I have been reading a lot lately about not wearing outside shoes in the house and it interests me even more because I’ve been saving to re-carpet my whole house. It hits me every now and then about how to do things though, like, say I’m cooking all day on Sunday then need to take the trash out. I’m assuming it’s change shoes, then say the grandkids stop by and want to go go for a bike ride? I’m assuming it’s change shoes. I guess maybe what I’m asking is how many baskets by how many doors with how many pairs of slip-ons (both indoor and out) do I need?

    • Shirasho
      433 months ago

      These are the same assholes who sound like a jackhammer when they walk in apartments.

      • @Catoblepas
        393 months ago

        Your neighbors probably aren’t particularly loud, your landlord cheaped out on sound insulation. And probably regular insulation.

        • FuglyDuck
          93 months ago

          My parents had this mini dachshund.

          If you were downstairs and she decided to run the ~5 pound dog…. Well let’s just say we nicknamed her “thunder paws”

          • @Gerudo@lemm.ee
            43 months ago

            I have an old cat who is 7lbs soaking wet. Wife calls it the exorcist when running around upstairs.

            • FuglyDuck
              3 months ago

              it was truly impressive. you could always tell when someone started cooking- especially if they so much as glanced at the carrots… (she knew she got the tips, it was her treat…Vet recommended for training. Just chop them into tiny nibs.)

              even if you didn’t break out the carrots… She was hopeful something would fall. It was amazing, at how even when she was 18; she could go from old-lady-napping to rug-shark scarfing up whatever just fell before it ever touches the ground.

      • @Starb3an@sh.itjust.works
        43 months ago

        Well my 250lbs upstairs neighbor makes the ceiling creak and groan, but the jackhammering they did to fix the slab on the apartment behind mine rattled my bed.

    • @forgotaboutlaye@lemmy.world
      203 months ago

      I learned from TV, American shows like Seinfeld or Simpsons where the characters are always wearing shoes. Growing up in Canada we didn’t do that and I thought it was weird

      • @AlolanYoda@mander.xyz
        183 months ago

        I have been rewatching Friends and it drives me nuts. They regularly jump on top of the couch and the coffee table with their outside shoes on…

      • @grrgyle@slrpnk.net
        3 months ago

        Wait that’s not just artists being lazy?

        So is it not rude to leave your shoes on in some places?

      • @Coreidan@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Uh ya, it’s called TV not real life.

        They are on set, not in their comfy house.

        At least that explains Seinfeld. Not sure why they would do it in the simpsons. I’d imagine it’s because the writer does this shit at home too like a savage.

      • @bitchkat@lemmy.world
        23 months ago

        That’s just their workplace. They aren’t going to stop to have Kremer take off his shows. Also for people like Tom Cruise, the shows are used to change the perception of height.

  • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
    833 months ago

    Just, take your shoes off inside, and put them back on when you go outside. It’s like clothes and the shower, lol

  • FuglyDuck
    703 months ago

    So… I keep crocs at the door for those moments where I need to step out for a moment. slip on, slip off. For anything more… extensive than checking the mail or running out the trash; yeah, I put on proper shoes.

    You’re house will be cleaner if you don’t wear shoes inside. If your feet get cold, socks, or slippers that stay inside are useful, but I generally just go barefoot. (or socked,)

    • livus
      183 months ago

      This is probably why crocs are so popular.

      I own a pair a couple of sizes too large for winter, so that I can step into them without even taking my slippers off.

    • @AA5B@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Updoot for Crocs!

      I have a shoe tray near the front door, so anyone coming in has a place to put their shoes.

      For mine, it has

      • Crocs, for those quick errands like taking out the trash. Easy on and off!
      • Sneakers, for anything longer, like walking the dog or going to the grocery. It’s no big deal to take a few seconds putting them on, since it’s for something that takes a while
      • if I wore boots or work shoes or dress shoes, I’ll leave them there until they dry. No big deal to get them from my closet, since I don’t use them every day, and it would be only once
      • socks for inside
      • FuglyDuck
        13 months ago

        and now, I’m having visions of all the mandalorians in crocs.

        with socks. because whose going to criticize a Mandolorian going full on dad mode?

  • @njm1314@lemmy.world
    653 months ago

    How many fucking doors do you have that you’re concerned about multiple shoes and multiple baskets brother?

    • @iliketurtles@lemmy.world
      133 months ago

      We did growing up. Most people I know are indifferent minus a few friends. I don’t wear them at home now, but I don’t see the big deal in keeping them on once in a while.

      • @Coreidan@lemmy.world
        283 months ago

        Do you not have carpets or what?

        I couldn’t imagine fucking up all my carpets and furniture over time from being too lazy to take shoes off.

        Plus I just don’t understand how it’s comfortable to wear shoes all day long. I usually can’t wait to get home just so I can take my shoes off. I don’t feel like I can truly relax without them off.

        Do you wear your shoes when you’re in bed and snuggling on the couch under a blanket too???

        • Do you not have carpets or what?

          I don’t, no. Only one room in my house has carpet, and they’re from the original owner and already gross anyway, and that room is a storage room. The rest of the house is hardwood (which needs to be redone) or linoleum.

          I couldn’t imagine fucking up all my carpets and furniture over time from being too lazy to take shoes off.

          It’s not always laziness, I prefer just having my shoes on unless I’ve got my feet on the couch, then it’s just socks. People have their own preferences, there’s nothing wrong with that.

          Plus I just don’t understand how it’s comfortable to wear shoes all day long. I usually can’t wait to get home just so I can take my shoes off. I don’t feel like I can truly relax without them off.

          🤷‍♀️ Don’t know, I just feel more comfortable in shoes an/or socks. I’ve never understood people who have to take their shoes and socks off as soon as they get home, you’re just getting dust and dirt and whatever else all over your feet.

          Do you wear your shoes when you’re in bed and snuggling on the couch under a blanket too???

          No, shoes don’t go on the furniture, unless I’d get too high in the past and fall asleep with them on. They’re warm and protect my feet.

          I’ll also add, I have a dog, so, to me, it’s a moot point. He’s not wearing shoes, and he’s going to drag even worse stuff in the house on his paws, and I’m not cleaning his paws literally every time he’s gotta go out and pee, so… 🤷‍♀️

          Idk, I see all of the points people are making about why you shouldn’t wear them inside, but I don’t understand why people are acting like they’ve never even considered the concept of just… Wearing shoes inside? Like, to me, it’s more astonishing (as a former chef) that people will cook barefoot, like, haven y’all never seen what hot oils can do to bare skin? That’s insane to me, but I’m not losing my mind over the concept.

          • @RBWells@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            Same here. Wood floors, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 kids. I will still argue that wood floors are cleaner than carpet but cat litter, dogs don’t wear shoes and it doesn’t snow here or anything like that.

            I just don’t have the sort of controlled situation that people who ban shoes in house seem to have. Yes we wipe the dogs’ paws before they come in in the summer when it’s muddy and yes I have gardening boots that don’t come inside, but I put on shoes when I get dressed. We do run the Roomba twice a day, have a biweekly cleaning service, central A/C with filters and an air purifier, it’s not filthy by any means but the floor is the floor, we walk on it.

            Like, if you are having a party and people are dressed up, they are barefoot? When they go on the back deck do they run to the front and grab their shoes then take them off again to come inside to grab a drink? Is it just that people up north are used to getting undressed when they come inside anyway so shoes are just like coats and scarves and hats to you? Like OP I have questions.

        • @dwindling7373@feddit.it
          63 months ago

          Yes and what’s best is we can be fully relaxed while having shoes on anywhere outdoor as an added benefit.

    • ditty
      53 months ago

      OP specifically mentioned grandkids, so I’m assuming they are on the older side. When you get old, it can be nice to have the extra support of shoes, even inside your house. I never wear shoes inside but my parents (in their late 60’s) always do since their house has hardwood floors.

    • Wild Bill
      33 months ago

      Right? It’s disgusting. I don’t even see how some people can rationalise it. Would rather hurt my feet going barefoot/with socks on than drag in a thousand contaminants from the outside.

      • @lost_faith@lemmy.ca
        43 months ago

        I had a rule at my house, If you want to wear your shoes inside, lick the sole from heel to toe and I will grant you can wear them. no one ever took me up on it

        • @RBWells@lemmy.world
          23 months ago

          You are licking your floors regularly? Then yes sir, absolutely will take off my shoes. I would not dance on someone’s table in shoes; if you eat off your floor I understand.

          But really, of course if someone asked I wouldn’t dream of pushing back, it’s your house not mine. Do people really fight you on that?

    • @ZeffSyde@lemmy.world
      33 months ago

      I actually noped out of a potential roommate situation when I saw 20 pairs of shoes on the stairs leading to the apartments front door.

  • Otherbarry
    583 months ago

    Perhaps you’re overthinking this? In the house you can go barefoot, keep socks on, and/or wear slippers/loafers.

    When you go outside you put on shoes.

    So yes most people would have a shoe rack or just keep their shoes placed near the door. If you have multiple doors sure you can consider keeping extra pairs of shoes there or some sort of in between like outdoor slippers/something for when you just need to go check the mail or whatever.

  • @LoganNineFingers@lemmy.ca
    573 months ago

    This is the craziest thing to me…

    I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I put my boots or shoes on at the door before I go out, and I take them off when I get home. If I get cold feet, I may put on slippers.

    Inside the house, I’m bare foot or in socks. If I take the trash out and it’s nice, I go out barefoot. If it’s snowy or frigid cold (I’ll leave the Winnipeg weather up to you for a fun google) I put on my boots.

    I don’t know anyone who wears shoes indoors unless they are elderly and need the support. It’s a sign of middle age / senior age living here.

  • Account_93
    3 months ago

    I can’t imagine wearing shoes indoors (at home), My feet are kept warm by socks.

    • @ace_garp@lemmy.world
      73 months ago

      Added benefit of socks is being able to do a ‘turn on your heel’ little spin 180 move.

      It’s fun and satisfying, for me at least.

      We have tiled floors and a sock lets you rotate easily on one heel, when you want to turn around. I never gave the saying any thought before this(“to turn on ones heel”).

          • pacoboyd
            53 months ago

            Not sure who’s down voting you, but socks are meant to be in shoes and shoes are meant to be in contact with the ground. Shoes have rubber soles, socks are cloth. One of these things is much more durable than the other.

            I have 90% hardwood floors and my socks get destroyed if I don’t wear slippers of some sort.

              • @SendMePhotos@lemmy.world
                63 months ago

                You know what? We could just put a plastic layer over the carpet to extend its life. That way we’d have shoes plus plastic and our carpet would always technically be clean, too!

    • FuglyDuck
      3 months ago

      If you can walk outside in -20 f (-28 c) barefoot and still feel your feet after ~15 seconds and avoid frostbite inside of five minutes, I might accept that I’m weaker than you.

      But, assuming you’re human and not possessed of prosthetic feet…. I’m going to assume your toes would fall off just the same as mine.

      • @Leviathan@lemmy.world
        73 months ago

        Yeah I go out in the yard with the dog or take out the trash in winter here in Montreal. Granted it’s a minute here or there but it’s true. Not calling anyone weak or anything but it’s just a little snow or cold.

        • FuglyDuck
          43 months ago

          You’re still probably getting frost bite, and yes, the cellular damage caused by frostbite can add up over time making it quite severe even with the ‘casual’ exposure.

          There’s no weakness in prudence. being imprudent can lead to it though (or rather amputations, at worst.)

          • @Leviathan@lemmy.world
            23 months ago

            Do you have a source to back that up? I’m having trouble finding anything that says you have to be out less than 15 minutes before frostbite kicks in. It’s like saying you’ll get frostbite in your hands if you hold some ice for a minute.

            • FuglyDuck
              13 months ago

              Every cold safety thing ever; Keep in mind, that’s wind chill (“feels like”), in limited wind, the ground is going to pull more heat faster.

              Freezer ice is usually not -20, though. (Freezers are usually set to 0-10 degrees f)

      • @Obi@sopuli.xyz
        43 months ago

        To be fair in that kind of weather going outside is a 15min, 12 layer ordeal, the shoes are a small concern at that point.

    • Doesn’t this defeat the point of taking your shoes off inside? If your concern is tracking in dirt or germs on your shoes, tracking them on your feet is arguably worse unless you’ve got foot wash stations at the doors.

    • Echo Dot
      13 months ago

      I live in the UK so if I did that I’d get wet feet. It never really dries here.

  • Echo Dot
    343 months ago

    What? This is like asking people if they wear a coat inside the house.

    We have outside clothes and we have inside clothes, and the outside clothes are not worn inside, because they’re outside clothes.

    say I’m cooking all day on Sunday then need to take the trash out. I’m assuming it’s change shoes, then say the grandkids stop by and want to go go for a bike ride? I’m assuming it’s change shoes.

    Yeah? Why would I want mud and dirt tracked into my carpet?

    • @Syd@lemm.ee
      133 months ago

      I grew up in a shoes inside, coats inside house. To see this much shock at both is kinda crazy to me, didn’t realize it was so uncommon.

        • @Syd@lemm.ee
          63 months ago

          I still wear a light jacket inside often as I keep the place between 60-65. Stopped wearing shoes inside as I hate cleaning. That’s how I was raised though, and wearing shoes inside isn’t terribly uncommon here. Maybe it’s a regional thing, maybe a class thing, but people asking you to take off your shoes when you visit is way less common than not. I have to ask people to take off their shoes when they come over and it’s considered bougie.

          • @Sylvartas@lemmy.world
            63 months ago

            Interesting. Here in France the “bourgeois” thing is usually to not have your guests take their shoes off inside (because you’re not the one doing the cleaning later)

            • @Syd@lemm.ee
              23 months ago

              Ya might be interested to know that “bougie” is an American slang term pronounced “boo-zhee” that refers to someone acting high class that isn’t. That’s really interesting though, how common are housekeepers in France?

              • @ikidd@lemmy.world
                33 months ago

                Bougie is derived from bourgeoisie, and would mean the same thing, as in a bourgeoisie would let you walk in the house with dirty shoes since he’s the lord of the manor and cleaning is why he has servants.

                • @Syd@lemm.ee
                  13 months ago

                  Yeah that’s where it’s derived but the connotations are a little different.

              • @Sylvartas@lemmy.world
                13 months ago

                Old-timey style housekeepers are basically only a thing for the ultra rich, but hiring someone to clean your house and/or do some laundry is quite common in the upper middle class

          • @aStonedSanta@lemm.ee
            53 months ago

            Oh wow. That’s interesting as hell to me. Are you in America? I was born in Midwest lived in south and back in Midwest. I had one friend whose house I didn’t have to take shoes off at and I uh didn’t cause their carpet was gross… lol

            • @Syd@lemm.ee
              13 months ago

              Yeah I’m in the US, fahrenheit probably gives that away, always lived in more rural communities too.

      • Echo Dot
        33 months ago

        What do you do if it was raining? Don’t you now have mud and water inside your house.

        • @Syd@lemm.ee
          33 months ago

          I usually don’t get mud on my jacket when it rains, how do you even do that?Unless it’s a complete downpour, microburst levels of water, the jacket would only be slightly damp. Jackets don’t hold water by design, and if it’s drenched I’d put on something else. If your shoes are muddy, wet, or covered in snow then you take them off.

          • Echo Dot
            43 months ago

            Right so you do take your shoes off when you go inside.

            This is such a weird thing to try and suggest is normal.

            • @Syd@lemm.ee
              13 months ago

              Yeah, and I’m the strange one for asking guests to do so, and wasn’t raised that way. Even people with much nicer places than mine don’t expect others to take their shoes off.

    • Tony N
      53 months ago

      After I come inside and take off my outside coat, I always put on my inside coat. Except for bedtime when I put on my bedtime coat (and shoes)

  • @BlameThePeacock@lemmy.ca
    343 months ago

    Um… I have one pair of shoes by one door. The main door. A second pair by another door you use regularly wouldn’t be a stupid idea.

    I don’t change shoes though, I just wear socks in the house. No slippers.

    You come in the house, you take the shoes off. You want to leave the house, you put them on.

    It’s that simple.

  • @TheDoozer@lemmy.world
    313 months ago

    I live in Alaska, so… Basically just a pair of Xtratufs by the door. Sandals and running shoes get added during the summer. Big snow boots come out for the heavy snows.

    Inside I just wear socks. If I need to pop out, I pop the xtratufs on.

    I can’t imagine not taking shoes off and just wandering around the house with shoes on, tracking the outside in everywhere. I don’t even know anyone who does that.