• @ZILtoid1991@lemmy.world
    414 days ago

    To my American friends: Please don’t give up hope yet! As the GOP is very closely communicating with Fidesz, they’re banking on activist burnout. They want to break you, so you not only won’t do anymore activism, but to maybe even join them finally in the hopes of getting something from them finally. After the next Trump victory, they’ll likely also copy one another thing from Hungary, namely the firing of leftists, to force them to convert to conservatism.

      • @Asafum@feddit.nl
        124 days ago

        But without neoliberalism, who will protect us from the Far-Left Authoritarian Tankies? being able to live happily on a single income!!

        • @Facebones@reddthat.com
          54 days ago

          Having to work 3 jobs to scrape by is a small price to pay for corporations to further consolidate our economy into the pockets of like 10-20 people.

          Anything less is tankie, now shut up and go find a 4th job commie!

          • pachrist
            23 days ago

            The more jobs you have, the more means of production you control, obviously. /s

      • @bl_r@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        54 days ago

        Any anti-authoritarian ideology, especially some of the other far-left ones like libertarian communism, anarchism, etc. It’s not a world with only fascists, tankies, and neoliberals.

          • @bl_r@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            74 days ago

            libertarian communism, anarchism, etc

            famous for their large, robust, and enduring governing institutions.

            Do you know what these words mean? It seems like you don’t, and you have resorted to speaking out of your ass.

            Anarchism is a political philosophy against all unjust hierarchies, including the state and capitalism. It exists directly in opposition to what you are claiming.

            Libertarian communism, even though it has the word that is probably scaring you, is usually pretty anti-government and strives for a minimal state, and self-government. A lot of the more marxist bookchinites I’ve met consider themselves libertarian communists.

            • Anarchism is a political philosophy against all unjust hierarchies, including the state and capitalism.

              Unfortunately, its been tightly aligned with capitalism over the last half century. The whole Network State movement in California is a capitalist wet dream. Nevermind the various failed projects in Liberland or the Republic of Minerva, which ended up as little more than failed colonial projects.

              Then you’ve got Anarchist figurehead Milei out in Argentina absolutely shredding civil liberties and public services for his own personal profit.

              Fucking reprehensible.

              Libertarian communism, even though it has the word that is probably scaring you, is usually pretty anti-government and strives for a minimal state, and self-government.

              Name one actual libertarian commune.

              • @bl_r@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                4 days ago

                unfortunately its been tightly aligned with capitalism over the last half century.

                Clearly you know nothing about anarchism. Stop speaking about it like you know what you are talking about.

                That’s simply not anarchism. Over the last half century, there has been an effort to co-opt it by the right. Libertarianism is literally a left wing philosophy in most other parts of the world, but some dunce-muppet named Murray Rothbard stole it as his own (p83) and on this page he even admits that it was a word used by anarchists, which he distances himself from. One of the foundational anarchist thinkers, Proudhon, literally says “Property is theft,” a complete rejection of fundamental property rights needed for an “an”cap society.

                Stealing words from the lefties isn’t anything new, the Nazi party did with their “National Socialism” (granted there’s some interesting history with it. Even though all of the nominally economically left wing nazis were killed in the night of long knives, they kept the socialist bit). But to say Nazism was ever socialist would be parroting a pathetic right wing talking point that should have died a long time ago.

                If you ignore the entirety of anarchist thought, throughout well over 180 years of development and practice, where hundreds of thousands of people fought against authoritarianism, fascism, and capitalism, you could only lie through your teeth when saying shit that wack. Or, you would have to not know anything that you are talking about.

                To say that failed “anarcho”-capitalist projects are the fault of anarchism, an ideology that rose in opposition to capitalism is ignorant.

                And to consider Milei an anarchist, someone who is weilding the power of the state in service of right wing ultra-neoliberalism, you would have to be insane. If you don’t take my word that as anarchists we hate Milei, how about you check out this Crimethinc. article on Milei covering the topic from the perspective of an argentine anarchist.

                I’m not a libertarian communist so my knowledge of this stuff is lacking, but I do know that Rojava, a radically feminist experiment inspired by Bookchin’s later works. It is based in NE Syria has been doing decently well. Especially considering it is under constant attack from the Turkish government, the second largest NATO military. They even managed to push out ISIS, which is an impressive feat for a new government. While they haven’t gotten rid of capitalism, they aren’t fully capitalist.

                If you paid attention to the news during the trump years you might know of trump betraying the Kurds, which is usually how the media refered to Rojava.

                Edit: fixed typo

                • Clearly you know nothing about anarchism.

                  This is the Anarchism At Home. If you want 19th century European anarchism, you’re going to need a boat and a time machine.

                  Rojava, a radically feminist experiment inspired by Bookchin’s later works. It is based in NE Syria has been doing decently well.

                  It’s a heavily armed Kurdish cut out that exists primary to fight proxy wars with Turkyie and the remnants of the Iraqi military. It has some excellent press around it, thanks to US/UK media needing a progressive champion in a region where everyone hates us. But there’s a word for a minority militant left wing proxy force.


              • @b161
                54 days ago

                This is the single most ridiculous post I’ve read on the Internet today.

                “Anarchist figurehead Milei”. What are you smoking? It sounds like you think “anarchist” is synonymous with right wing “libertarian” or you think “anarcho-capitalists” are somehow anarchists, even though it’s an oxymoron.

                Please 🙏🏻 I implore you, read any basic anarchist literature like Mutual Aid: A factor in evolution, the conquest of bread, Anarchy by Malatesta, Are you an anarchist? by Graeber, Anarchy Works by Gelderloos.

                You are severely misguided.

  • @disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
    5 days ago

    Between “Democrats say ‘Vote’” and “Democrats do nothing to fight back,” they didn’t vote in 2016.

    This Supreme Court is a result of that inaction.

    Congratulations on demonstrating how voter abstention hands the government to Republicans.

    Let’s not do that any more.

      • BarqsHasBite
        4 days ago

        You had the first 2 years of Obama. Obama’s thanks for the ACA was voters not showing up and losing the house of representatives for year 3 and 4. And again for year 5 and 6. And then both the house and Senate in years 7 and 8. So no you didn’t have 8 years with Obama, you had 2 years with Obama because voters did not show up. Congress is what passes laws and has power. They even shut down the freaking government under Obama.

      • @disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
        4 days ago

        Only Congress can increase the number of Justices on the Supreme Court. We had two years of congressional majority in the last twenty. They focused on healthcare.

        How could they have possibly predicted that they’d need to expand and pack the Supreme Court to prevent the next President from becoming a dictator?

          • @thallamabond@lemmy.world
            195 days ago

            And even that was a monumental task. One vote away in the Senate, and that one guy got rid of the single payer option for the cost of his vote. Joe Lieberman if you want to look him up, the guy who started no labels political party (without a platform).

    • @Catoblepas
      325 days ago

      More people (as a percentage of the eligible voting population) voted in 2016 than 2012, and more in 2020 than in 2016.

      Finger wagging at people for criticizing the current ruling party (which is sending weapons to a country that is using them to commit genocide) instead of recognizing that we live in an undemocratic system is taking it out on the wrong people. Clinton literally won more votes in the election you’re saying people didn’t vote hard enough in. It’s spitting in the face of everyone whose votes were shat on by the Electoral College to turn around and blame the people who were disenfranchised.

      • @disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
        5 days ago

        I get your point, but only 48% of registered Democrats voted in 2016. 25% were abstention due to dislike of the candidate.

        Unfortunately, more Democrats need to vote than Republicans, because of the disproportionate weight of Republican states’ electoral votes.



        • @Catoblepas
          115 days ago

          I’m not seeing where in those links it says only 48% of registered Democrats voted? If I’m missing it please point it out. The overall turnout was about 60% of eligible voters, so Democrats pulling in less than that and STILL getting more votes would be shocking.

          Getting angry at voters for not voting hard enough after turnout increases every election cycle should illustrate that yelling at people to vote harder isn’t a solution, it’s a stopgap. It doesn’t change that it’s an intentionally undemocratic system, and it doesn’t prevent the exact same “the person with less votes wins” result from happening again.

          • @doctordevice@lemmy.ca
            85 days ago

            Not sure who’s downvoting you for asking for clarification. I think the person you responded to misinterpreted the first figure in their second link. It says among validated voters, 48% voted for Clinton and 45% for Trump.

            Nowhere in those links does it say the percentage of voters by party registration that voted, and I can’t find it in any other searching either. Your 60% turnout of voting-eligible population comes up all over the place though.

            • @Catoblepas
              65 days ago

              I don’t see the downvotes since I’m on Blahaj, that’s funny though. Sorry for reading the sources I guess? The 60% figure was straight from one of the linked articles!

        • @crusa187@lemmy.ml
          34 days ago

          Run better candidates to get more votes, it really is that simple. Blaming the voters just makes you look like a tool.

          • @disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
            34 days ago

            And thinking that Democrats are primarily progressive makes you look like one.

            A better candidate for progressives would have been Bernie. DNC fuckery aside, he was very polarizing to half of the party.

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      84 days ago

      Mitch McConnell specifically refused to allow Obama to appoint a justice while there was an election going on.

      • @disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
        64 days ago

        That’s true. Had Obama appointed a Justice we’d just have 5-4 rulings instead of the 6-3 we have now. Trump’s immunity would still have passed.

    • @Bytemeister@lemmy.world
      74 days ago

      Not just voter abstention, but ineffective voting too. Voting 3rd in this election is a surefire way to get trump back in office. If you wanted to stick it to Biden and get someone else, your chance was 4 years ago during the primary.

      You’re not voting Biden because you like him, you’re voting Biden because you want to be able to vote for someone else in 2028. That is literally what is at stake here, and it can’t be said loud enough or often enough.

      Before the “real left” quisling trolls respond, please tell us two things… Who is the 3rd party candidate you are supporting instead? What are their chances of winning this election?

      • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
        3 days ago

        your chance was 4 years ago during the primary.

        I’m sorry I didn’t realize we elected presidents for 8 year terms?

        Edit- just preserving this quote.

          • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
            14 days ago

            We have absolutely aborted the campaigns of incumbent presidents before. The DNC and White House however worked very hard to shut down any criticism during the primary timeframe, refused to have debates, disburse money, etc

            So if they’re going to treat this full election as a preference poll on Biden, then so will the people. And his approval numbers are bad.

              • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
                14 days ago

                I said aborted the campaign, not lost the nomination. Usually the candidates have the good sense to bow out before that happens.

                • @Bytemeister@lemmy.world
                  4 days ago

                  Are you talking about Truman? One guy who started to seek the presidency, after serving 1.5 terms, and then pulling out before being the presumptive nominee? I don’t think history is on your side for this one.

                  Also, answer the questions please.

                  Edit: You actually said “We have absolutely aborted the campaigns of incumbent presidents before.” Implying that the candidate did not win their nomination. Let’s go ahead and put those goalposts back where they were initially.

    • @AeroLemming@lemm.ee
      85 days ago

      Donald Trump lost the popular vote and was illegitimately placed into power by the broken electoral college system.

        • @AeroLemming@lemm.ee
          44 days ago

          It was legitimate in the same way that a dictator’s rule over their people is legitimate or hangings for blasphemy are legitimate. It may be technically written on a piece of paper somewhere, but someone who got less votes becoming president over someone who got more is not representative of a genuinely legitimate democracy.

        • @zbyte64@awful.systems
          44 days ago

          “Whatever the Supreme Court says is legitimate” is a different sort than “systems that don’t deviate from serving their purpose are legitimate”

  • @daniskarma@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    394 days ago

    I’m actually tired of being blackmailed with fascism.

    In my country we had maybe five elections in a row where the premise was “it is us or fascism”. And yes, fascism is there but… COULD YOU ACTUALLY MAKE THINGS GOOD AND WORK FOR IMPROVING YOUR PEOPLE LIVES!!? I don’t want my choice to be die shot down or slowly being impoverished until life is no longer any good. I want to actually have a good life, and enabling “just not fascism ™” is not doing it.

    • @Omniraptor@lemm.ee
      54 days ago

      If people win on that type of rhetoric, it means the fascists are part of the electoral strategy, meaning it’s not in their interests for the fascists to go away, because how will they win votes then?

    • @glukoza@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      84 days ago

      voting is pointless, just reinforces ruling class, you are not subject of social change but an object to manipulate with and blackmail with every mean possible

      • @immutable@lemm.ee
        4 days ago

        I have some bad news for you if you think the ruling class gives one wet fart whether or not people vote.

        “Not voting” doesn’t matter to a corrupt politician, they don’t care if you stay home. There will never be a voter turnout so low that the ruling class will go “oh shucks, they all stopped voting I guess we have to give up our wealth and power now.”

        Voting is not the solution to the problems that plague our society, but just like how putting out a wildfire doesn’t solve climate change, you still put the fire out before it burns a bunch of shit down.

  • @niktemadur@lemmy.world
    5 days ago

    “It’s soooo exhausting to vote one day every two years, so might as well allow as many republicans as possible to become firmly entrenched in every level of government, able to sabotage any attempt to push the inertia in any other direction.”

    Here’s a novel idea: you are not just electing one charismatic godking messiah with a magic political wand to the executive office every four years, but an entire system of appointees and employees.

    Then there’s Congress, and the Supreme Court, and state governors and state congresses, city mayors and city council, school board, etc.

    One side strives for reason and science, the other is scorched earth anti-science anti-reason ignorant hysteria. And you keep giving them enough power to thwart everything.

    Tune out and stop watching the infotainment bullshit designed to keep us outraged and polarized every minute of the goddamned day, just show up at the polls each first Tuesday in November and vote Democrat. Once every two years is enough.

    At this point, you have enough information to do this with great confidence that it is the correct and sane choice.
    Let’s get our collective heads out of the Middle Ages peasant mindset.

    • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.net
      185 days ago

      Once every two years is enough.

      No. In a democracy, it should not be “enough” to partake in elections once every two years.

      Let’s get our collective heads out of the Middle Ages peasant mindset.

      At least the peasants rebelled every once in a while when the lords fucked them over too much.

      • At least the peasants rebelled every once in a while when the lords fucked them over too much.

        What do you think the anti-war protests, BLM marches, and Palestinian rights sit-ins were about?

        Can’t count the times a popular movement erupts onto the streets and a Democratic Mayor or Governor starts ringing the big “Call in the SWAT teams!” alarm bell to snuff it out.

      • @el_abuelo@lemmy.ml
        45 days ago

        When you say once in a while, are you meaning once every few hundred years? If so then I agree and think we are perfectly on track.

      • @ZILtoid1991@lemmy.world
        24 days ago

        Okay, get your guns! If I remember correctly from Project 2025, Trump wants to dispatch the military on the streets to stop the people from revolting against the christofascist dystopia he and his friends want to impose on others. Maybe you can be just like in the FPS games, and survive from health, weapon, and ammunition drops from the soldiers.

        • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.net
          13 days ago

          If your military is already so far gone that it will gun down protestors without remorse… why do you want to keep that system alive, again?

    • @shikitohno@lemm.ee
      24 days ago

      That it only becomes a topic of popular discussion once every two years doesn’t mean people are sitting on their hands the rest of the time. I’ve volunteered on local, state and Congressional campaigns, mostly translating campaign website and literature/fliers into Spanish. I’ve done this in the lead up to the 2020 presidential elections, state assembly, city council and mayoral races here. If I talk to people about this stuff outside explicitly political gatherings or a presidential election cycle, I’m an annoying leftist who won’t shut up about politics. When the rest of the country gets off their collective ass and pretends to care, I get “Why haven’t you done anything in between election cycles, you’re not serious,” from the same people who didn’t want to hear about local elections the last few years.

      Yeah, it’s pretty exhausting having the same liberals disengage between presidential elections and then pretend to be the arbiters of serious politicking once every 4 years to try and punch left and exclude any actual leftist viewpoints. Thanks for doing your part to keep that liberal tradition going strong.

  • @gardylou@lemmy.world
    33 days ago

    Yeah, it was too much voting by the young and lefties in 2016 that put Trump in power, don’t you remember?

    • @chaonaut@lemmy.world
      104 days ago

      Actually, the recent record turnouts should really be getting you to pay attention to how the elections are structured. It turns out, the way districts and the electoral college are organized means that where you get out the vote matters. Telling people to vote harder doesn’t make those systemic obstacles go away.

      • @IzzyScissor@lemmy.world
        74 days ago

        This is on purpose, too. The farthest-right states also just so happen to have the lowest educations, incomes, healthcare, etc. They make it miserable for people who live there to organize AND so people from cities don’t want to move there.

        • @chaonaut@lemmy.world
          24 days ago

          Which is also why they wind up filled with “small business owners” who seem to all be about making money off land they own.

      • @samus12345@lemmy.world
        34 days ago

        The thing is, the record turnouts are still pretty bad. Something like 60% of eligible voters, I think? You’re right that there are systemic reasons why it’s not feasible for some people to vote. But if everyone who didn’t have a systemic reason to not vote did, the turnout would still be much higher.

        • @chaonaut@lemmy.world
          4 days ago

          Overall, 70% of U.S. adult citizens who were eligible to participate in all three elections between 2018 and 2022 voted in at least one of them, with about half that share (37%) voting in all three.

          -Pew Research Poll on Voter Turnout

          And it looks like a significant portion of the 30% who don’t vote are white adults without a college degree who lean Republican.

          • @samus12345@lemmy.world
            24 days ago

            70% of eligible voters participating in at least 1 of 3 elections is abysmal. That only 37% voted in all 3 demonstrates this.

            • @chaonaut@lemmy.world
              24 days ago

              I’m not sure how intense your off year elections are, but one of mine had only a single uncontested race, so I’m not sure I’d jump to considering missing some of the offyears “abysmal”.

                • @chaonaut@lemmy.world
                  14 days ago

                  Based on the numbers I’m looking at, the people who didn’t vote were the ones that were likely Republican voters. The people that stayed home were likely Republicans who did not vote for Trump. I’m all for political engagement, but I’m not sure how invested I am in making sure Trump gets all the votes he told people not to cast.

    • Luke
      84 days ago

      Democrats say “vote!” -> not enough people actually vote

      If it’s known that voting isn’t effective for whatever reason (including turnout) then suggesting it in the first place is a marker that one is unserious about realistic solutions and should be ignored.

      • @VoterFrog@lemmy.world
        44 days ago

        I promise you that the Republican Party would undergo serious reform even if they were kept out of the presidency for 3 terms. I’d bet on a complete collapse if they find themselves a significant minority in Congress for only a couple terms. We’re not talking about a crazy unrealistic amount of time here.

    • @VoterFrog@lemmy.world
      64 days ago

      Yeah should be -> not enough people actually vote -> fascists retain enough power to evade consequences -> fascists seize more power

  • @masquenox@lemmy.world
    204 days ago

    Why would liberals lift a finger against the very people that will protect their precious status quo for them?

  • peopleproblems
    445 days ago

    Ok, let’s point out how poorly timed this meme is.

    The election isn’t until November. It’s July.

    We did vote, and we can’t vote for any state or district that we are not in. Democrats won 2020, and avoided total disaster in 2022.

    Americans cannot and never have had the ability to vote in SCOTUS.

    The last chance the Democrats had at preventing this shit show was under Obamas first term when he could have briefly stacked the courts.

    • @pyre@lemmy.world
      305 days ago

      Americans did have the ability to vote in SCOTUS. it’s called the general election. and they did in 2016, except democratic voters didn’t feel like it. so now you get 6-3 decisions that are dismantling the whole country.

      • @Snowclone@lemmy.world
        155 days ago

        Yeah, the FBI director got ahold of Anthony Wiener’s laptop because he’s a fucking awful dirtbag, and at some point his wife had logged into her work email, so IDENTICAL information from The State Department was on it, so FBI big brain decides to make a big ol press conference to reopen the case against Hillary Clinton days before the election just in case maybe there was more than just duplicate information. Except, he already knew it was all duplicate information. Everyone with a brain new it was all duplicate information.

        What a brilliant guy. He deserves a lot more blame than he’s ever gotten.

      • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
        44 days ago

        The base voted. The left even voted, despite the party’s claims. Her result is what happens when you take your victory for granted and insult the demographics you need in swing states.

      • @bl_r@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        24 days ago

        Blaming voters for not voting hard enough in 2016 is pretty asinine.

        Hillary had the most popular votes. But she didn’t do a good job campaigning in the states that mattered and banked too hard on the “i’m not trump” factor.

        Blaming the voters takes the blame away from the parties that deserve it more, like Clinton, the DNC, etc.

    • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
      44 days ago

      God forbid we point out problems and demand reforms while the politicians are asking for our vote. All protests must apparently wait until the president is safely ensconced in office and can ignore us again.

    • @Carmakazi@lemmy.world
      395 days ago

      “Tankies” are largely accelerationists of a few flavors unified by one desire: watch the United States burn to the ground. You shouldn’t take their viewpoint seriously except as adversaries.

    • @volodya_ilich@lemm.ee
      125 days ago

      God you guys are as obsessed with tankies as republicans are obsessed with trans people.

      First, can you define a tankie? Secondly, can you tell me how many tankies you think live in the US?

      • @Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        4 days ago

        You, apparently.

        As did everyone. There’s no study showing that the amount of rapes per soldier by the soviets is higher than that of other nations.

        Wow, what an incredibly normal and sane thing to say right at the top of your comment history.

        Edit: There’s genocide denial and blaming NATO for Ukraine too. I’m not even slightly surprised. This is what we refer to as “entirely predictable.” Get some fucking help and exit your information silo. I keep my information ecosystem healthy by talking to people IRL, and I recommend you do the same.

        • @volodya_ilich@lemm.ee
          64 days ago

          “Tankie is when you bring up that Nazi anti-communist propaganda about rapist soviets isn’t scientific”

          “Blaming NATO for the invasion of Ukraine is when you say NATO isn’t good and there should be a European military alliance instead while you condemn primarily the Russian Government for the invasion”

          “Genocide denial is when you compare the treatment of minorities in the US and in China”

          Grow up

  • @GundamWang@infosec.pub
    4 days ago

    Hmmm I wonder why they don’t do anything about? 🤔

    Oh well I’m sure all those millionaires, billionaires, and their lackeys in both parties will want to stop it.

  • HubertManne
    265 days ago

    its as if someone is voting facists in or maybe just not voting to keep them out. wierd.

  • @StinkySocialist@lemmy.ml
    114 days ago

    Honestly the longer this left infighting goes on the more hopeless I get. This isn’t going to work. The corpse of genocide Joe is just as bad a candidate as Hillary Clinton was in 2016. And I hate to say it but that means the fascist is probably going to win.

    So when Trump beats Biden in November what country should I move to to be safe? Australia seems like a decent pick so does New Zealand. I kind of think Vietnam might be fun. What are y’all’s thoughts.

    • @Wogi@lemmy.world
      74 days ago

      Pick a country that doesn’t depend on NATO or Western influence to survive. One that won’t soon be swallowed by the sea, isn’t under China’s boot, and doesn’t cost a fortune to live in.

      New Zealand tops the list. Though maybe don’t buy beach front property.

      • @thatsTheCatch@lemmy.nz
        34 days ago

        New Zealand definitely has western influence, but at least we have MMP voting instead of First Past the Post, so we don’t have as strong of a two-party system. We also have a cost of living crisis but so does every western country. Our generally reasonable politics is one of the reasons why I’m not interested in moving to another country when so many of my friends are moving to Australia or the UK for higher salaries

      • @StinkySocialist@lemmy.ml
        34 days ago

        Honestly, I might rather be under China’s booth than America’s at this point. Least their standard of living is rising and the prison population’s lower.

        I think you’re right. New Zealand is the best. Don’t have to avoid beachfront property if you can’t afford it though lmao 🤣