Description: Variation on the Coolyori image macro format
In the upper picture, a boy reacts negatively to/rejects the statement “I’m into guys, but not in like a gay way… yeah, idk, I don’t get it either.”
In the lower picture a similar looking girl points towards “…oh.”
@Caitlyynn @squirrel saaaaame.
“Quietly disappointed to be straight (as a guy) instead of a lesbian” was a confusing feeling to have back in high school.
@Kaiyalai @Caitlyynn @squirrel
Yeah, I was definitely into girls in a gay way and couldn’t explain it. People would say that a girl I liked was gay and I’d be real excited and people would be like “but that means she’s not into guys and you’re a guy” and I’d be like “does not compute”
@MegaMichelle @Caitlyynn @squirrel asked to prom by a lesbian… asked why, years on, apparently it was because I felt like a “safe” guy.
Nobody around at the time picked up on what that might’ve meant, or if they did, they didn’t indicate it.