
  • zea
    275 months ago

    Oh my god…

    Explains why I’ve been so uncertain and confused. Thank you for this!

  • Hugucinogens
    215 months ago

    Expressing such a huge part of the way I feel. The author’s little self-descriptive blurb as context, also made more things click.

    “Enby writer of love letters, taker of photos. Use whichever pronouns you are inspired to use in the moment; she comes and he goes, yet they remain.”

    The desire to just be, as described in the article, put to action by inviting others into the way they describe themselves.

  • fadingembers
    205 months ago

    That basically sums up my experience as well. I thought wanting to be them was a part of attraction. As it turns out, not quite

      175 months ago

      Oh I know, “every guy thinks about being a girl from time to time right? Who me? I suppose I think about it every day, that’s normal for a boy, right? Wait… what do you mean you literally never think of that? come on, you’re not joking? Never? Oh… wait… you really don’t think ‘what would this be like if I were a girl’?”

      I was baffled. How could these other boys I knew not think of it that way?

      • fadingembers
        85 months ago

        Good thing you found those that do think that like that ;)

        I will admit I have a hard time believing not everyone feels this way still lol

          95 months ago

          This is what I hate the most about “protect the children” type rhetoric and the hysteria that goes with it.

          I didn’t have to grow up and be a guy. I just never even knew there was any other option. The only reason I knew trans people even existed at all is because they were the butt of a joke in a movie. Typically the joke = here’s a trans person GROSSSSSS EWWWW

          Ace ventura as an example. But I had zero positive influences or anyone to talk to about it.

          I’m glad I found yall too. I just wish …no, it just should not have been so hard to find you all.

  • @AgriasArseid
    145 months ago

    This section killed me. Sums up my entire high school experience, even though I did not come out until almost 30.

    “Even Sam herself starts to wonder if she’s a gay man, because it would definitely explain the queerness she feels all the time. It would also explain why she feels a kinship to the gay community, even though she’s not gay herself. Alas, she was a boy who exclusively liked girls — it didn’t get much more hetero than that.”

    • @Flip
      55 months ago

      So nice hearing that from someone else, I went through that exactly.

  • oNevia
    135 months ago

    This has been my experience my whole life 😭

  • @ThatFembyWho
    115 months ago

    Ugh I hate the part about being presumed “a gay man”. That happened to me, probably starting in high school, and it is so cruel… not because of homosexuality, but the presumption of a male-oriented sexuality - attraction defined from a man’s perspective. I felt so lonely and so isolated for so many years (into my mid thirties in fact) because nobody actually checked whether their assumptions were accurate or not.

    I love women, and sometimes men, but I can never love them as a man would, only from a woman’s perspective and that is fundamentally different. Thankfully, there are people like my partner out there who understand our plight, so I no longer worry about dying alone and entirely misunderstood <3

  • @Transtronaut
    105 months ago

    Love this text. Reading this is what started my final, frantic sprint towards hatching.

  • @lapis
    55 months ago

    As somebody transfeminine and nonbinary, this really spoke to me. I think part of why it took me so long to figure out I’m trans is that I don’t want to be super femme 90%+ of the time, I just want to throw on jeans and a tee and not be read as male. Like I’m nonbinary, but I want to present as a tomboy or as close to nonbinary on a female base form as I can get, if that makes sense?

    Anyways the article was excellent and I’m glad I read it.

    • EliseOP
      25 months ago

      Enbies kinda fascinate me at the moment because it must be so difficult to figure it all out.

      • @lapis
        45 months ago

        It certainly is in some ways; can’t get through a given week without questioning whether maybe I’m just cis and want to be unique or a binary trans woman in denial. But on the other hand, I do have my feeling of simply not fitting into the gender binary to fall back on, which is there even when gender dysphoria and euphoria are not.

  • Another Catgirl
    25 months ago

    can someone repost and/or summarize the article here in the comments section?

    • @Transtronaut
      5 months ago

      There’s really no substitute for reading the whole thing, but if you just want to know what it’s about, it’s a semi-autobiographical, semi-hypothetical account of what it looks like to grow up repressing your gender identity, particularly if you happen to be assigned male at birth and like women.

      If that has been your experience, it’s very likely to resonate. When I was still questioning, it felt so eerily familiar that it led me to frantically scour the internet for more information on the transgender experience until my egg finally cracked about 24 hours later (after many years of periodically peering around without really getting anywhere).

    • @LadyAutumnM
      65 months ago

      Tried a few TLDR websites but I really think you just gotta read the whole thing. It’s longer than the word count limit here so I’ll DM it to you.