The eyes have it: Men do see things differently to women
The way that the visual centers of men and women’s brains works is different, finds new research published in BioMed Central’s open access journal Biology of Sex Differences. Men have greater sensitivity to fine detail and rapidly moving stimuli, but women are better at discriminating between colors.
Still can’t find your damned socks though
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So what i’m hearing is that i should attach all items my husband regulalrly loses track of to a moving object to play into his sight strengths. Basket on the ceiling fan it is
I mean, wouldn’t that be similar to leaves moving in wind though?
Like tears… in rain.
Like a plastic bag…
Super helpful, thx!
Wait a minute, you’re not my husband!
No, it’s because women are smart enough to look under shit and we men are not. 90% of the time I ask my partner if she knows where something is, she asks if I looked under x, and about half the time it is, in fact, under x.
But I did look under x, multiple times! I just didn’t see it. So much for greater sensitivity to fine detail!
Goddamend nature and all these bugs disguised as features!
Socks don’t move of their own accord.
Then how do they disappear from the dryer?
I need to see your clearance from at least one of three or four three letter agencies before I can tell you the real answer.
They become Tupperware lids
Ew…take it from experience. Never use a mans sock as a tupperware lid. Even if it’s “clean”.
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Idk how they go missing, but we do know where they go.
You are a person of quality.
Men’s vision is movement based, just like T-rex.