Description: Variation on the Coolyori image macro format
In the upper picture, a boy reacts negatively to/rejects the statement “I’m into guys, but not in like a gay way… yeah, idk, I don’t get it either.”
In the lower picture a similar looking girl points towards “…oh.”
“why do I relate more to lesbians than to straight guys”
Omg I had it the other way around, I never thought ither ppl have that, too.
@Caitlyynn @squirrel saaaaame.
“Quietly disappointed to be straight (as a guy) instead of a lesbian” was a confusing feeling to have back in high school.
@Kaiyalai @Caitlyynn @squirrel
Yeah, I was definitely into girls in a gay way and couldn’t explain it. People would say that a girl I liked was gay and I’d be real excited and people would be like “but that means she’s not into guys and you’re a guy” and I’d be like “does not compute”
@MegaMichelle @Caitlyynn @squirrel asked to prom by a lesbian… asked why, years on, apparently it was because I felt like a “safe” guy.
Nobody around at the time picked up on what that might’ve meant, or if they did, they didn’t indicate it.
Fucking me, exactly, so much. And it’s so hard to get others to really understand too