Phew, 2 ways to read it and they may both be wrong.
I didn’t think a single word could be poetry, but here we are.
Solid portmanteau
Holy shit, finally a solution to my back pain that I can get behind! Now, is there anyone big enough to get behind me?
Rip your inbox
Look, if all the horny femboy posting I already do hasn’t attracted anyone to my dms, I’m not sure anything will.
djsoren19 calls for aid!
And Bad Dragon shall answer
Nah sorry, I don’t know any sign language, American or otherwise.
Original tweet quote translation:
“After inserting the giant butt plug, the [strained back/slipped disk] pain disappeared”
Well there’s your problem: you don’t have a pelvis.
Do I need one?
You may have back pain if you try to sit up without one
Chronicle back brain
The Japanese says she stuck it into her anus…
Pain in the Back, the Chronicles.
Does someone has the source?