Elon Musk allegedly installed an unauthorized server at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), gaining access to sensitive federal employee data, including Social Security numbers, home addresses, and medical histories.
Young, inexperienced staffers are reportedly using this access to target positions for removal, particularly DEI offices.
Security concerns have been raised, with fears of hacking and HIPAA violations.
Senior officials have been locked out of key systems, limiting oversight of DOGE’s actions, which could significantly impact the federal workforce.
bUt WhAt AbOuT hEr EmAiLs
Every accusation is a confession
We need a buttery males bot. Or maybe not lol, it was obnoxious on Reddit.
i just got it. took me a while
Nice. You’ve had well over 8 years for that one.
Puns ain’t my strong suit
Perseverance, though. You got there in the end.
There really was no plan at all about preventing fascists from just marching in and doing whatever they want, huh? We were just supposed to count on people to do the right thing? Surprised this didn’t happen sooner, honestly.
Checks and balances.
Checks and balances.
Checks and balances.
Fascism and collapse.
The Judicial system is being gish galloped. Let’s see if Congress gives a shit especially as Elon has usurped the Power of the Purse.
Narrator: They didn’t
Congress: um you can’t do that
Musk: my friend Donnie and I will tell the base to primary you and then drag the bodies of you and your entire family through the streets
Congress: my bad!
I guess the idea was always that the public would need to stop the gish gallop until the judicial system has caught up to restore the balance. In the hopes that there would still be an executive power functional enough to enforce the ruling.
No one is supposed to follow illegal orders. But, who is to say what’s illegal and isn’t? And who are you going to call when they force you? The people executing Trumps orders? Is it worth not going home to your family over, or should you just let the courts decide? And who is to adjudicate your guilt? And can you even afford to fight it? Not if you’re a non-corrupt civil servant.
No, there is no plan for the country choosing evil.
It was built into the system, one way or another. The founders were morons. Even at its best, you have a few hundred people you have to corrupt to take over the entire country.
The Iroquois Nation will retain its title for longest lasting known democracy on North American soil
Are they accepting refugees? Or did we wipe them out?This was supposed to be funny, but tbh I’m too ignorant to made a decent joke about it. Obviously they would just be under US jurisdiction if they still exist, and probably don’t have that kind of power, but fuck maybe it’s time for native Americans to kick the rest of us back to the sea because we obviously don’t deserve their land.
maybe it’s time for native Americans to kick the rest of us back to the sea because we obviously don’t deserve their land
In their defense, there’s no way they could have imagined the modern world. The system worked okay for the world they lived in, but it became woefully inadequate over the next 200 years or so. They probably hoped that future generation were the ones that wouldn’t be morons.
It didn’t work okay for the world they lived in. Alien and Sedition acts were in, what, the second presidency?
If they don’t follow their illegal orders they will still arrested them or fire them for insubordination. If something is done in the end those people will not get their jobs back or have their records cleared or be compensated in any way.
Meanwhile the perps won’t get shit done to them.
All the laws that were put in place after Nixon didn’t really lay out a punishment. They assumed impeachment would still be the remedy used. Not sure what changed between the 70s and now that made senators afraid to challenge their president.
A republic. If you can keep it.
Narrator: “They couldn’t.”
Kind of scary, really. This whole time all our adversaries had to do was social engineer their way in through the front door with a handwritten note from dear leader.
Story of my life, too. I always expect people to do the right thing… but they never do.
Elon Musk needs to be charged, convicted, and hanged for treason against the republic.
Do you have to be a citizen to commit treason? Did he actually obtain citizenship after committing his visa fraud? I’d like to see the long form certificate of his citizenship. Last time they complained someone was born in Africa it was a big deal…
He is a US citizen. He can be charged, convicted, and hanged for treason. And there isn’t even any case law about whether a non-citizen can be charged with treason.
You don’t have to be a US citizen to be prosecuted for any particular crime if you commit it on US soil.
Glad I am not the only one who had an altered view of the death penalty in light of recent events.
Treason holds a special place in my heart.
There’s the slight problem of “it’s only treason if you fail”, though. It’s a corollary of “history is written by the winners”.
Not really. Sometimes even the Victor’s of wars and battles executed the traitors to the other side that helped them. Very much a case of love the treason hate the traitor.
“Desperate times…” and all that
I would accept him being sent to Gitmo for life.
Only to be pardoned by the great leader of course.
He needs to be tried too.
This is one of those things were pardons and laws don’t really matter. The way this thing is going, most of the citizens of DC will literally want to see Trump, Musk, and Vance’s heads on pikes. If things get bad enough, the military and those guarding the president may simply look the other way and let the mob storm the gates. Most of the instances you see of revolutionary crowds storming a dictator’s palace only occur because the military abandons them.
Trump and Musk are at a very real risk of ending up like Mussolini, hanging from a lamppost. That’s how Fascist leaders like him often end up.
most of the citizens of DC will literally want to see Trump, Musk, and Vance’s heads on pikes
If things get bad enough, the military and those guarding the president may simply look the other way and let the mob storm the gates
I wish I could live in your fantasy world, mate, but it’s never going to happen. The ideological divide has mutated beautifully into full-on trench warfare between camps of cheerleaders/fans. There are more than enough of the ‘other’ in positions that matter to make the machine’s gears keep turning.
I’d prefer things end without violence… Which puts me in the most impossible timeline there is. It’s so frustrating realizing they’re all literally stupid or manipulated by stupid. Stupid being the promise of wealth, power, and fame ironically at all costs.
Theres literally a 2amendment which makes it a legal obligation for the citizens to stop the government currently tho.
After this, is there any question that he didn’t do something to hack vote counting machines? I’m feeling like this election wasn’t legitimate.
He didn’t have to. Read this.
Fantastic long read. ty.
But if you’re expecting a sexy story about Elon Musk messing with vote-counting software from outer space, sorry, you won’t get that here.
As in Bush v. Gore in 2000, and in too many other miscarriages of Democracy, this election was determined by good old “vote suppression,” the polite term we use for shafting people of color out of their ballot. We used to call it Jim Crow.
In a two party, first past the post voting country no election is legitimate
Nice point to bring up if you want to dilute a message
if you are sick of being disenfranchised by Democrats
This public masturbation thing you’re doing is really weird. “I voted for the fascists because the Democrats were heading towards fascism” is just weird. I mean at least the maga are honest about it, they wanted Nazis, they voted for Nazis, and they’re happy as peaches to get Nazis. But not you. No, the Democrats forced you to choose Nazis and so the Nazis are their fault?
I don’t get what you are doing, but at this point it’s moved past trolling to just feeling weird and gross.I voted for the fascists because the Democrats were heading towards fascism
no one said that. it’s a strawman
Oh, I’m sorry. I interrupted before you got that far into your wank? I can see why it would leave you feeling frustrated.
Not that I haven’t said much the same, but you’re about to find out what disenfranchisement really feels like while whining about what voting system you should have had.
Elon Musk is currently taking over the U.S. and you still want to argue about elections as if they will even ever happen again outside of what Putin does.
You don’t have to be sick of being disenfranchised by Democrats anymore because they’re now the puppet opposition.
There was a rightward shift nearly everywhere. Although I do think there was some shenanigans going on in some places (I’m no expert, but this looks like a legitimate indication of tampering:, Trump would’ve won regardless.
But her emails though, am I right guys?
My first thought when seeing the headline was “quick, somebody tell the conservatives that he’s using Hillary’s server to do it, then maybe something will happen!”
Hillary had the decency to destroy Libya. Did Elon not get the memo that America is the holy country of the chosen people?
Gaddafi was a fucking monster. No one misses him or his corpse freezer. So when the people started rising up, the UN said, sure, we can help out a bit. And so flew a handful of missiles. And zero troops.
No, the problem is that after giving minimal help to oust Gaddafi, no one stepped in to restore order. So the civil war continued.
As a note, the Arab Spring is part of why the Saudis helped Leon buy Twitter. To make sure it couldn’t be used for that sort of uprising again.
Thanks for bringing back the slave market to Libya!
You might want to recheck all the propaganda you consumed. Most of it has already been declassified as lies.
So Gaddafi wasn’t a piece of shit that deserved to die?
But her emailsTM
Those are some interesting sources you provided to back up those… claims.
In April 2011 NBC News reported that United States ambassador, Susan Rice, told a closed-door meeting of officials at the UN that the Libyan military is using rape as a weapon in the war with the rebels and some had been issued the anti-impotency drug.
Amnesty International said many false reports that Libyan forces committed rape had been spread as disinformation by rebel forces, and that it could not find a “single victim of rape or a doctor who knew about somebody being raped”. In June 2011, a UN investigator did not find evidence of mass rapes, and branded the claims as “hysteria”
Reuters 2011 (along with the rest of the propaganda consurtium): U.S. says Gaddafi troops raping, issued Viagra: envoys
Say do unproven mass rape allegations sound familiar somewhere? I vaguely recall some other mass rape allegations spread by the entire media apparatus against a certain group recently.
Tesla dealers now know how much you make, your health, etc…
Starlink knows your sexual history, financials, health, and physical location
To be fair, data brokers already know that stuff. The difference is now Tesla doesn’t have to buy the data.
In a few years we’re probably going to find out that Musk uses the cameras on Teslas to 1)creep on women he likes 2) spy on politicians for compromising material Between Teslas and Starlink he literally knows where people are.
We already know that tesla corp share footage of anything “fun” around the office. We have known for years.
It’s been wild reading news stories coming out the US over the last couple of weeks.
Not the stories themselves of course, but the air of shock and alarm in both the stories and in the comment sections - and its not just Lemmy, its everywhere there’s a comment section - when you knew what he was going to do, he told you what he was going to do - why are you now in any way surprised or disturbed?
The main question I have is that I’ve been hearing from Americans for decades now how gun ownership means you have a 2nd amendment based militia ready to go to protect the constitution and yet in the face of what is completely obviously the initial stages of a coup, I see no signs of that militia. Where are you?
I see no signs of that militia. Where are you? I don’t even see signs of mass protest. Just idle chat online. Theres alarm, but its all complacent, Land of the free, to sit around and watch their country burn. Yet they still make fun of the french for WWII.
At least the french know how to fucking riot.
You put the equivalent of mobsters in the White House and suddenly these checks don’t matter. As a country we fucked around and found out.
Seriously I tried warning people but they were certain that our existing laws would hold up. It’s heartbreaking.
It sounds like you are in a different country. Start getting involved in your politics to decouple from the USA and shield from its influence. It’s more urgent than it seems.
The outrage you see here from the US lemmings is the minority opinion. There is no internal force or opposition to what you see.
Even the people who make shooting a tyrannical government their whole identity didn’t bring their guns on Jan 6. It’s always been hot air.
There were guns, they were just left in the stashes. The Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and 3%ers all had weapon caches ready to go, they just didn’t open them.
Also a few pipe bombs. Those were deployed but not detonated.
A third of the population think this is a good guy with
a gunauthoritarian power so this is great. A third of the population are complaining about how the Democrats aren’t good enough to vote for in the midterms, and a third of the population are busy arguing with the other 2 thirds.There are a lot of reasons for this. Many of us did see it coming. However, we have all still been culturally brainwashed to think that our government has too many checks for things to get this far out of hand.
So it’s like your average American doesn’t believe this is even a possibility regardless as to what they have said.
The main question I have is that I’ve been hearing from Americans for decades now how gun ownership means you have a 2nd amendment based militia ready to go to protect the constitution and yet in the face of what is completely obviously the initial stages of a coup, I see no signs of that militia. Where are you?
This was always posturing. It was a dumb fantasy invented by the right to mythologize the country’s origins, skew the intent of the framers, and most importantly, give them plausible deniability in the gun control debate.
If gun owners truly believed in the myth of the “people’s militia” being a necessary apparatus to prevent government oppression or tyranny, they would have picked up their rifles and stopped the insurrectionists attacking the capitol building on January 6th, 2021. A literal violent coup and they sat back and did nothing. No - worse than nothing, they agreed with the people trying to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power!
The idiot masses won’t stand up to tyranny with force or strength of arms, ever. The propaganda machine will convince Americans to shoot their neighbors long before they ever even think to shoot at their ruling class.
Because gun are for poor people to kill themselves, and Kamala was in favour of Israel so we let Trump get elected
when you knew what he was going to do, he told you what he was going to do - why are you now in any way surprised or disturbed?
My guess is that people’s reaction is more like: “I thought politicians lie? Why would they do this?”
I know Musk is not technically a politician, but the same confused reaction and bewilderment that you mentioned is applied to Trump’s current actions as well.
Because no one wants to be the first to start a revolution. No one wants to be a martyr to get the cause going. No one is desperate enough yet to put their life and freedom on the line.
I see no signs of that militia. Where are you?
nice try, officer
I’m neither shocked nor alarmed. I’ve known America was dead since November 5th. Now it’s just a question of when/if I’ll get out and the knowledge that at least I won’t ever have kids to feed the fascists.
Ok so this is really a hostile takeover right out of a black mirror episode. It’s starting to dawn on me
Like [insert dystopian story here], but stupider. That seems to be the theme.
While I appreciate that it dawned on you… Why did it take this long? They told us exactly what they were going to do.
I don’t keep informed very close on US matters
Don’t worry, musk is aligned with Trump, so the anti tyranny gun people are too busy bending over to give a fuck
I’m all for fighting tyranny and oppressive governments wanting to take ma guns. However, I vote R and it’s not my rights that are being trampled. It’s my own team that is seeking the end of democracy. So, I will gladly bend over and take it without lube for my boy, Trumpy and Musky.
- The 2A Ammosexuals
At this point, I’m starting to just hope that I live long enough to get to the end of the “First They Came for” sermon and see all of the shocked Pikachu faces as all of these braindead fascist fucks are up against the wall. “But I didn’t think they were talking about me!”
We’ve been stuck in a Black Mirror episode since 2020.
It’s starting to dawn on me
I mean, yes, it really is. We’re watching what may be the end of democracy. We’re only a month in and we have unelected oligarchs making policy decisions and budget measures without voting or congressional oversight or even representation.
This is the definition of a coup, it’s just that there’s no tanks rolling down the street. Yet.
Our best-case scenario is that they just want to steal our money, and once they fill their bellies with your private data and identity data and of course, money, they will return to their dens to digest the feast. Our worst-case scenario is that the 2024 election will be remembered as America’s last attempt at democracy.
Tanks rolling down the street is a good keyword. What’s your militarys take on all this? Are they more likely to defend democracy or are they already mostly lead by magas? How likely is them kicking out the government and taking over?
While the US military is sworn to uphold the Constitution, the President is still technically their commander and boss and they are obligated to follow his orders unless it’s some egregious offense against the constitution, but like with everything happening right now, we’ve never had this system tested, we’ve never faced a military having to make this choice on a large-scale level.
We also have a constitution that was written centuries ago and hasn’t been updated or amended in a very long time, and this archaic abstractness is what has let so many people and courts stretch the interpretations or ignore it entirely. At this point I don’t think the military will defy the administration for nearly any reason because nobody actually knows what they’re doing or supposed to do. The rug has been yoinked out from under US government but it’s been a slow, slow tug and we didn’t realize we didn’t have a rug under us until the system wasn’t there to protect anyone anymore. Add to that, there are enough far-right generals and defense department officials who are completely on-board with this administration’s warmongering and hate that I don’t think any kind of “constitutional crisis” would last long in the ranks of the military. The fascist marinade has seeped into every nook and cranny here.
The whole world should be very, very worried.
OPM also houses all the clearance applications and associated investigation paperwork. Great…
Remember the OPM data breach in 2015? This is that, but for all OPM data, instead of some of it or most of it. For those unfamiliar with an SF86 (or eQIP); it’s your entire employment, educational, and residential history. All foreign nationals you maintain contact with, family history, financial history, travel history, anything that may be relevant in granting a security clearance.
This can include invesigators’ findings and interviews.
I went to OPM right after this happened, everybody I met was fired.
deleted by creator
Elon Musk didn’t install anything. He just gave the order.
I know for a fact he doesn’t understand anything about server technology.
As an unelected, unappointed worker he shouldn’t have any power outside of DOGE (which kind of doesn’t even exist).
“Dear China, spreads open butthole, please come in. Love, MAGA.” - Trump email sent to Xi
What a horrible day to have a functioning imagination
I started on the Internet in the 90s. Once you get past Goatse, Tubgirl and 2 Girls, 1 Cup, your imagination for horrific things people say on the internet gets severely muted.
Somewhere, Hillary Clinton is laughing.
I voted for her out of attempted harm reduction, and I agree, she probably is.
Wealthy neoliberals care as much about their fellow citizens as wealthy fascists, as they both have the same God they worship 💰
One appeals to pretending to care about people’s well-being while taking bribes to hurt them, the other appeals to pretending to care about idiot bigot’s blood lust while taking bribes to hurt them.
Yeah you’re probably not far off. Similarly, I held my nose and voted for her as well. She was obviously the better choice, if only because her legacy was tied to a platform that at least on paper was significantly better than the alternative (e.g., climate change).
Alas I raise Hillary because of the double-standards of her buttery males versus this which is infinitely worse — yet, naturally, not a peep from conservative circles.
Because we know they’re hypocrites and ends justify means to them.
Perhaps if we had a candidate we didn’t have to hold our nose over, this all could have been avoided.
Honestly, right-wing media domination is so strong that we could resurrect George Washington, merge his DNA with Reagan’s corpse, then conjoin that with Trump’s head and call him GigaTrump and Republicans wouldn’t vote for him because of the (D).
It’s not really republicans that we need to attract. It’s all the people the DNC abandoned in pursuit of the corporate dollar.
Yup and let’s see what they’re up to, oh they’re trying to strengthen anti-piracy laws I’m sure that’ll help Americans
Oh, they never cared at all about the emails. That was just to gin up outrage among stupid people. Otherwise, they would have gone after Republicans that did it first.
So…a fucking CRIME, right?
Yes. He has literally committed a capital offense. He could literally hang for this.
Not anymore! With constitution 2.0 only bad moms who forget to pick up their kids from the baseball game on time will ever be prosecuted for capital offences and sentenced to capital punishment… Not rich guys!
Spoiler: He won’t.
Yes. So what?
Law doesn’t matter. Breaking the law is common. And if anything, Trump’s first term is all the proof we didn’t even need that laws won’t stop this.
This is why I think it’s heinous presidential pardons were ever allowed to be on the books. Must have reminded the founders of the kingly powers they sought to replace?
How did no one ever consider that you can do as many crimes as you want, so long as the president will pardon you?
Really dumb, if you ask me.
Where are all the 2A folks? I thought this is what they were alive for? To take down a tyrannical government
They lied it was all about having biggest peen
Fragile masculinity go brrr.
I don’t know the English onomatopoeia for shattering glass. :(
they just say that because it sounds better than “I hope one day a black guy tries to break into my house so I can kill one”
They’re all too busy making sure Hillary Clinton isn’t using a private server for her email.
Christ ….i remember when people considered that “the worst bad thing”. You’ve come so far.
And by people, you mean the dumbest and worst people.
Turns out they were mostly hoping to shoot liberals that were trying to kick down their doors to take guns and force them into a gay marriage.
They’re deeply unserious about everything they scream about. They have no respect or serious connection with the US constitution. They only cling to the talking points like “the second amendment” because they know it gives them the right to be violent, and to the people who installed this man as shadow-president, they only care about having the right to hurt people they hate, and they hate a LOT of people.
Mark my words, if there’s an executive leader that gives them the right to carry guns and hurt people, but discards the constitution, they will be first to piss on that document.
This is starting to exceed even my pessimistic doomsday expectations. And we aren’t even a month in yet.