Hai! I’m new-ish here. I’ve known for a bit I’m trans, but barely started anything substantial really. I’m easing into it, but I’ve had this thing stuck in my mind recently.

Whats something relatively small or cheap/easy that helps make you feel girl? I have a few loungey clothes and stuff and been working on body hair removal but I’m looking for something… Else? I’m not sure what. Just thought this could be a good place for ideas or advice.

I’m just looking for new easy ideas that might help me feel more ‘at home’? Idk I wanna be a comfy chill relaxed girl.

  • OldEggNewTricks
    2 months ago

    Yes. This.

    I’d been aware of the existence and effects of feminizing HRT since–well, probably my mid teens? And always thought that I’d really like it, if only I was trans. Funny thing, 25 years later, turns out I’m trans (I was also starting to get some uncomfortably dark thoughts regarding my continued existence). So I never really worried about it, just realized one day “oh right, I can do this now.”

    And yeah, probably a lot of it is placebo, but I feel so much better on estrogen. When I was in the process of cracking, I read a lot of comments saying the same thing and thinking “yeah, right”. But no, starting HRT has been, by far, the best part of my transition so far.

    The initial (reversible) effects will definitely let you know if it’s right for you.

    Three months in is when I started getting “oh shit, this is awesome”-level changes.