You’re the one who said it was “almost sort of comparable” to the systems we already have, I was literally quoting you. Then you disagree with yourself? Argue with yourself then, you don’t need me.
You’re the one who said it was “almost sort of comparable” to the systems we already have, I was literally quoting you. Then you disagree with yourself? Argue with yourself then, you don’t need me.
The fact that one anonymous person could create a solution that “almost sort of make(s) it comparable to the systems we already have” is fucking amazing since all of humanity worked for like 70 years since the invention of the computer to create those systems.
He thinks we’re probably living in a simulation so logically killing people wouldn’t be morally wrong to him.
Bitcoin is a great alternative to something like Western Union that charges high transaction fees. It’s time to transmit is comparable to a traditional back wire, but days faster than an EFT.
Everybody knows Bitcoin is too slow to process point of sale transactions on-chain but there are other Blockchain solutions that can do it. Another user mentioned the lightning network which still actually is Bitcoin but it’s another layer.
Also, I’ve just ignored the environmental impact of Bitcoin, which probably needs to move away from proof of work, or some other solution is required to lower the every requirements.
Bitcoin isn’t good for making little purchases, firstly because it takes so long to get confirmations, if each block is 10 minutes and you need like 3 blocks to consider it confirmed that’s 30 minutes. But that ties into the second issue which is that you probably don’t want millions of tiny transactions on the Blockchain, you want them processed off-chain and then settled in bulk (to the Blockchain) periodically as a single transaction.
I’ll download it twice
Based on its hardware configuration the RTX 5080 should be an RTX 5070 and at a lower price point
He meant he walked for 40 minutes to get a cell phone signal
Superman finally adopted the scientific method
You like to think about snake dick a lot?
Any speed that light travels is the speed of light
It’s not really an obsolete generation, the new 5080 will be like a suped up 4080 with the exception that it will be able to do multi frame generation. They use the same architecture. Also, if you’re gaming in 1440p I think the 5080 will be about 12% faster which isn’t much- this is just a guess after watching the 5090 vs 4090 comparisons that released today.
Looks really fun
This is what you wrote, I was literally quoting you. I didn’t even summarize what you said, I just copied and pasted it:
“It’s been great watching Bitcoin grow from this digital currency for buying drugs online to having all these layers added on to almost sort of make it comparable to the systems we already have.”