Yes I’m using a really bad photo cause this is what I see 80% of the time I look I’m the mirror, alsp boymoding cause I need more clothes. Keep in mind ive been on hrt for a year and 6 months

  • the_itsb (she/her)
    2311 months ago

    You’re passing in my household! I wouldn’t have guessed you were trans from this picture. My husband walked into the room to ask me something as I was about to comment, and I stopped him, told him I was going to ask an obvious question but just play along, showed him your picture, and asked him to guesstimate your age and gender with no other information; he guessed woman in her mid-20s.

    You have a beautiful face! Big, sad eyes, delicate brow and chin, and truly perfect lips (seriously - size, shape, everything about them is gorgeous). I really like your nose too, I’m super into strong noses on women and men and have told my husband and his sister - who hate their prominent noses - that the only thing I’d change about them would be to make them bigger. 😂🥰 Yours matches the proportions on the rest of your face perfectly.

    You’re genuinely beautiful. I’m really sorry you’re not feeling that way right now, but hopefully we can nudge you back to reality. ❤️

  • LuckingFurker (Any/All)
    1911 months ago

    Based purely on this picture I absolutely see a girl 🤷‍♂️ You pass fine, you just maybe like you’re having a PJ day at home or something

  • @NoStressyJessie
    1511 months ago

    I’d say you pass. Looks like a first day off work PJ Day to me.

  • @TheActualDevil
    1311 months ago

    Hey friend, I saw this post a couple days ago and it’s been sitting with me since then and I’ve been thinking about what I would say here. I know this kind of thing is tough. Passing is often seen as the most important part of transitioning, primarily because the rest of society explicitly or implicitly demands it. And if that’s important to you, that’s perfectly valid.

    Personally, I’m more of a gender abolitionist. Gender is a social construct that society has tried (and kind of failed) to narrowly define and place barriers around. And we live in that society, so we can’t escape those feelings that have been forced on us and pounded into our subconscious. But it’s good to remember that it’s all bullshit. What a man looks like and what a woman looks like, even the traits that society has assigned to them aren’t rigid. There’s a wide spectrum for both with a HUGE overlap. I think this world would be a better place if we didn’t have genders, but individuals that interacted with each other as human beings who are allowed to look and feel the way that just feels natural to them without judgement or pushback. I know the world isn’t anywhere close to that, and I have doubts it could ever get there. Even holding these beliefs myself I still have subconscious thoughts intrude that contradict this ideal. But I take those moments to observe those thoughts and push back on them internally to better myself in this direction.

    That being said, regardless of why you want to look more “feminine”, it’s valid and should be supported by everyone. I support you in this. Do what makes you feel happy and secure.

    One more thing. I’m real bad about just letting every instance here in my feed, because I don’t want to miss out on potentially good content. So I didn’t immediately realize this was in Transfem. But when I saw your picture, I saw a woman, for what it’s worth.

    • @nonbinarytwink
      611 months ago

      Wise words from The Actual Devil. Hail Satan! 😊

  • @EsheLynn
    1111 months ago

    You look sad, but you do look feminine. Taking care of yourself will go a long way towards body image. The only clothes I have right now are handmedowns from my ex before she left, and from my middle daughter. I’m no hair care expert, by any means, but I do know enough to know frizzy hair takes some extra work to maintain. Researching a proper hair care routine might be a good way to start feeling better about yourself.

    I would also recommend a routine in your life, in general. It can really help stabilize what’s going on in your head and help getting into a good headspace.

    Instead of focusing on the negative, focus on the positive. You are very pretty. You just need to give yourself a chance to shine.

  • @Nawor3565
    911 months ago

    I think you pass, at least based on this photo! Although as someone with glasses, I would definitely recommend trying on many different shapes and sizes and see if any make you look for feminine. It helped me when I switched from rectangular glasses to round ones, but everyone’s face is different so definitely experiment!

    811 months ago

    I haven’t even gotten passed my questioning stage and this gives me hope.

    As a bisexual amab, I would say pluck the eyebrows and look up the curlygirl hair guide(from reddit, but might be other places). I love my curly hair now and I feel like if I do decide to start on hrt, it will be one of my favorite things!

    Good luck feeling better about yourself lady!

      • @EsheLynn
        611 months ago

        It can take years and years. There’s stories of 80 year old trans women’s hips adjusting to a more feminine bone structure. These things take lots of time. Just focus on what you can control

    • Pirky
      11 months ago

      As a fellow amab bi (though I feel closer to genderfluid than trans) who’s growing their curly hair out, I learned there’s a curly hair community on Lemmy! I’ll see if I can link it properly…

      Edit: I think c/

    11 months ago

    I have a 17 yo cis female friend at school. You look the same as her

    You “will” not pass. You ARE passing

    Unrelated: I wanna hug you aaaaaa you look so squishy

  • Elise
    411 months ago

    To me you pass. Do you have any makeup laying around? It often makes me feel better when I have a case of gender dysphoria.

  • @nonbinarytwink
    11 months ago

    I dunno if this helps, but my brain tends to categorize gender presentation on a sliding scale of fem-androgynous-masc instead of using male and female. And when I saw your post my brain automatically said: presents as fem.

  • @violetraven
    211 months ago

    You look more genderfluid/enby to me. All depends on the rest of your presentation.