You don’t need an excuse. If you’re at a party and no longer want to be there, say “I have to go now, thanks for the great party” to the host and leave
No one cares why you’re leaving. I’m probably well on the neurotypical end of the spectrum and I’m usually there first in my friend group to leave a party just because parties are late and I wake early. No one complains unless I’m their lift home and they don’t want to leave yet
You don’t need an excuse. If you’re at a party and no longer want to be there, say “I have to go now, thanks for the great party” to the host and leave
No one cares why you’re leaving. I’m probably well on the neurotypical end of the spectrum and I’m usually there first in my friend group to leave a party just because parties are late and I wake early. No one complains unless I’m their lift home and they don’t want to leave yet
Aaand now I’m stuck between being incredibly blunt, which I don’t like at all, or making up an excuse on the spot (which I suck at)
Better to just make up the excuse beforehand.
It not that hard to say you’re tired lol
Yeah but some people (especially at parties) have a hard time to not accept “tiredness” as answer. :/ (Yeah I realize this is primarily a me problem)
Be blunt. You do it twice or thrice and people get the message.
Yeah I have to deal with that back and forth for 30 mins lol