Metal vocalists hate him!
Metal vocalists
hatelove him!
You got scammed, bro. 4-stroke lungs are a much better deal. (uni-directional breathing, air sacs before/after lungs. birds, crocodiles, dinosaurs)
I’m mostly surprised that one or both lungs aren’t Saddam Hussein.
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Dr. Crowbar lol
He’s offering CORVID shots, too.
Hell yeah i can smoke more
Remember when Michael Phelps did an interview and had a 4ft bong behind him? I can’t imagine what happens when a professional swimmer takes a hit.
I dont remember also who is that and what is ft
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I’m calling you about your lung extended warranty…
I take lungs now, gills come next week.
Obvious Plant?
Plants are the extended lungs of the planet.
Good point. Although I was referring to obvious Plant as in not sure if they did that image or not.
Ah, I’ve got one of these due this month, but the Canada Post strike is going on. I still don’t know who signed me up, but I’ve been getting this joke mail for months now.
I am a walnut tree in Gülhane park.
You are not aware of this, and neither are the police.