So today I tripped. Fell flat on my face, it was awful but ultimately harmless. My service dog, however, is trained to go get an adult if I have a seizure, and he assumed this was a seizure (were training him to do more to care for me, but we didn’t learn I had epilepsy until a year after we got him)
I went after him after I had dusten off my jeans and my ego, and I found him trying to get the attention of a very annoyed woman. She was swatting him away and telling him to go away. So I feel like I need to make this heads up
If a service dog without a person approaches you, it means the person is down and in need of help
Don’t get scared, don’t get annoyed, follow the dog! If it had been an emergency situation, I could have vomited and choked, I could have hit my head, I could have had so many things happen to me. We’re going to update his training so if the first person doesn’t cooperate, he moves on, but seriously guys. If what’s-his-face could understand that lassie wanted him to go to the well, you can figure out that a dog in a vest proclaiming it a service dog wants you to follow him
In America we are just supposed to attach a note to the dog that says “thoughts and prayers”
Plus a bill for medical services provided by acknowledging the dog
Its so easy to be a good person.
I just find their phone and use it to call for an ambulance for them. And I get a free phone. Easiest exchange ever.
Make sure you remove the ID finger before the ambulance arrives.
I won’t be making that mistake again.
Idk man, the face is kinda hard to carry…
I’m sure I can find a hacker somewhere
The only trouble with that is if it’s last year’s model then I’m just going to have to let them die.
Just imagine a service dog with a lil sigh that says, “Help! I need an adult!”
Like, me too, bud. Me too.
A woman once came to my place of work with a dog wearing an obviously fake service dog vest and patch. I know this for two reasons. One, the dog was completely out of control and yipping and scampering around all over the place and jumping on everybody, which is generally not service dog behavior. And two, once she learned the owner of our company had a dog she immediately launched into her sales pitch pushing him to buy her fake service dog patches, which she flat out admitted are for getting your dog into places it otherwise wouldn’t be allowed. I think this might have also had some kind of pyramid scheme aspect.
“Did you know??? Businesses are not allowed to discriminate against you or your dog if it says it’s a service animal! It’s Federal law!!!”
I threw her out. This made her very incensed.
I told her in no uncertain terms that the only thing she’s accomplishing is training people – not dogs – that they can ignore legitimate service animals because they might be dipshit Karens like herself are going around with fake service dogs causing problems everywhere they go. I am positive she lacked the empathy or self-awareness to understand the harm that this could cause to someone with a real service dog who was in need of actual help.
But she’s still banned. Too bad, not sad.
I hope the owner had your back 💯 for what you did. People always trying to side-step rules and/or boundaries because they think they’re stupid or don’t apply to them are exactly what’s wrong with the world today.
As Chief Executive Asshole around here, it is indeed one of my jobs to throw people out of the building when necessary. And also to tell self-important clients “no” when it’s appropriate.
Now that’s a job title I would actively strive for. 🤣
But what if I don’t have a vest?
Well you better start wearing one now.
well my first instinct would be to pet the dog, hope the dog has more sense than me and can refuse the free pets
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I reply to any commenter that posts twice. They are usually escaped/lost.
I’ve collected 13 kidneys this way, it’s too easy.
That must have been a very bad day for the person with only one kidney.
You must pee pure water
There’s a comic about this. Lady No-kids or something
A good life!!
Follow, don’t pet. Got it. Can I pet after?
If the owner is dead then you get to pet
If the owner is dead, you must scritch head.
I love rules that rhyme!
What if I’m also there. And a court concludes I maaay have had some small part in the owner’s death? Am I still allowed to pet it then (after it gets x-rayed coming into the prison)?
Is still a good dog, so yes. Pet
Be wary of killing the service dog’s owner as this may upset the dog.
Eh, they’re just a client. Service Pupper is all business.
And a court concludes I maaay have had some small part in the owner’s death?
I mean, this is gonna happen long after the petting is over. Go nuts.
Had no idea this was a thing, and I knew what a service dog was. Glad I learned something new today, thank you for sharing!
They should mention this on TV/Cable/other like they used to do in the old days when they used to broadcast PSAs.
It’s a shame they don’t put as much effort into educating the public on important things like this.
Yeah … instead of important even life saving information, we’re fed a steady stream of absolute nonsense and even information that is the opposite of a PSA.
Least you didn’t get traumatized by the ghost kid PSA we got about road safety.
They literally had this whole story about a kid who’d been run over crossing the road and he’s now basically a ghost wandering around being sad about it. I think there was a train one as well.
Don’t you know? Service dogs cause autism! I saw it on the news, they had a graph and everything!
That would require people to care.
I follow any dog that approaches me without an obvious owner. They are usually escaped/lost.
I reply to any commenter that posts twice. They are usually escaped/lost
Lol, not sure how that happened, my bad.
It’s probably a race condition in the Lemmy server code and not your fault.
I do this too, I usually end up lost.
I’ve known this fact in the past, but I’m not sure I’d remember it in the moment.
I would probably pet the dog for 10 minutes then go home and not remember until I see this meme again and then wonder if anything bad happened due to distracting the dog from finding someone actually useful 😅
Dog is hopefully trained to reject pets and get back to the goal at hand. Getting owner help.
All I know about them is people screech and holler in public and online if you pet one.
Yeah cool, thanks for your input
How do you pet a dog online?
What a cunt. I thought everyone knew this (to follow service dogs if they try to get your attention alone). Plus, why would you swat away any dog if it just wants your attention?
Some people have bad experiences with dogs as tiny kids and it carries with them to adulthood. It can also be that people’s one-or-both parents don’t like dogs (probably for that reason) and teach that to them.
Sad to go through life and miss out on that.
Yeah. That’s a good point. But I really thought that most people knew about the service dog thing though. I guess that’s on me for assuming (you know what they say about that).
Dogs are vicious, that’s why. Not even talking about the fighting dogs, which rip apart babies. I’m talking about small “cute” dogs, that bite girls and rip apart their toys for fun… Yeah, had that all happen to young women I got to know in my life and they are all traumatised.
*Some dogs. I agree it happens, but to say all dogs are is incorrect.
Yeah, they rip apart toys for fun… because it’s fun (and inherited behavior) but the vast majority of dogs would never attack someone like that. Unless their person is in extreme danger or something.
I wonder, if dog lovers here would be just as chill, if someone would respond something like “Yeah, we rip apart doggies for fun… because it’s fun”. :D
But they’re toys. Not other animals, or people. It’s an inherent trait. Any responsible dog owner knows this. My dog loves ripping apart some toys, but would never attack another human.
Have you ever owned a dog?