Which packages do you mean?
Which packages do you mean?
It’s only for repositories with a certain number of start, iirc?
What makes you say that specifically?
it is, sorry!
Added a tone indicator.
Als Nebenfrauen werden Frauen bezeichnet, die ein Mann in einer polygynen Beziehungsform neben seiner Ehefrau – der Hauptfrau – hat.
10 upvotes yet no dms. cowards /j
anybody wanna… uuuh… sign each other’s keys? 🙈
Organic Maps, nice
it was me sorry
Just speculation, but Deepin?
Dino and Conversations weren’t good enough?
But what does being a normie on regards to capitalism mean? Being part of it or going to work? It’s not much of a choice.
when I was twelve
maybe I am not good with text tone but no way
Bitcoin is a bad example, since it’s not designed as a private currency. Monero/XMR is actually usable.