• Baut [she/her] auf.
      107 months ago

      I don’t. Bezos and Musk are both terrible, even if I would say Bezos is worse. For just tech it would probably be Musk? But who knows, Altman and his shenanigans are also a frontrunner for me.

        • Baut [she/her] auf.
          16 months ago

          I just know Thiel as an influence for major tech companies, and some of his opinions on eg monopolies. Outside of those companies I don’t know any example of political influence. Do you have some?

  • @Moonrise2473@feddit.it
    97 months ago

    Elon shouldn’t be in this chart, too easy to win, makes the championship not interesting.

    Like if Vegeta super Saiyan participates in an high school karate tournament

    • interolivary
      67 months ago

      Elon shouldn’t be in this chart, too easy to win

      One would think, but with both Thiel and Bezos in the competition this isn’t as cut-and-dry as you’d assume. Thiel especially is fucking evil, he’s way worse than Musk

      • bermuda
        27 months ago

        I live in Washington State, home of Amazon, and id wager more here hate bezos than anybody else on this list

      • Zepfhyr
        47 months ago

        I dunno. Pretty sure Elon is evil intentionally, as well.

        • heluecht
          27 months ago

          @zepfhyr Elon is a person that is very susceptible for conspiracies that fit his world view and he propagates it loudly. Peter Thiel always stays in the background and acts from there.

      • @RadioRat@beehaw.org
        17 months ago

        He’s also a class traitor. Should know better than fucking over workers from actual life experience in the working class. Still doesn’t give a shit.

    • @monotrox@discuss.tchncs.de
      27 months ago

      But thats just because he is the most well known (and most annoying). If you were to look at the things they have actually done, bezos and Thiel are probably much worse

      • @noxfriend@beehaw.org
        47 months ago

        It is difficult to quanitify the damage Musk has done lately. It isn’t so clear cut as paying for sweatshop labour or stripping employment rights but he has done a great deal of difficult to define social or cultural harm by empowering fascists and using his public image to endorse fringe conspiracy theories

  • shoe
    77 months ago

    Curious why people voted Altman over SBF?

        • Echo Dot
          37 months ago

          It helps that a lot of people don’t have a clue what they’re talking about.

          The way people complain about AI is the same as others complain about immigrants.

          AI is both terrible and useless, and also going to take everyone’s jobs.

  • sub_o
    47 months ago

    Marc Andreessen is too low there.

    Musk is a clown that says vile and stupid thing. An useful idiot for others Silicon Valley VCs.

    Andreessen and Thiel (and too some small extent Luckey) are in the background trying to push for far right libertarian dystopia.

    Andreessen is the guy who kept pushing for web 3.0, trying to dominate it before it becomes big, so that he can monopolize / become a new digital libertarian govt, but of course it got hijacked by scammers, and states like Russia or North Korea, but he doesn’t give a flying fuck.

    Thiel of course is far right financier. There’s a reason why they try to hide in the background.

  • @pineapplelover@infosec.pub
    27 months ago

    I don’t like what Peter Thiel has invested in (Stripe and Palantir). Elon Musk is ceo of a few companies that actually try to create interesting stuff, it’s better than actually funding collection of data.

    • davehtaylor
      96 months ago

      He’s actively platforming white supremacists, Nazis, and far right ideologues (people who have caused actual, tangible harm), normalizing their rhetoric and actions, and making it impossible for anyone on Xitter to push back or even report harassment from these kinds of hatemongers. He is literally bringing the worst parts of 4chan, Breitbart, Stormfront, etc to the mainstream and trying to make it seem normal.

      He’s also a natalist and a longtermist, which are just euphamisms for eugenicists. He’s not trying to make anything better or interesting, he’s trying to create a white supremacist world where only white cishet christian men have status, where women are just vessels for procreation, and no one else has any place. The only reason he wants to go to Mars is so he can have a white ethnostate built on the backs of slavery, where no one can do anything to stop him.

      • @pineapplelover@infosec.pub
        16 months ago

        I guess it’s just my interpretation of “Worse Person in Tech” are we voting them based off of their person or what they’re doing to the tech industry.

        • davehtaylor
          16 months ago

          I don’t think you can differentiate. Who they are fundamentally affects their actions.