I was perplexed by the question. What’s the difference? They explained: “Should I tiptoe and watch my manners around you or be blunt? Flirtatious or chill? Brag about my sexual conquests or talk about our feelings? When you’re sad, do I hug you and buy you ice cream or do we go grab some beers? Should I wonder if we’ll ever hook up?”

I’m not sure if I’m more appalled or confused by this mindset. I thought everyone treated their friends the same regardless of their gender identity. Is this just a fringe case of toxic masculinity, or is this really how the average cis person sees the world?

  • pixeltree
    2 months ago

    I mean, I exhibit those same differences in behavior, it’s just that it’s based on the person and not their gender. Some of my friends and I flirt, knowing we don’t actually mean anything by it. Some want to hear my TMI stories and knowledge. Some would be incredibly uncomfortable with that. Some of my friends come to me with problems, wanting solutions, and some just want to talk about the problem. Some of these things are more likely to fall one way or the other based on gender, but everyone’s different and treating you in stuff like this based on your gender instead of you is wack.