Ex-egg. Turns out wishing you were a girl does work.

  • 27 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2024


  • OldEggNewTricksOPtoTransfemI bought a bra. Help!
    4 days ago

    Thanks for the reassurance! Yeah, voice is an interesting one. I’m using my new voice all the time now (similarly, I just can’t stand to go back), although it’s still a bit hit-and-miss, and wanders around a lot from day to day as I try out different things. Reactions have ranged from warmer tones and smiles from strangers, to “your voice is different” from people I meet occasionally, and “what do you mean, voice training? Your voice is the same as always” from people I work with. Sadly (?) there isn’t a sir/ma’am distinction here like there is in English, so it’s difficult to know how people perceive me.

    Anyway, I went to an on-site event (including people I’m not explicitly out to) the other day in at least fem-adjacent wear with not-very-subtle bra bumps, and didn’t get any awkward questions or comments. So I’m going to assume it’s all in my head and keep pushing my comfort boundaries.

  • OldEggNewTricksOPtoTransfemI bought a bra. Help!
    7 days ago

    Thanks, I think you hit the nail on the head there. I’ve been coasting a bit recently and this was a bit of a “you’re really doing this, right?” moment. Not really trying to boy-mode, but at the same time kind of reluctant to come out to the wider world. Although the idea of not doing it seems worse so… here goes, I guess?

    And thank you for all the links!

  • OldEggNewTrickstoTransHow's your week been?
    9 days ago

    I finally watched The Incel to Trans Pipeline and Inside Mari. Don’t be put off like I was by the title: it’s good. Anyway, I was sufficiently interested to pick up the manga second-hand and read through it at the weekend.

    Inside Mari spoilers

    Even knowing the outline from watching the video above, it’s a mindfuck and pretty uncomfortable reading. I loved it though. Then I tried to figure out who I identified with.

    First, obviously, on the surface it’s about a man who ends up in the body of a girl, which I guess to an outsider looks kinda like the transfem experience, but actually almost the reverse.

    Then, aha! I figure: I’m actually like Mari – I thought I was a man, but let go of that figured out who I want to be in the end. (It surprised me at first that we ended up with Mari and not Fumiko, but on reflection I think that was the right choice). But no, that’s not quite right either.

    Then I read the author’s note right at the end. Why does this story have to be about me anyway? There may be elements I relate to, but ultimately I am who I am, and there’s no need to try to fit into any particular box.

    Except now my internal “goals” setting seems to have got stuck on “high-school girl” and I’m feeling horribly dysphoric. Gotta learn not to compare myself to others…