background: staying in a roadside motel in the US. Man and Woman in the next room are screaming at each other. 1:30 in the morning. Not my problem.

But I did get voyeuristic and plant my ear on the wall. Most I could comprehend was “your daughter, but what about MY daughter?” from the woman. That’s what I thought I heard.

I was like, if I am certain I can tell that someone is beating on someone, and trying to kill them, or you know just violence is happening, then I’ll call 911. but I was far from certain. all i could discern was crying and screaming.

Hour later, someone is pounding on my door. is it someone in distress? I am in the least accessible and least desirable room in the place. It’s probably one of those two neighbors, but which one?

Anyways, I’m in the US, so I have one or more guns, but I don’t keep them loaded or accessible. by the time I had something ready, I think the neighbors were about to pass out. they currently are quiet after hours of screaming.

So I’m not a fan of cops, but not entirely against them. Situations in which I did call the cops:

-Neighbors were screaming at each other, 3 a.m.; their 6-year-old girl was out in the street crying.

-I heard broken glass and looked out the window, and saw a pair of big man’s boots going into what I thought was a single woman’s apartment.

  • Tiefling IRL
    13 days ago

    Ask yourself if you’d be ok with someone dying in the situation, because that’s the only thing cops are good for

      13 days ago

      That’s actually a good barometer.

      If it’s a thing where it’s potentially violent, like a guy with a bat smashing up parked cars, call the police.

      A crazy man talking about how the Lizard men have taken his stereo, I’m calling the non-emergency number or ask 911 to send behavioral specialists.