Every single large server in this federation has at least one Star Trek community. There is even an entire server dedicated to Star Trek.

Not only that, these communities are some of the most active I’ve ever seen. There is no other franchise I know of that dominates the federation as much as Star Trek does.

So, what’s the correlation with Lemmy and Star Trek? Why not other sci-fi series? Please, are there any connections?? Is this all coincidental?

  • @TheAlbatross
    507 months ago

    Star Trek just kinda kicks ass.

    What, you haven’t seen Deep Space Nine?? Cmon what’re you doing? Fix that!

      • Shalakushka
        317 months ago

        If you think science fiction is laser fights in space, this opinion makes sense. If you like characters and setting, it’s probably some of the best sci fi on TV.

        • @Eheran@lemmy.world
          77 months ago

          I liked the stories and setting more back in the day. At the very least because I was a kid back then. I can not watch TNG now, so I have different standards now, which other variants also do not reach.

          • originalucifer
            127 months ago

            the thing is, most of the themes/story lines in star trek are about as timeless as the series. there are no ‘dated’ story lines (tropes, definitely) … in fact many of the moral dilemmas discussed are absolutely still relevant today

            • unalivejoy
              77 months ago

              in fact many of the moral dilemmas discussed are absolutely still relevant today

              200 years of evolution and we’re still learning the same lesson 😤

            • @KnightontheSun@lemmy.world
              47 months ago

              I am a big fan of the OG ST. My wife will have it on when I walk in to prepare dinner. I never tire of the show. The stories are wonderful and I am highly entertained by the campy acting and simple sets. Honestly, the musical score used in the original is so very good and I love hearing it. I would use many for ringtones (esp the fighting score - you know it) if I weren’t so lazy. Someday.

          • @fireweed@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            I want to disagree, but the reality is that most TV shows from the 90s and before have aged pretty poorly (certainly way worse than movies of the same age have). There are a few reasons for this, but I think the big three are: TV used to be lower budget and lower prestige (going from being a movie actor to a TV actor was shameful), TV had to be episodic due to the nature of broadcast (this improved once TiVo entered the scene, but it was streaming that really made multi-episode storytelling possible), TV episodes were extremely exact in their length (had to stick to the broadcast schedule, which sometimes caused major pacing problems).

            Sci-fi TV especially seems to have aged terribly. Part of that is it used to be a niche genre that did not get the resources it needed to not come off at least a little campy, but I suspect the biggest issue is that of audience: shows like Star Trek or X-Files tried to have mass appeal in a way that TV nowadays doesn’t need to. I think Firefly’s (eventual) success really helped the genre turn a corner, and subsequent hits like BSG showed that “serious” sci-fi was feasible on the TV model. These two series also really ratcheted up viewer expectations for what “good” sci-fi TV should be.

            I appreciate the classics like TNG for keeping certain franchises alive and the genre as a whole stumbling along until it could really hit its stride in the '00s, and I do think the shows have some watch value even today, but honestly most of it is rooted in nostalgia and historic importance.

            • BarqsHasBite
              37 months ago

              90s was the breakout time for TV. Before that was sketchy. Go watch Cheers knowing that was the most popular show on TV.

              • @fireweed@lemmy.world
                17 months ago

                Agreed, the 90s marked a major improvement (and expansion, thanks to cable) in television compared to prior decades. Children’s television in particular flourished, especially educational programs. I’d consider it a stepping-stone era, however, as like I said things improved substantially again in the following decade.

                • BarqsHasBite
                  7 months ago

                  Well everything improves over time, but the 90s is when TV turned into something good. You were discussing about aging poorly, but it was the 80s that aged poorly because of everything you said about budget, not attracting the top actors, writers, etc. That all changed in the 90s.

        • Deconceptualist
          7 months ago

          If you like characters and setting, it’s probably some of the best sci fi on TV.

          Uh-huh… Like episode 5x20, “Ferengi Love Songs” ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

      • Xariphon
        117 months ago

        DS9 still holds up today. I don’t think I will ever reach a point in my life where “In the Pale Moonlight” isn’t some of the best television ever made.

        • @KnightontheSun@lemmy.world
          17 months ago

          I am an original ST zealot, but am gearing up for a DS9 viewing.

          Am hopeful that I will like it given the opinions I’ve seen.

          • Dessalines
            17 months ago

            The first two seasons are a bit slow, but still great character building. By the third season, they’ve become a family, and by the fourth season, you’re watching some of the best TV ever made.

      • @rtxn@lemmy.world
        77 months ago

        I’ve just watched TNG for the first time, and going through DS9 now. It still kicks ass.

        Sure, it looks dated, and pre-beard TNG was rough, but I can absolutely see why trekkies are so deeply obsessed with it.