We need to make it clear that people who didn’t vote, who let Trump kill millions of Palestinians, Ukrainians, and trans people, aren’t leftists. They’re genocide supporters. Genocide supporters get no sympathy for any of the mental gymnastics they use to justify it.
I might tone this down just a little bit. If you claim to be a leftist or you were politically aware and you didn’t vote or voted for Trump, then you are a genocide supporter. There I totally agree.
I think the majority of people are too politically uneducated or filled with propaganda to label his genocide supporters. Even if they did vote for Trump.
I don’t understand what this means. What’s purity testing?
I thought catbus was a nazi, proposing it as a means to decide who dies in a genocide until I read the other comments 😅
You too, I posted a comment here.
So this is how they tell us they sat at home and watched trump win so they could pretend to be superior. Cool
So, I’m just one person. I didn’t stay home; voted against trump, and fill out my entire ballot after looking up cadidates I am unfamiliar with. I participate in rallies & protests that align with my views. I am superior, and that is cool.
Edit: genocide isn’t cool no matter who is aiding it. Biden earned that golden pager and trump is obviously gonna make it worse that it’s already been. -my new comment signature
Biden got fifteen million votes more than Kamala.
Why did those people stay home?
They went to the polls and the Republicans threw out their votes.
What’s the actual point of reposting this? The very small percentage on Lemmy who actually approve of genocide are mad, people who know trump was far worse are annoyed because you’re just seem to be appealing to the third group: people virtue signalling without taking any useful action
I would agree people virtue signal without taking any useful action
What are we testing the purity of? The leaded water they’re drinking?
( I don’t actually know what a purity test is in this context, I can’t imagine any scientific test that would establish how “pure” aka free from presumably negative contaminants a person is, nor how this could justify genocide at any scale even if it does exist? )
I mean… I guess if there’s a test that confirms there’s a 100% chance that a person and all of their offspring will become an existential threat to the rest of humanity (for example their bodies somehow produce a cocktail of deadly to normal humans and incurable highly adaptable and highly infectious pandemic level viruses which they breathe out continually)… Then I can see the argument for at minimum ensuring that horrifically dangerous mutant doesn’t procreate.
But, like, you basically have to go into X-MEN mutant territory of biologically dangerous to human existence before I’ll consider sterilising a person/group of people, or if necessary ending their lives.
In the real world there’s never any reason or excuse for genocide. So, yeah, whatever these “purity tests” are, sounds like Scientology level crap to me.
I am too sleepy to explain, so here is wikipedia.
The test is for ideological alignment, and when said, it typically means someone is failing the test over something they think is trivial. Failing the test in a political sense means you cannot be friends.
It’s always the people who have very little going on in their lives that think this way. Race is quite literally the only thing (in their eye) that sets them “above” anyone else. Which, first, you don’t need to compare yourself at all and second, that’s a you problem not a them problem.
I remember hearing a quote along the lines of “why are white supremacists always the least supreme whites?” It has stuck with me. When you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel, I guess racism allows you to feel superior to something. Because telling yourself “at least I’m not black” is likely easier for some people than accepting that they’re a loser with no aspirations, no future, no fame, no money, etc… At least racism gives them some sort of outlet.
Not defending racism, but it’s interesting to think about how it starts in individuals, because that’s ultimately where you need to target your efforts to stamp it out.
Yeah, it’s such a depressing thing.
For a long time growing up I didn’t even know what racism was. It existed and was there if you looked for it, but as a child it wasn’t really taught to us, and if you don’t experience something directly - and importantly don’t have a brain that can easily understand the concept of hating other people based on silly random things like skin colour or where they’re born - it can be easily overlooked entirely.
This works both ways though, when we were young we heard racist jokes and just thought of them as jokes. We thought the joke was for example making a little fun of the differences between people from different places, like their accents, in a light-hearted way that works both ways (like other people would make fun of our accents too, and its all done in a generally good natured way), but as we grew older and got a bit wiser we saw the differences between those “jokes” and the actual good natured sort of stuff.
When you can’t conceive of that sort of hatred, you often can’t see it even when it’s presented in front of you wrapped up to look like something acceptable, I suppose.
Thinking further, on the one hand I’d say we weren’t really taught very effectively at school what racism was until well into our teens, even though we were taught from the youngest ages to have a basic kindness and respect for everybody, etc etc. We were taught to be anti-racist basically, but weren’t actually told that racists exist and what racism actually was.
I wonder if the lessons would have carried a little more understanding if we were shown the larger picture earlier.
Anyway, yeah. It sucks that people can’t just ignore all the race/gender/etc stuff and just treat people the same.
We’d still find loads of reasons to hate each other :-P But it would based on our beliefs, actions and character, not stupid things like the colour of our skin or where we’re from!