I’m a heavy emoji user, texting is such a poor medium for communication, many times people get the wrong message, but with an emoji you’ll get an idea of the face I’m making, so less chance of misunderstanding

I noticed that every time I add an emoji to a comment it gets downvoted, so I tested my theory, wrote a comment without an emoji, got upvotes, went back and added an emoji, got downvotes…

On Reddit people use emojis a lot, on Lemmy I NEVER saw anyone use emojis, my account is new but still for the time I spent here, I never saw the use of emojis

So, is it just me, have you noticed this small detail ? and do you miss emojis the way I do ? 😭

  • Atemu
    8 months ago

    I really like them as dumb little “reactions” in chats (as in: emojis other can attach to a message) but, for longer, more thoughtful text posts, they usually distract from the content IME.

    I also don’t like how they’re usually, well I don’t know how to describe it but: Overly emotional. Your crying emoji is a good example; you’re not actually crying an ocean because you miss emojis, you’re just a little sad about it (I assume).

    This “always taking everyting to the extreme” really annoys me about our current society. There is no moderation anymore; it feels like you must either be extremely happy or extremely sad/angry/whatever. You can no longer be “a little sad about it”, you must show that you’re crying a river over it or whatever.

    I think that may be one of the reasons why I prefer emoticons. They don’t have that problem as much as you can’t easily express extreme emotions with them. :'( is about as bad a “crying” usually gets for example and when someone writes xD, you know they’re taking a piss.

      • @4z01235@lemmy.world
        137 months ago

        The idea of a emoji is to sound more human, that’s why Ai chat bots use them at the end of their answers, to sound more human and more friendly

        This is how you feel about it, but you’re posting in a place full of humans who don’t communicate that way. It’s fine that you like to, but you won’t have much luck appealing to a community by calling their norms less-human and unfriendly.

    • @NightAuthor@lemmy.world
      47 months ago

      Hmm… I think you’re right. I feel like I can more accurately convey my tone with words, onomatopoeia, and punctuation. Well, most of the time at least. … but occasionally I do find reason to use an emoji.