I’m in my 30s so I should be used to this by now, but this shit is getting so stressful guys. I have no savings, my checking account is drained every month with rent, and if there’s ever a serious emergency I have no safety net, I’m legitimately fucked. I’m one unplanned expense away from absolute ruin. Those in the same boat as me, how do you deal with this?

  • @jcg@halubilo.social
    10 months ago

    One caveat with the food tip is that eating absolute garbage like highly processed frozen food is still gonna be cheaper. I guess it’s cause they put so much preservatives and so those have such a long shelf life. Not that I’m advocating for eating that but cooking for yourself is a cheap way to eat something nutritious. But as somebody who’s gone through the same grind, it’s still honestly just cheaper to eat garbage. But, I legitimately just feel better, think better, and overall am better on food I cook myself. And that improvement has knock on effects for the rest of everything you do in life.

    • @Kit
      110 months ago

      I’d argue against highly processed frozen food being cheaper. If you buy the basics in bulk it has been cheaper in my experience. You’ve gotta have the time to cook from scratch, though, and that’s rough when you’re working multiple jobs. People with kids gotta have it even worse.