Turtle Island
Hey now, I’m feeling attacked!
To the top with you
Trade names with the Gulf and become the United States of Mexico.
A not-insignificant amount of the USA was Mexico, at one time.
That’s just Mexico’s actual name
There’s nothing united about it, other than maybe hatred towards minorities
other than maybe hatred towards minorities
There are
dozensthousands of us!
New New Mexico and Old New Mexico
United States of Gulf & Mexico America
Whatever the Cherokee word for “stolen land” is.
Or, you know, the thousands of other languages that existed.
Sorry, distilling everything indigenous down to the Cherokee is a pet peeve of mine.
Truly the English specialty: stealing stuff from other people.
What’s the only reason the pyramids are still in Egypt? They’re too big to fit in the British museum.
Too big to fit English ships you mean ;)
Spain owned more
They did, then Britain came along and pulled a deepseek on them :)
It was America at the time
They had a whole revolutionary war over Britain blocking their expansion
It’s an Algonquin cryptid / monster with an insatiable hunger for human flesh and a love of murder. Generally greedy and evil. Also known to smell bad.
Honors our native heritage and says something about our beloved country’s strength of character.
The more I read about it and learned about these stories as a kid from my parents and Elders … the more I realize that it is also a metaphor or life lesson about who we are as people and humanity as a whole.
Wendigo in many legends was originally just a man or woman like you or me or anyone. They are infected or affected by a mysterious force and changed to become a hunter of people. Many of the legends talk about how Wendigo is basically just out hunting, doing things like a hunter does, tracking, following, hiding, creeping towards their prey … but the prey are humans, people, families, children, etc. They are intelligent, speak, understand, communicate, can trick people but they can also be tricked, they can also be dumb, silly, wise or completely wild.
The metaphor is that we are all capable or prone to becoming infected with dark forces if we allow them and change us into beings that will take from others and even kill them to enrich ourselves or prolong our lives.
Many believe that Wendigos still live and prey on people all over the world … but instead of hunting and preying on people in the forests and wilderness … they live and work in corporations and governments.
Yeah, it’s definitely a powerful metaphor for greed. The image of something constantly starving, never satiated no matter how much it eats, miserable and ravenous and destructive is clearly not something to strive for. I was reading that in some legends Wendigo just grow in proportion to how much they consume, so they never feel less hungry, they just get bigger. Kinda reminds one of how corporations function, with a constant drive to acquire and grow, but they never reach a point of satisfaction, where they’re big enough. They just take and take as much as they’re capable of.
That’s the other difference with Windigo legends across North America. I’m Ojibway from northern Ontario and I grew up with my own variety of stories from my family about this creature. But I’ve heard of other variations from the prairies, from Hudson Bay, northern Quebec, the American midwest and around the Great Lakes region and all the stories are different and unique to their regions. Some similarities and common themes but all different. Then you mix in there the Hollywood marketing and imagery of deer skulls, loose flesh and all that scary stuff.
But I always enjoyed the core metaphoric message that this is a greedy, blood thirsty animal that was once a man and now wants to consume everything and everyone.
Over the past year I have been trying to expose myself to more Anishinaabeg stories and lessons, do you have a list or a resource of Ojibway legends I can read? Thanks!
This is one resource that shares a lot of the culture and traditions from my area. A lot of northern James Bay Cree stuff but mixed with Ojibway … both cultural groups have a lot in common, especially in this part of the province. Similiar … but not the same. It’s like comparing the Scottish from the English, the Welsh and the Irish … they’re all connected and share similarities but they’re all different.
Now I need to go watch “Prey”, again.
“It’s just a prank, Han!”
Mountain Dew presents: Freedom Country - Brought to you by United Healthcare.
Way too credible
Given the religious fervor throughout its history, how about naming it after an ancient biblical region?
Wait. Shit, that won’t work, even Jordan’s gone woke. Maybe something else in the region?
OH! How about Gilead!?
Except Transjordan isn’t biblical. It’s the region of Palestine that became The Kingdom of Jordan. As opposed to Cisjordan, which is the region that became Israel and the present Palestine.
But I don’t think we’re allowed to say cis anymore. /s
Except Transjordan isn’t biblical
I know, but when I Googled to confirm the name of the country in Handmaid’s Tale, I noticed the real Gilead was in Transjordan, saw a joke opportunity sitting there, and that was the smoothest I could work it in. I’m open to workshopping it.
No, the joke was funny. I’m just a grump!
Thank you, but I’m the grump. But I didn’t intend it as such. 1.) I was in rare form when posting last night and 2.) I still feel the need to point out that “I can go chapter and verse, muthafucka” on Bible stuff, as if it’s something to be proud of. Presumably then I wasn’t indoctrinated and ruined for nothing! I know stuff as a result, see!? I’ve memorized fiction and still occasionally confuse it with history, so fun!
Sodom. From the story of Sodom & Gommorah, but I would choose the name based on a passage from Ezekiel.
“This was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy.”
I grew up being taught that America was literally the “Whore of Babylon” from the Book of Revelation.
And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. - Revelation 17:5
It was specifically said to be a prophecy about the United States and once you understood that, the rest of the story just clicked into place! I want to vomit just thinking back to that bullshit.
Yep, in classical biblical literature it’s understood that the “sin of Sodom” was lack of social justice.
It’s the Christian interpretation that made it primarily a sex thing.
OK hear me out: It should be named after the first European explorer to discover it and popularize the European expansion: Christopher Columbus.
- Like its namesake, the nation too is racist, cruel and genocidal. Even the Spanish Inquisition era Catholics were like, damn Christopher!
- Like the largest exporter of cocaíne in South America, it too is full of drugs, and its elections are the plaything of big money cartels and foreign powers.
- It was mostly settled by white people from England.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you your new nation: British Columbia.
The world isn’t ready for Mega BC
Listen. I know you said no wrong answers but unfortunately due to the past few decades of the American Political system, pretty much anything is now effectively accurate. Even such things as:
- The Divided States of America
- McMilitary Industrial Complex
- The Paycheck-to-Paycheck Republic
- Red vs Blue
- Gilded Ruins
- AmeriKKKa
- Walmartistan
- Gunlandia
- Yeehaw Reich
- Methlehem
- Debtlandia
- Live, Laugh, Lawsuit
+2 for Yeehaw Reich
+1 for Methlehem… but it also reminds of my personal favourite … Alamabadan
DUM-FUCK-ISTAN. Fuck yeah!!!
United States of Lee (after General Robert Lee)
New motto
All For Me and None For Thee
Hey now - why go with Lee when you could go with Forrest and celebrate the first leader of the KKK.
Also, much better statutes.
Never fight uphill, me boys!
Rename it to Mexico. Then the whole gulf of mexico situation is fixed.
A vast amount of it used to be Mexico.
Staties McStatyface
Oooh a contest to name the country, most votes wins!
I’ll set up the 1-900 number, just $10 to submit your vote.
Serious answer: the Viking settlers named the land “Vinland” long before Columbus was even born. That name is of Germanic origin, same as the English language, and would be appropriate for settlers of Germanic origin (England, Germany, etc.)
Alternatively, a name in
thea Native American language would be most appropriate given that they were the original inhabitants of the land.A name in the Native American language
There is no single native American language. There are over 200 of them, and used to be around 300-400, in 57 different families and over two dozen completely isolated languages (which might not be, but it’s hard to find out). And they’d likely be at the very least somewhat mutually culturally insensitive.
So that might be even more difficult than using English, which at least has the benefit of being popular now.
Vinland is Newfoundland, I’m afraid! It’s not generally thought that the Norse made it as far south in the Americas as the modern day contiguous USA
It’s just a matter of what history you accept. Here in Massachusetts, there are several places with monuments to Viking explorers. Since we’re throwing away educational standards, deciding on our own “facts, and ignoring all sorts of disconnects with reality, why not choose what history to accept? If we can end climate change by not being allowed to mention it, surely we can fix history by declaring different facts true
“OKLAHOMA”, but in all caps because it’s big now.
Needs at least two exclamation points on that thing; to properly imply scale. Add an extra one for each of the following territorial acquisitions: Canada and Greenland.
Coming soon, to a map near you: OKLAHOMA!!!
Sounds a lot like Finland doesn’t it? I believe if our name is on it then it’s ours!