If we want to rename things (Mexico was a LOT larger in the olden times) why don’t we call it “Gulf of the Americas?”
Oh because it doesn’t support imperial single minded nationalism and isn’t USA centered
America is a continent, not a country. “Americas” is as correct as “Europes”. But certainly those who decided to call it gulf of america are not aware of that.
Where and when was this decided by the Indigenous people of North America?
I’m interested to learn more about this. I’ve never heard this name when I studied the history of North America,
No because it’s not a homogeneous people so it would have many different names/this wouldn’t be coordinated across NA
I unironically support this
while I like this, I don’t think I would be able to pronounce it, lol
The assholes are trying to retake Denali from the indigenous people after we finally gave it back.
Is that the mountain? Sorry, I’m not American.
Yeah, it was named Mount McKinley during that presidents candidacy, even though he never saw the mountain.
Then the during President Obama’s second term, they renamed it to the most popular/common name the indigenous peoples used, Denali
Now it’s already back to Mt. McKinkey, because Trump has a hard-on for both robber barons like McKinley, and undoing Obama’s work.
Looks like “not exactly,” but it’s cool nonetheless:
Pfft. Lousy historians and their stupid . . research.
I’m just happy that this semi-true fact led me to learn a whole lot about the nahuatl and their history!
Never heard of this goddess before but im glad i did. She’s got some really awesome depictions!
Yep… She’s got some great ‘depictions’ 👉😏👉
Always wanted a woman with a snake moustache!
I need to understand the snake moustache. Is it a water breather so she can breathe above water while she feeds her children. She’s really pulling that overtime.
Also, who skinned the baby? He seems pretty unperturbed though.
She of the Jade Skirt: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chalchiuhtlicue
“Gulf of the Jade Skirt” sounds kinda badass.
When I lived in Panama City Beach a lot of people called it The Emerald Coast. I’m not the best with colors but if someone asked me the difference between Jade and Emerald I wouldn’t know
Reminds me of Kali
I really wish we could actually “rename” places as their original indigenous names across all America(
s). For example my country had an internal turmoil just to keep the original name of its capital city because we love our native people, and yet we keep the incredibly stupid name of “Land of Colon” (imho most probably the most stupid name of any country, ever) because fuck our native people.I like that we call it Denali nowadays instead of Mount McKinley. I’m all for this.
Now if I could just get South Dakota to issue me a new license plate without those faces carved into the mountain…
Damn I definitely did miss this. What the fuck is wrong with this country?
At least Alaska doesn’t condone such shittery? https://www.akleg.gov/basis/Bill/Text/34?Hsid=HJR004A
At this point, I don’t know if America can heal with Mt Rushmore still there. I’m not saying we would blow it up, but I do think it might be good if it was blown up.
I’m practicing the pronunciation right now.
No problem, I’m Welsh
How are you coping with the over abundance of vowels?
When every letter is a vowel, none of them are.
I’ve said for decades that in order to cope with an insane world, people take up unjustifiable positions. Some people turn to God, others believe in causes, or whatever.
Mine is that Wales isn’t real and your language is a psyop. I’m sorry.
Somebody teach me the basic pronounciation, so I can make a slightly less fool of myself when trying to say it, and I’m on board with that.
Damn, those are some crazy phonetics
this is somehow harder to pronounce
I’m all for finding a middle ground, which is why I will call it the Gulf of Canada, USA, and Mexico. Or Gulf of C.U.M. for short.
BP Playground
I’ll do this starting NOW, if someone will just post a pronunciation guide! Please?
Chalchiuhtlicue [t͡ʃaːɬt͡ʃiwˈt͡ɬikʷeː]
Best I can do is this: chal-chew-KLEE-kway
With some help from Forvo. The [t͡ɬ] sounds like KL to my Canadian ears and not TL (which doesn’t happen at the start of syllable in English anyway).
Edit: apparently that’s just rhe the deity… Not sure what to do with the last few letters. “eh-kattle”?
Yep, that’s just the deity.
There’s also pronunciation videos, FYI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pklyVXkYgk&t=35s
Thanks: that’s gonna take some practise!
Yes please
My gal spelt out “Chalchiuhtlicueyecati” but abbreviated “associated with.”
Anybody got a pronunciation key?
I think nobody would complain if you pronounced it “Cha Cha cat”
Agree, at least it’s the original name
If I could heard that pronounced I would totally start call it that too
Same. I see the wiki link, but those symbols mean nothing to me.