Has it also led chidren to believe that if you cut down a tree with an axe it will just hang in the sky instead of falling down?
Or that wolf and sheep come from eggs?
I mean, they do… just not ones that are laid.
Dunno about kids, but I’ve seen my fair share of grown men who appear to think so.
Ladders tend to be more stable if you lean them on the tree trunk, and not the branch you’re about to saw off.
Wait. YOU can’t ?
You can but only if you’re wearing the Zora armor.
Woah woah woah. Hey kids reading this - don’t go chasing waterfalls!
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to!
Woe betide the child that jumps off a cliff with a bucket of water
But hey, at least the kids won’t think it’s safe for frogs to eat fireflies.
Yeah I got my cousin to test this, he went in and never appeared at the top, weird, gonna tell god there’s a glitch
What about BOTW?!?
Totk too.
*While carrying 64 1m x 1m x 1m cubic blocks of stone in your hand.