tok)、- man
多 (da), - many/much/very
誰 (dare) - who
眠、(miem) - sleep
全 (jon) 、- every/all
無 (mu) - none/no
食、(tabe) - eat
飲 (in) 、- drink
物 (mono) - thing
来、(lai) - come
行 (gyo) - go
与 (ata) - give
作、(so) - do/make
持、(ar) - to have
見、(mi) - to see/seem
是, (i) - to be/yes
保, (bo) - keep
得, (to) - get/take
让, (rang) - to let
放, (fo) - to put
言 (go) - to say, language
北 (kita) - north
南 (mina) - south
東 (azu) - east
西 (nishi) - west
送 (song) - to send
可 (ka) - can, able
少 (suko) - small
前 (mai) - before
後 (ato) - after
間 (jan) - between
中 (chu) - in
外 (dai) - out
時 (ji) - at/time/place
上 (oi) - on, up, over
下 (sha) - under/down
周 (žu) - around
通 (dori) - through
又 (mata) - too
二人 (ichi-sal) - together
一人 (ni-sal) - alone
由 (yu) - by
从 (kon) - from/because
和 (e) - with/and
离 ( - off/away
至 (ita) - to, towards
为 (wei) - as, like
的 (de) - for, of
到 (ita) - till
比 (pi) - than
后 (ho) - then
何 (nan) - what
写 (se) - write/draw/writing utensil
漢字 (kanji)/日写 (il-se) - kanji
汉字 (hanzi)/中写 (chu-se) - hanzi
試 (tame) - test
基 (ki) - basic, simple
亚洲 (ya-shu) - asia
主 (zu) - main
等 (toshi) - etc
当 (tong) - now
好 (ho) - good
坏 (pe) - bad /無好 (mu ho) - not good
那 - that (nan)
这 - this (zei)
甘 (gam) - sweet
よ - (yo) - exclamation marker, only hiragana word
戦 (zen) - battle
档 (dang) - document
日 (hi) - day, sun
夜 (yari) - night, evening
心 (sin) - mind/heart(noun), to think or feel (verb)
坏心 (pesin) - disgusting, bad feeling
木 (mog) - tree, plant
家 (kazo) - parent, 家多 (kazo’da) - family
住 (ju) - to live, inhabit 分 (fen) - to divide, parts
or, if, but/though - 或 (kuo), 如 (ru), 但 (tan),
other, any, some - 他 (hoka), 任何 (renan), 或 (kuo)
瓶 (ping) - bottle
火 (hua) - fire
冰 (bing) - ice
浸 (immersion)
楽 (re) - fun
Place - 場 (baba)
住 (ju) - to live, inhabit
分 (fen) - to divide, parts
Posession is determined by word order “Wa sin” - I feel Sin wa - My heart/brain
团 (sua) - group
seriously, what happened to the sex-positive aspect of things? op, you are going completely against the sex-positive nature that most people want, and what most lgbt people do not like (they don’t like anti-sex-positivity)