I could even believe that his cat’s name was just a little affectionate joke if he wasn’t so blatantly and obscenely racist in his everyday life and in his stories.
I kind of liken that to the 80s/90s, when a common playground taunt was talking to a girl and being labeled as “having lurgies” or “gay”.
The latter evolved somewhat into the 2000s as those kids grew up, understood the meaning of the word, but still used it in comedy sketches as a hilariously misused playground taunt.
That taunt has since gained power (on both sides of spectrum) and is now no longer the throwaway meaningless word used to tickle your friends and opponents, but a heavy word with literal meaning and real consequence.
But I dont hold it against those comedians who went for that word during their sketches in 2000-2010s, because I dont really believe they they intended harm on the communities that encompass the word/slur.
They were just misled by the norms of the time.
In a similar way, I dont believe that Lovecraft actively stamped down on black people and communities beyond what was considered already normal or baseline for that era.
He probably just went with the flow of the time, without any knowledge as to how fucked up it would later look.
I’m sure my meat eating habits and careless use of certain phrases will also age poorly with time and be seen as a deliberate sleight that propogates the horrific acts that society as a whole continues to enact
Didn’t realise this was a trope of ml, I’ve yet to hear from anyone who agrees with me.
Really not sure what you mean bringing historical materialism into the discussion, I’d be grateful for an education there.
If you want an example of where I’m coming from, here’s a WKUK sketch that I’m fond of that is in no way politically correct, and yet I don’t detect a shred of malicious intent by the creators. It’s just wackiness for the sake of wackiness: WKUK - time machine
Don’t look up Lovecraft’s cat.
That’s it, i’m calling my gf’s cat crackerman from now on
That is totally on my list of potential future cat names now 🤣
Don’t look up the ratio of Lovecraft mentions and “but his cat though” posts.
Oh dang, was that already well-known? I only learned about it just recently and was caught wholly off-guard by it, lol
Eh, it feels more like a joke name someone would give to a pet they genuinely love.
Didn’t age well of course, but no more than naming your dog Aids.
Actually scratch that, its still weird
I could even believe that his cat’s name was just a little affectionate joke if he wasn’t so blatantly and obscenely racist in his everyday life and in his stories.
I kind of liken that to the 80s/90s, when a common playground taunt was talking to a girl and being labeled as “having lurgies” or “gay”.
The latter evolved somewhat into the 2000s as those kids grew up, understood the meaning of the word, but still used it in comedy sketches as a hilariously misused playground taunt.
That taunt has since gained power (on both sides of spectrum) and is now no longer the throwaway meaningless word used to tickle your friends and opponents, but a heavy word with literal meaning and real consequence.
But I dont hold it against those comedians who went for that word during their sketches in 2000-2010s, because I dont really believe they they intended harm on the communities that encompass the word/slur.
They were just misled by the norms of the time.
In a similar way, I dont believe that Lovecraft actively stamped down on black people and communities beyond what was considered already normal or baseline for that era.
He probably just went with the flow of the time, without any knowledge as to how fucked up it would later look.
I’m sure my meat eating habits and careless use of certain phrases will also age poorly with time and be seen as a deliberate sleight that propogates the horrific acts that society as a whole continues to enact
.ml users defending white supremacy with historical materialism™ once again
Didn’t realise this was a trope of ml, I’ve yet to hear from anyone who agrees with me.
Really not sure what you mean bringing historical materialism into the discussion, I’d be grateful for an education there.
If you want an example of where I’m coming from, here’s a WKUK sketch that I’m fond of that is in no way politically correct, and yet I don’t detect a shred of malicious intent by the creators. It’s just wackiness for the sake of wackiness: WKUK - time machine
Do you mean Monica?