While that’s certainly true, using NixOS usually does not involve many advanced concepts or requires you to understand them.
You can set foo = bar
in a .conf file without knowing what a variable is either.
Interested in Linux, FOSS, data storage systems, unfucking our society and a bit of gaming.
I help maintain Nixpkgs.
https://reddit.com/u/Atemu12 (Probably won’t be active much anymore.)
While that’s certainly true, using NixOS usually does not involve many advanced concepts or requires you to understand them.
You can set foo = bar
in a .conf file without knowing what a variable is either.
I don’t know about rnote but Xournalpp was very underwhelming when it came to actual handwriting features back when I tried it.
It was an old Fujitsu Q755, not something I’d recommend you buy.
Had a wacom tablet built into the touch screen though which is the only thing I’d watch out for.
Proprietary and closed source.
I always wondered why as they never sold it or had any kind of business model around it.
(nixos more or less requires you understand programming syntax for writing your system config)
It’s technically not a real programming language but an expression language. The difference is that the former is a series of commands to execute in the specified order to produce arbitrary effects while the latter is a declaration of a set of data. You can think of it like writing a config file i.e. in JSON format.
The syntax isn’t really the hard part here. You can learn the basics that comprise 99% of Nix code in a few minutes.
The actually hard part is first figuring out what you even want to do and then second how the NixOS-specific interface for that thing is intended to be used. The former requires general Linux experience and the latter research and problem solving skills.
You can generally do almost anything to a btrfs while the system is running with the filesystem mounted. In fact, most operations require the btrfs to be mounted.
You should keep a live USB handy though in case you mess up. Oh and also verify that you have a sufficient amount of backups of your important data. 1 copy can turn into 0 copies quite quickly. Rule of thumb places the minimum at 3 copies.
what do you mean by “After a rebuild of the initrd” ? That’s something I have to do after editing fstab? How do I do that?
Yes, for modifications to the root mount, you must rebuild the initrd for those changes to actually be applied where it matters.
How this is done fully depends on the distribution and is one of the more significant technical details that differ between just about every distro family. Consult your distro’s documentation on that.
You cannot merge them in any automated fashion. You have to manually copy one into the other.
btrfs provides some tools here though; you could use btrfs send | btrfs receive
to transfer the subvolumes for instance.
You’d transfer all of your subvolumes in the root partition over to the “home” partition and then adjust your fstab accordingly. After a rebuild of the initrd, your system should boot into the root subvol of the formerly “home” partition. Once that works, you can delete the old root partition and extend the new combined partition.
As always, stable releases are about how frequently breaking changes are introduced. If breaking changes potentially happening every day is fine for you, you can use unstable. For many use-cases however, you want some agency over when exactly breaking changes are introduced as point releases a la NixOS provide you with a 1 month window to migrate for each release.
With efficient cpus and lack of dedicated gpus I doubt the 4W of RAM is really that much of a battery drain.
What? If anything, it’d be more drain relatively speaking.
4W is quite a lot if you consider that a decently efficient laptop should draw 5-8W at idle max.
The usual; check the server and client logs.
Archive is/ph/today etc. is playing dirty with DNS and actively lying to Cloudflare and some others too I believe. They all do not work.
This should allow
averagenon-technical users to keep up with development, without reading Github comments or knowing how to program.
Mastodon’s UI for groups is terrible. This community is indistinguishable from an account named “@Firefox” with thousands of followers unless you open its page and notice it says “Group” and understand what that means.
I’d look further into that bug because it’s not happening on my end.
Hier wurde einfach nicht ordentlich recherchiert, es wird LibreOffice verwendet. Es ist die gebrandete Version von Collabora, die einer der Haupt-Contributors von LO sind.
Freetube won’t have anything to do with h265 as youtube does not serve that format in any way.
Drive is under a different org:
TS is a lot easier to set up than WG and does not require a publicly accessible IP address nor any public whatsoever. It’s not really comparable to setting WG up yourself; especially w.r.t. security.
Das Ding mit den Anleihen ist, dass die Zinsen lange Zeit niedrig bis negativ waren und dadurch nur die jüngsten, kurzfristigsten gerade so Zentralbank Rendite abwerfen, also Eur ultrashort bonds oder Eur floating rate bonds (die sind zumindest von Banken).
Ich will damit ja auch nicht wirklich Rendite machen, ich will mich nur gegen die Inflation absichern. Für Rendite hab ich Equity Fonds.
floating rate bonds
Klingt auch nicht schlecht, muss ich mir mal anschauen. Hat halt ne große TD zur Inflation weil die BenchmarkRaten ja immer nur als Reaktion auf Änderungen der Inflation angepasst werden.
Ich nehme mal nicht an, dass DE sowas rausgibt? Suchmaschine findet nur die Inflation-linked bonds.
Gibt es da Index Fonds für?
The most important features when handwriting IMHO are selection tools and then being able to manipulate the selected strokes.
Write implements a multitude of selection tools such as lasso which most tools have but much more useful to me were ruled selection which selects based on lines on a ruled paper and path selection which selects every stroke you touch with your selection stroke.
You can then move the selected strokes in a ruled manner, so for example I’d select a whole line of strokes and move them down a few lines. This is incredibly useful and brings many of the freedoms we enjoy in editing text on a computer to handwriting.
Re-flowing using stroke divisors is an amazing feature in theory but I’ve never been able to make it work reliably enough for my purposes, so I personally disabled that particular feature.
The undo/redo dial is also pretty neat.
Once you actually try to take real notes or solve some mathematical problems, you’ll really come to appreciate such features and will dread using any note taking application supposedly made for handwritten notes that does not implement such features.