Here’s a copy and paste from the 1933 article:
Rise in Stocks Reflects Confidence He Will Not Disrupt Nation’s Affairs
Berlin is settling down to pass judgment on political developments. Politicians, economists and bankers declare there is usually wide discrepancy between the speeches of opposition politicians and the actions of the group when it gains power.
Consequently, it is not believed that Hitler will accomplish a change in the constitution or that [Reich Minister of Economics Alfred] Hugenberg will bring about a general reduction of interest rates. The government wants to obtain an adjournment of the Reichstag for several months, but it is questionable whether the Centre [Party] will approve of such action.
God dammit history
…the worst impulses of Hitler and the Nazis could be “controlled” or “tamed” once they bore responsibility for leading the national government (rather than criticizing others’ administration of it).
I’m sure it’ll be different this time around /s
Mussolini is one of the most cultured men in Italy[…]
-The New York Times 1922
Yeah; it was after that article where he got a brain worm and went crazy
Ignore the curbing of your own freedoms! We are stomping on the necks of the people you irrationally fear and that is all that matters! History does not repeat but boy does it rhyme.
Hear that guys? Everything is going ho be fiiiiiine! We’re safe in Hitlers hands. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m quite rich. I have a ticket aboard an airship. I’m sure you’ve never heard of a zepplin. It’s like an air balloon, but way cooler. It’s called the “Hindenburg”!
Ultimately the deregulation they want will lead to people riding giant gas bombs across the ocean. History is just waiting to repeat itself.
Unfortunately your fictional rich guy probably survives, since the majority of the Hindenburg’s passengers survived.
Well…silver lining. It was the late 1930s. I doubt he’s still alive NOW!!!
Bad news is, nqzis for some reason seem to have made a comeback.
I’ve been downvoted in the past for saying this, but I truely believe we need to legalize murder. HEAR ME OUT…
If you’re a nazi, and I mean a legit nazi, have swastica tattoos, participate in rallys, ect, I think murder should be 100% legal.
You show up, you have a swastica, BANG! One less nazi.
“Oh, did you hear? Lost_My_Mind is a murderer!”
“What??? That’s CRAZY??? What happened???”
“Well, we were at a Wendys, he ordered the chicken nuggets, then he was complaining to himself at how small the nuggets were, and how shrinkflation is real…and then a dude with swastikas on his jacket showed up. Lost_My_Mind grabbed a knife and stabbed him hundreds of times.”
“Oh…well what else was supposed to happen? He did the right thing. Well, except for ordering the nuggets. That’s just encouraging companies to KEEP shrinking their products…but the murder is fine. Could have used the blood as a dipping sauce!”
“Ew, no!”
“You’re right. That’s the line. That went too far. We found the line, and that line is lite canabalism. You can kill nazis, but not eat them.”
As a pacifist (at least in the technical sense) I’m bound to disagree with you on that, but I also think the ones that are stupid enough to have swastika tattoos or even just publicly call themselves nazis aren’t really the ones that we should be worried about. The ones that are really dangerous wear a suit and tie.
Yeah, no. I don’t want to get my hands dirty
I mean…you can use a gun. From a distance. And I’m sure a sink wouldn’t be far away anyways, if you need to wash them.
No no no this time is different.
Yeah, this time English is their native language.
Are you sure? It’s not always clear.
Yeah its not gonna be okay
And my Jewish mother still thinks we’re making a mistake by fleeing.
And this being despite her knowing that my father’s mother had to get her mother-in-law out of Nazi Germany by sheer force of will and determination in the 1930s, but not without sewing the few valuables she had remaining that the Nazis hadn’t seized into her coat.
If my dad was alive, he’d be helping us pack.
Jewish mother still thinks we’re making a mistake by fleeing
fleeing where…?
The UK where I have dual citizenship. And before you start telling me how awful the UK is for queer people, they’re banning conversion therapy and schools do not tolerate bullying queer kids.
Why’re you fleeing the US for being Jewish? Have you been influenced by MSM lying about an increase in antisemitism as anti-Palestinian rhetoric?
And before you start telling me how awful the UK is for queer people, they’re banning conversion therapy and schools do not tolerate bullying queer kids.
Who said anything about queer people?
Why’re you fleeing the US for being Jewish?
I’m not. I’m fleeing the U.S. because my daughter is queer and going to a country which is banning conversion therapy and which has a zero tolerance policy in schools for bullying queer people.
My wife is also a librarian, who they are trying to imprison for corrupting the youth.
Maybe you should have asked me why I was fleeing in the first place.
And no, I don’t want to hear from you how Trump isn’t actually going to be that bad.
That’s literally the first and only thing I asked you, you only mentioned Jewish. Why would you say that if it wasn’t relevant lol
It seems likely they mean that their mother cannot see the signs of coming fascism and danger even though, as a Jewish person who was close to the Holocaust experience, these should be quite obvious. The population under most immediate threat doesn’t have to be Jews for Jewish people to A) still have characteristics of themselves or loved ones that would make them targets and/or B) not want to live under a fascist regime so reminiscent of Hitler’s Germany.
Exactly. Thank you.
This is the relevant part:
And this being despite her knowing that my father’s mother had to get her mother-in-law out of Nazi Germany by sheer force of will and determination in the 1930s, but not without sewing the few valuables she had remaining that the Nazis hadn’t seized into her coat.
You do understand that the Jewish part was necessary as context to explain that, right?
Good things about Hitler:
- He killed Hitler.
- Killed the guy who was trying to kill Hitler’s assassin right while he was killing him.
- Also killed the guy that tried to kill that guy
Also killed Hitlers dog. I mean sure, literally a Nazi dog, but still, I want to believe the dog was innocent.
Holy shit, The Nazis did NOT have anything to do with its original conception and building. They even hated it and didn’t care much for actually doing much of it. There are more links from articles posted online as early as 1995, but I cannot find them right now.
Correct, the Weimar Republic conceived the Autobahn plan, but work was extremely limited. The Little Fucking Austrian Corporal used it to alleviate the unemployment problem and the Wehrmacht preferred the railway network to move troops and supplies to save fuel.
I also remember an article that pointed out that they considered automotive travel to be Jewish (I guess that meant Woke back then) and preferred traditional modes of transport…
Drastically ahead of its time. As in, only one percent of citizens had a car back then. So apart from being war preparations, the Autobahn wasn’t a sensible project at this point in time.
Man. The writers for this timeline really are lazy pieces of shit. How can they just reuse the same stale plot line and continue to collect paychecks? This show has really gone downhill.
6/10 simulation some events repeat and there’s people with too many gems while there’s players who are stuck at the “job” minigame
I heard Germany had really bad inflation before Hitler. Since we’ve seen so much inflation lately, has anyone considered bringing Hitler back?
The german book and movie “Er ist wieder da” (He’s back) is exactly about that. Just before his death, Hitler is transported through space and time to 2010s Berlin and quickly takes the country by storm again. The kicker: A lot of the scenes are just with real people interacting with the Hitler actor in full costume and the things they say and do is unbelievable. It really shows there’s a Hitler in every single one of us and if he really returned, it would likely play out exactly like that. I cannot recommend it enough.
It really shows there’s a Hitler in every single one of us
No, it shows there is a Hitler in a lot of people, not in everyone.
Problem is it’s often the literal Hitlers who think they’re all pure and righteous and got nothing in common with him. They’re the first to tell you that there is nothing to worry about and how the left are overdramatizing everything until fascism is the new normal. It’s important to know that you can’t even trust yourself to not have a Hitler inside you. Others will have to make that judgement for you and they can also be wrong.
So maybe there isn’t a Hitler in everyone, but he could be in anyone including you and me.
I agree and will add that the book and the film are distinct in their ways, but both worth trying.
Hey, those assholes are ripping off our present to fill their history!
As long as they don’t take our cathedrals…
Julius Caesar elected Praetor. Trade up in the imperial forums. Gauls are poisoning the blood of Rome.
History doesn’t repeat but it sure as shit rhymes!
or that [Reich Minister of Economics Alfred] Hugenberg will bring about a general reduction of interest rates
Huh, I wonder how long we’ve been complaining about interest rates. Maybe there’s a clay tablet out there complaining that mortgage rates are too high lol
Well, he didn’t disrupt the nations’s “affairs.” The allies started doing that in 1942.
They also did an editorial piece on each US nominee and in trumps they said they don’t think he will actually be the end of democracy. Let’s see how that ages