• @MisterMoo@lemmy.world
      672 months ago

      I mean let’s be honest, that’s slightly better than US companies plus the Chinese Communist Party being able to do so.

    • @sabin@lemmy.world
      312 months ago

      Problems with this app go beyond just privacy and bleed into national security.

      You as a citizen of your country have an obligation to not freely offer yourself up as an attack vector for cybercriminals all so you could fry your brain with garbage media.

        • @BaroqueInMind@lemmy.ml
          2 months ago

          Case in point: all the college protests. All the arrests happening are from people being encouraged on TikTok to become aggressive and angry towards apartheid. But the question is how the fuck is protesting at a college going to change what a government in another country is going to do in any way? The Israeli government gives little to no fuck about kids opinions protesting at a college campus in the United States. It’s likely civil unrest being spread by TikTok.

          • GarfGirl [she/her]
            2 months ago

            They have very simple demands, they’re not giving some pie in the sky stuff like “have Joe Biden tried for war crimes and abolish capitalism” or something; the protests all have demands along the lines that their university boycott Israeli companies and cut ties with weapons manufacturers aiding the genocide. To claim otherwise is completely infantalising to the protestors who are risking their university positions and physical health to protest despite the police crackdowns.

            Here’s a link to the list of demands of the student protest in new York, for instance

            And here’s a picture of the list of the demands of the columbia faculty protest:

          • davel [he/him]
            232 months ago

            All the arrests happening are from people being encouraged on TikTok to become aggressive and angry towards apartheid.


            WTF is wrong with you?

          • @Kalysta@lemm.ee
            152 months ago

            College protests have been a thing since Vietnam. Look up Kent State.

            It wasn’t China that gave them the idea, it was history.

            And it’s working. More and more people are sympathizing with Palestine the more the government overreacts to peaceful protests.

          • @OpenPassageways@lemmy.zip
            112 months ago

            I’m not sure it’s true that the Israeli government doesn’t care about American public opinion, since they do benefit from American military support, but let’s assume what you said is true.

            Even if Americans protesting won’t stop the genocide, won’t end apartheid, I’d prefer that those atrocities are not committed with my tax dollars, with support from my government, in my name. The lesson learned from 9/11 shouldn’t have been “we need to enact regime change anywhere in the world where American interest are opposed”. It should have been “Americans better make sure they are OK with the things that their government is doing abroad”.

            I’m not OK with it, I’m not willing to risk dying in a terrorist attack so that Gaza can be levelled with “made in America” munitions. I’m not willing to risk dying in a terrorist attack so that oil companies and other big business interests have friendly regimes to collude with in the region as they scam the people out of their resources and freedoms.

          • NoLifeGaming
            102 months ago

            If they don’t care then why did satanyahu come out in a speech against it? Protesting does work and does matter. You only need to look at history to see that

          • livus
            72 months ago

            Pretty sure people protesting in the US are trying to influence the US govt.

      • NoLifeGaming
        102 months ago

        As if all these other social medias don’t have garbage media or propaganda

        • @sabin@lemmy.world
          02 months ago

          The U.S government doesn’t have the same ability as the CCP to just get whatever info they want out of corporations with no due process. The two are completely incomparable.

            • @sabin@lemmy.world
              02 months ago

              Do I honestly believe China has an easier time getting corporations to bend over and violate their citizens rights? Why do you need to clarify this??

              • @The_Cunt_of_Monte_Cristo@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                What is the difference if both countries access to user data at the end no matter easier or harder way? US is trying to block Tiktok under the name of national security but US itself has been violating other countries’ national security and privacy of people of these countries for years. What bothers me is people like you support this hypocritical action.

                • @sabin@lemmy.world
                  02 months ago

                  Hypocritical action? China’s internet hasn’t allowed external companies to offer services since its inception. All I’m saying is if the US wants to treat Chinese companies like China has treated US companies that should be perfectly fine.

                  You’re out here complaining that China’s not receiving the same rights it fails to extend to other people and calling that hypocritical??

  • @GrymEdm@lemmy.world
    1442 months ago

    Here’s Bernie Sanders from a year ago talking about how a handful of companies control the news people see, read, and hear. TL:DR - He makes the argument that it’s not fake news, that journalists are usually hard-working and honest. He says the problem is the limitation of allowed discussion - what topics make it to the consumer. He says for instance that he’s never asked about wealth and income inequality.

    I believe TikTok is being banned because as it stands now it brings topics outside the limits of allowed discussion to a lot of eyes in ways US government/companies haven’t proven able to control. If the issues justifying a potential ban were truly data security or mental health as some argue (not without merit mind you), then the legislation to address those issues would look a lot different and include companies like Meta, Google, Instagram, etc. Those are valid concerns but the new measure is clearly not designed around them.

    Finally, we’ve seen how Trump can tie up the courts for months on end even after all his self-snitching. Thus I very much doubt we’ll see any actual action in the 9 months + 3 months grace period laid out for the resolution of the TikTok matter. There are too many constitutional and business law challenges in my (admittedly layman’s) reading of expert opinion.

    • @protist@mander.xyz
      372 months ago

      I believe TikTok is being banned because as it stands now it brings topics outside the limits of allowed discussion to a lot of eyes in ways US government/companies haven’t proven able to control

      I mean, if this were true, that would mean you wouldn’t be able to find similar content on Western platforms. Are you really saying similar content isn’t readily available on YouTube? If so, what content?

      • @GrymEdm@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        That’s a solid criticism and I upvoted. I hadn’t thought about YouTube. Anecdotally I’ve had factual comments about how many kids are killed, what Israeli politicians say, etc. auto-moderated into oblivion on YouTube. But at the same time I get a lot of the facts I use from YouTube (basically never been on TikTok) so it holds water. I also get a lot of info from other sources, but I can’t think of something specific I’d get from them that I could never find on YouTube.

        In my defense, I’m basing my opinion on why TikTok is particularly targeted on interviews like this one with Ted Cruz. He talks about how TikTok is specifically designed to push messages that are harmful to America, including what he calls pro-Hamas content but I suspect is actually anti-Israeli policy, pro-Palestine content. That is why I would argue there’s some evidence of a campaign against TikTok in particular that might skip over YouTube or other major platforms. Perhaps the Western powers feel that YouTube is still acceptably moderated towards their interests whereas TikTok isn’t. Perhaps Google is just too influential domestically.

        Edit: I found a video I was looking for: Biden talking about passing the TikTok/Israel funding/Ukraine funding package. A bit of language he uses that I think is telling is “it continues America’s leadership in the world and everyone knows it” which could signal US dominance as a motivation and thus TikTok as a target and not US companies.

        That doesn’t mean your point isn’t worth discussion, or that my points aren’t opinion. I’m interested to see how it develops. I’ve based my opinion on the conversations I can find and language used, but I’m open to adjusting my view if evidence prompts that.

        • @protist@mander.xyz
          2 months ago

          I think this ban is completely agnostic re: content. The issue is more fundamental – it’s fully owned and operated by people in China. This is a geopolitical battle that is currently playing out across many industries. Social media grabs headlines where less sexy industry battles do not.

          I think Tom Nicholas gives a great overview.

          Also, fuck Ted Cruz with a 20 inch dildo. Don’t take anything that sniveling carcass has to say seriously.

          • davel [he/him]
            2 months ago

            it’s fully owned and operated by people in China

            US private equity firms own more than anyone. WSJ: What Is TikTok Worth? Some Say $20 Billion, Others Say $100 Billion

            [ByteDance founder] Zhang owns 20% of ByteDance, according to the company, though super shares have given him larger voting rights. Roughly 60% of ByteDance is owned by global institutional investors including Carlyle Group, General Atlantic and Susquehanna International Group. The remaining 20% is owned by company employees.

            The CEO is Singaporean Shou Zi Chew and the VP is American Michael Beckerman.

            • @protist@mander.xyz
              72 months ago

              TikTok is a subsidiary of ByteDance, and that the Chinese government exerts significant political influence over ByteDance really is not a question

          • @Marketsupreme@lemm.ee
            72 months ago

            I think it’s a many birds with one stone situation - an industrial battle, a move to monopolize for Facebook after years of lobbying, Censorship etc.

      • @Psychodelic@lemmy.world
        212 months ago

        For one the YouTube algorithm is absolute dog shit compared to TT, which is literally the gold standard at this point.

        If you haven’t tried, you’re seriously missing out. It’s legit incredible how good it is. I hardly use it because I prefer long-form content (and don’t honestly have much time) but I absolutely can respect what they created

      • @Tangentism@lemmy.ml
        122 months ago

        Western SM is already in the pocket of the state and any content that goes against their values is suppressed.

        Pro-Palestinian content on Tiktok can easily get traction and receive over hundreds of thousands, if not millions of views.

        Considering that younger people are not watching regular media news, channels like fox just do not have comparative reach and they aren’t buying into the zionist propaganda like previous generations.

        There are a lot of content creators who are articulate, succinct and organisation has come out of it. People have created sites & apps that list all corporations and products to boycott because of their support for Israel and it’s had an impact.

        Sure, TTs algorithm can easily push you down unpleasant rabbit holes but that’s the nature of algorithms, not just specific to TT.

        So there might be similar content on western SM but it’s being held down and isn’t showing on people feed ‘organically’.

    • Zagorath
      282 months ago

      TikTok is being banned for a bunch of different reasons all added together.

      Republicans agreed to it, among the other reasons, because Democrats will get the blame for it and it will hurt Biden at the election.

      Republicans and Democrats supported its ban because of sinophobia. It’s a big, successful business in America, there’s scaremongering around what data it’s collecting or ways it could be used to manipulate people’s opinions—ByteDance did not do itself any favours by coming out and telling all its American users to tell their Congresspeople to vote against this, which was spun as a demonstration of that power.

      They also support the ban as part of an ongoing backlash against “big tech”. Republicans are angry at big tech because they think it’s too liberal. Democrats are angry at it for being addictive, abusing monopolistic powers, and other quite legitimate issues. The problem is that neither party is very good at actually dealing with the problem, so they just lash out wildly at whatever comes along that looks vaguely tech. Not realising that in this case, that will give way more power to Meta and Alphabet.

      • queermunist she/her
        192 months ago

        I think the reason it’s happening now is because of the growing protest movement against the genocide in Gaza.

        All the other US media companies actively sensor pro-Palestine/anti-Israel content and TikTok doesn’t. Unacceptable!

        • Zagorath
          72 months ago

          Maybe, but I don’t think so. The US govt is infamously slow and inefficient. I’ve been following this and it’s been a drumbeat that’s been growing for years, since long before Israel’s latest genocidal push began last October.

          If there’s any particular reason that it’s succeeded now, I’d put it more down to the upcoming election.

          • queermunist she/her
            32 months ago

            Here’s US Senator Pete Ricketts saying that we need to ban TikTok because pro-Palestine videos “have more reach than the top 10 US news websites combined”

            The reason it’s succeeded now is because of Gaza. Crediting the election makes no sense, how does this help anyone’s election chances?

            • Zagorath
              12 months ago

              how does this help anyone’s election chances

              It doesn’t help. It hurts Biden among younger voters. Because he gets the blame for this.

              • queermunist she/her
                12 months ago

                So why are Democrats doing this? This isn’t just a Republican thing, it’s bipartisan and Biden signed it. Why?

                • Zagorath
                  12 months ago

                  So why are Democrats doing this?

                  For all the other reasons already listed?

    • @weariedfae@lemmy.world
      232 months ago

      Kinda like the not-so-unsupported conspiracy theory that musk bought Twitter to silence protest coordination. That Twitter was too useful to the ‘masses’ and the “sinister cabal” (not my words) said it needed to be taken out.

      To reiterate: this is not my position but it is one I’ve heard that matches the sentiment expressed in the parent comment

      • @tearsintherain@leminal.space
        2 months ago

        What we certainly do know is that Musk bought twitter not to enable free speech, but to control speech according to his personal whims and beliefs.

        I imagine the Saudi’s went in with Musk on the twitter deal to also control and dilute unfavorable speech. The Saudi ruler is the guy that assassinated journalist Jamal Khashoggi on foreign soil because he wasn’t exactly a team Saudi ruler kind of guy.

      • @GrymEdm@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        I 100% admit that my take on the TikTok ban is opinion based on the hearings and arguments + the scope of the bill, so you aren’t being unfair. I have never heard that about the Twitter purchase - I had read it was a poor decision Musk made only half-seriously and then was basically forced to follow through with.

    • livus
      82 months ago

      I agree with this. I think you’re right.

    • @reagansrottencorpse@lemmy.ml
      82 months ago

      Anyone who has spent any amount of time on TikTok knows this is true. The narrative is beyond their control there, lots of eyes see. That terrifies them.

        • davel [he/him]
          152 months ago

          Notably the ban doesn’t kick in until after the election, after which it may not even be Biden’s problem. Maybe ByteDance will shut it down sooner. Maybe the next administration won’t follow through with the ban. 🤷

          • queermunist she/her
            192 months ago

            It was smart to delay the ban. The original bill would have banned it before the election - monumentally stupid! This, at least, delays the impact.

            People are paying attention, though, and TikTok has been buying ads to campaign against this law. It’s still going to have an impact.

            • livus
              72 months ago

              And Biden himself has a tiktok account that pumps out content.

              The whole thing is very cynical and weird.

              • @Tangentism@lemmy.ml
                52 months ago

                It’s a piss poor attempt to try control tiktok and ensure they play along. They don’t really want it banned, they just want to control the flow of information and it’s absolutely destroying the illusion of the first amendment!

    • Em Adespoton
      132 months ago

      What’s the overlap between people who vote Republican and people who use Tiktok? I’m actually curious.

        • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
          102 months ago

          Which is the same as a vote for a dictator. And that is super cool if you are looking forward to Project 2025, and selling out loved ones so they can be put in camps as political prisoners.

          • queermunist she/her
            2 months ago


            Is a vote for Trump actually two votes for Trump? Oh! Is every dollar you don’t donate to Biden a dollar donated to Trump?

            • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
              82 months ago

              I’m not following your logic here. Not voting, or actually voting for Trump both work in his favor because his base is going to vote for him no matter what. You would only be hurting the side that wants us to continue to have future elections. But at the end of the day if you can look in the mirror and be ok with selling out democracy more power to ya.

              • queermunist she/her
                72 months ago

                They just passed a fascist bipartisan bill to censor TikTok because it was showing the truth about Gaza and because it was disrupting the preexisting media cartel that already exists in the US. This was part of a larger fascist foreign aid package meant to help Israel carry out its genocide and prolong the war in Ukraine instead of seek a peace deal and help provoke a war in Taiwan by arming them to the teeth and pushing us to fucking WW3. By voting for them you are making it clear that they can do anything they want to you and you’ll beg for more.

                I already decided not to vote for genocide Joe a while ago. If I’m going to vote at all, I’m going to vote the way Bushnell did.

            • Christian
              32 months ago

              Mathematician here, I can answer this. Equivalence relations are symmetric, so if staying home is a vote for Trump then showing up to vote for Trump is the same as staying home on election day.

              • queermunist she/her
                2 months ago

                Okay, but then isn’t staying home also a vote for Biden by the same logic?

                This isn’t a binary relation, there’s clearly three options (vote for Biden, vote for Trump, vote for neither).

                • Christian
                  2 months ago

                  That doesn’t make any sense. The idea that staying home could be a vote for Biden seems pretty silly on its face. If that were true, there wouldn’t be any point in going out to vote for him, because the majority (or at least a plurality) of the country stays home regardless. He’d win in a landslide.

          • @blazera@lemmy.world
            102 months ago

            Have you thought maybe the democrats themselves own some responsibility for the jeopardy the election is in? Maybe banning one of the most popular social media sites right before an election was a bad move?

            • @Tangentism@lemmy.ml
              92 months ago

              Pretty sure that funding, aiding and abetting a genocide while denying there’s money for anything that benefits their own citizens is what’s losing the democrats support.

            • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
              52 months ago

              It had votes/support from both sides. And giving away democracy because you’re upset about a social media site seems like a bad take. Imagine telling future generations you traded the country’s democracy because you were mad at them because they took away your short video sites.

              • @blazera@lemmy.world
                42 months ago

                Can you not comprehend what i said? Tiktok is more popular with younger people, and younger people have historically voted more for democrats. Of course republicans would help democrats shoot themselves in the foot here. How can you see this and not give any responsibility to the democrats?

          • Melkath
            82 months ago

            No, it’s not.

            Abstaining from voting is an option the voter is given.

            I bet you have a heck of a time differentiating apples, oranges, and pears.

            “A pear is basically just an orange because you didn’t pick the apple.” - TimLovesTech

          • wildncrazyguy
            2 months ago

            The guy you replied to has replied in a similar variant of “x event happened, therefore dems don’t want to win.”

            Can’t fault them though, he’s just doing his job and following orders. The opposite would be …. Unthinkable

      • Melkath
        62 months ago

        By the dictator, you mean the one running the genocide and expanding spying on the civilian population as we currently speak, right?

      • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
        42 months ago

        Yes. This has been ongoing since TikTok acquired musical.ly. The CFIUS didn’t care as much until it became popular. TikTok has tried to comply, so why isn’t the CFIUS and there considerations being heeded?

    • @anon987@lemmy.world
      42 months ago

      You have got to be kidding. Did you really just link the canary? The same canary that got banned from Twitter for making antisemitic remarks.

      They also failed dozens of fact checks.

        • @anon987@lemmy.world
          12 months ago

          The ban on tiktok was going through before palestine attacked Israel. This article is just pure speculation and conspiracy theories.

          The Canary has faced criticism for claiming that Israel is an apartheid state for its occupation of the West Bank. According to the Jewish Chronicle, Kerry-Anne Mendoza, the editor-in-chief, had her Twitter account suspended when she compared Jewish Labour Supporters with South Africa’s Apartheid “Imagine if during a day of international solidarity with the oppressed of Apartheid South Africa the Labour leadership opted instead to spend the day with white supremacists. That’s what Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner are doing today.”

          What great journalists.

    • @a_statistician@programming.dev
      22 months ago

      This move against TikTok predates the Hamas attacks and Israel’s military action. It’s insane that TikTok’s ban is because teens are more likely to be pro-palestine.

      • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
        12 months ago

        It does. But there are mechanisms within CFIUS that TikTok was working through. Trump and Congress decided to circumvent CFIUS and go after TikTok, which is their right, but why?

        So CFIUS would be a good process that would be short of a ban. You know, they could look at the app. They could decide whether or not there are other things that the company could do. But I think Congress has basically gone and kind of short-circuited that process and said, no, we’re not going to have the Committee on Foreign Investment look at this. We’re not going to have other processes look at it. We’re just going to make a decision as the Congress that this app needs to be sold in a short time, or it will be banned.

        And so why is it that we’ll still be able to access apps like the clothing company Shein in in the U.S. - that’s also Chinese owned - Temu, which sells all sorts of stuff - clothing and housing goods? These apps are also Chinese owned and are on a lot of American phones. source

        It’s because of TikTok’s popularity and influence.

    • @NauticalNoodle@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      This is the same conclusion Second Thought came to a while back in one of his youtube videos. While I don’t disagree with the conclusion, I also wouldn’t say it’s mutually exclusive to reasoning promoted by the mainstream media of "foreign influence. " What’s really wild is the idea that the ban is also being pushed by “foreign influence.”

      • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Plausible deniability, 2 birds with 1 stone. There are hundreds of companies with foreign investors and influence. TikTok has tried to work with investigators and even spent $1.5 billion on a server framework for Project Texas. If TikTok was a crappy app and wasn’t the primary source of news for young adults, the government wouldn’t care.

      • @hughesdikus@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        Good riddance? Not really cause US still has clones of tiktok present like reels and shorts.

        Nothing will change. Data will still be collected. China can easily buy data from the open market. Mental health will still be affected.

        In fact, due to lack of competition, things will only get worse.

        US and India are 2 moronic countries

        • @CommanderCloon@lemmy.ml
          42 months ago

          Shorts fucking suck. It keeps recommending to me exactly four types of videos:

          • stuff I have already watched, liked and commented – sometimes a few minutes prior
          • videos I’m wildly uninterested with and systematically mark as irrelevant or instantly skip, yet it keeps bringing up videos of the same subject
          • very old old “news” shorts
          • stuff of people I’m subscribed to – which is fine, just not what makes great algorithms

          Meanwhile, in a very short time, tiktok has managed to make me discover communities I had no idea I’d like to watch content from, while subtly managing to stop showing me some of the content from those communities I don’t enjoy

  • K0W4L5K1
    232 months ago

    Idk why so many people assumed they would its a data gold mine even with the USA blocked

  • macniel
    222 months ago

    If we could have it banned in Europe or just Germany I would be happy for my people.

  • Forrest O.
    142 months ago

    I feel like this ban WILL start a monopoly. Since Facebook does the same amount or more data mining than TikTok, Facebook will have to be banned alongside Instagram, making YouTube Shorts a monopoly, as there really isn’t any other alternatives that are relevant.

    • @yamanii@lemmy.world
      172 months ago

      This isn’t about privacy or Meta and Google would be slapped too, this is just about the newest boogeyman for americans.

      • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
        42 months ago

        Seriously this smacks of McCarthy’s grocery list in the House Unamerican Activities Committee.

        If there is evidence then they need to show us. We’ve learned some hard lessons about not trusting our government with this stuff.

          • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            Where is it then? Where is the evidence? Can you link to it? Is there a CSPAN broadcast of it or some talking head making shit up?

            I would be very surprised if there was evidence because the newspapers haven’t turned up any and they aren’t about to just let it sit on YouTube.

            • @RaoulDook@lemmy.world
              32 months ago

              Here’s the full hearing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1xEuK0Fxu8

              There are also many articles across tech sites on the internet that you can find evidence of how the TikTok app is a data mining monster. If you haven’t read any about it yet, it’s probably just because you don’t want to hear it. It’s certainly not because the evidence is not out there, as there is a shitload of it.

              • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
                32 months ago

                Oh wow. All you could find is the entire 5 hour hearing? You don’t have any time marks? Articles referencing it? Are you seriously just hoping I’ll give up because you threw 5 hours of raw footage at me?

                If there’s so many articles then link them. If they proved something in that 5 hours then give me the time stamp. You don’t get to make assertions that destroy people’s jobs and rights to speech without actually citing something.

                • @RaoulDook@lemmy.world
                  32 months ago

                  Oh wow, I provided literally what I said I would provide, and all you can do is complain like a brat? Go find your own shit, I have already wasted enough time attempting to help you.

                  Long story short, there’s plenty of evidence out there and you will never look for it. Anything that I send as a reply will not be good enough, because you already have chosen what you want to believe about it.

    • @Zacryon@lemmy.wtf
      172 months ago

      They don’t care about monopoly. They care about evil China. It doesn’t seem to be an issue to strenghten evil Meta and Alphabet.

  • @mtchristo@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    This makes sense as there still billions of other potential users around the world. Add to that the fact that other nations like content of their own cultures in their own languages. It means even if they will feel the change the platform won’t collapse because it is missing US users. Now If other countries follow in the US footsteps then it becomes a different story.

    • @hughesdikus@lemmy.ml
      32 months ago

      If you as a content creator have a choice between a platform with 3 billion people (US and India included), like Shorts and Instagram Reels, and one without (TikTok), where would you post?

      This is a clear disadvantage given to tiktok only to protect its own companies cause if US actually cared about data and mental health, homegrown Tech companies would also face repercussions.

      LETS NOT FORGET, China can VERY EASILY buy most of the data it needs from the open market which many US companies, including Big Tech contribute to.

      This has done nothing for citizens. Only protected innovation less US companies.

      • @Duamerthrax@lemmy.world
        62 months ago

        If the tutorial can’t be boiled down to a 30 second video, tiktok users aren’t going to be able to comprehend it.

      • @Olgratin_Magmatoe@lemmy.world
        22 months ago

        It’s excruciatingly easy to side load on android, to the point where it is outright dangerous for laymen.

        All it will take is a 30s tiktok showing how to side load and they’re done, tech literate or not

    • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
      102 months ago

      Worse. Unless they’re going to start the Great American Firewall you can just go to the website.

    • @A1kmm@lemmy.amxl.com
      12 months ago

      Or use it as a Progressive Web App. This could be a good thing for awareness of PWAs and for them being seen as a killer feature that people won’t buy a smartphone unless they support them well. A transition away from app stores to PWAs can only be good.

      If they are doing TikTok, maybe they should do Facebook, Reddit and YouTube next.

  • @nucleative@lemmy.world
    62 months ago

    Still think it’s a baited headline given their stated intention to go to court to fight the “unconstitutional ruling”. I’m not so sure the constitution gives foreign companies many legal rights so in that regard they’d perhaps be more protected if they were an American company. Whoops.

    TikTok’s 80% of investors who aren’t ByteDance won’t pass up billions of dollars in cash either if the alternative is that they forever get zero from the American market.

    They’ve been investing heavily in the US market for the last couple years too, so I doubt they are in the black.

    They’ve just all around played politics the American way very poorly. I can’t really comment on whether that’s good or bad but I’m blown away this Shou Chew CEO dude still has a job after this came down.

    • @PresidentCamacho@lemm.ee
      52 months ago

      A thing never mentioned in these debates is that noone in the world is buying tiktok without buying the underlying algorithm, the same algorithm the app runs on worldwide, the algorithm is the special sauce. They are not going to sell the basis for their app just for a single payday in the US market, which after buying it, they could rebrand and then once successful in the US, compete in the global market against tiktok but with the income of the most lucrative app market in the world behind them. It’s an extremely stupid business move.

    • They’re probably going to find themselves having to explain what it means that a social media platform is itself engaged in speech, instead of functioning as a platform for others to speak. TikTok users, whose voices are allegedly curtailed by the ban, aren’t exactly prevented from going to another platform.

      If they say that it’s Tiktok’s speech that’s curtailed, they’re going to have to explain carefully how they’re not a foreign influence operation.

      The language of the first amendment is pretty stark, but the courts have always understood it has various limits.