This got me looking and unfortunately possibly found a bit of info that debunks the whole tweet. Napster was completely gone by July 2001. So this guy either has the date wrong(by like 15months) or it wasn’t a Napster download. Kazaa would be out by then too probably so that leaves Limewire, but that used torrenting protocols so it wouldn’t have had the same susceptibility to a loss of connection.
This got me looking and unfortunately possibly found a bit of info that debunks the whole tweet. Napster was completely gone by July 2001. So this guy either has the date wrong(by like 15months) or it wasn’t a Napster download. Kazaa would be out by then too probably so that leaves Limewire, but that used torrenting protocols so it wouldn’t have had the same susceptibility to a loss of connection.
Napster also let you resume unfinished downloads anyway.
It was likely BearShare, but they were embarrassed to admit it.